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Status Updates posted by RenegadeOfFunk

  1. Oh god, i wrote on my own wall... that's so embarrassing! sorry.



    it downloads straight to your computer from that link :)

  2. Oh i get you. Yeah, have no idea!


    Will do :D found another thread with captions on it - was up till about 2am scrolling through all of them! xD


    Have you got the muse Xmas gift yet? or do you want the link...

  3. oh right, i get you!


    except the bit about 4 URL's on photobucket - does it give you 4 or something? I've never used it before...




    hehe :p



  4. Oh right, okay.


    Thought you'd like it :)


    What are those GIF things? Cause people have them as their signatures...

    and where do you get them from?


    sorry for the 20 Qs!

  5. oh shit did i delete you? :eek: God that's embarrassing... sorry, i got the wrong person!

    Some random guy from my old school (or so he says) keeps harassing me on facebook so i went to delete him, i must have done you instead of him :$ wow, now i feel like a total pillock :facepalm:

    sorry Sam, add me again? :D


    you have no idea how much of a idiot i feel like... :$

  6. oh, and did you add me on Muslive? Haven't been on in ages...


    :) xx

  7. oh, nice! Thanks!

    And i'm guessing you just put the URL in like you do with a pic.




    oh, that just comes up with a question mark.... help?

    sorry, again!

  8. oof yeah i've heard dutch is hard! I just all round bad with languages, even english which is my first :LOL:

    ooh nice! Yeah i wish i was good with them, but i just don't get languages at all... i more of a logical, hands on kind of person. Things like Design and Technology, Physical Education and Maths are my strong points :)

    the best of luck to you anyway :happy:


    did you get the tickets? sorry i took so long to reply - had coursework all week :(

  9. ooh i'm sure you did ace! I've done all my exams now :happy: didn't go to well... i have to say! :LOL: Just have a biology module on friday which is a big important exams, part of my GCSE's if you know what they are...

    Yeah, i'm just plain bad at languages! I don't really understand english and it's my first language :$


    oh right, good luck getting them! And my brother got mine in the pre-sale - he had to constantly refresh the page for 20 minutes before get through! Poor thing. Awwh, well yeah, just be on the bang on 9am and then keep refreshing the page til it says "sold out" instead of "page busy / heavy traffic" and you should be okay :)

  10. ooh sounds good! I never got a guitar lessons cause my parents wouldn't pay - they were pissed cause i gave up the sax :rolleyes:

    wow, i'm impressed! You got some hard ones there, spesh know your enemy. I can play bombtrack, i'm housin and then guerilla radio but only slowly - haven't really got the hang of playing chords fast...

    and then most easy muse riffs and just your easy common 70's riffs - Led Zep, Cream, etc. :)

  11. ooh yeah - i've never tried that. Well, that is how i found out the spoiler thingy, but i've never quoted anyone who named it...

    cool, thanks :)

    i'm getting use to the board now - almost like it!

    Had a look at the PMT thread, which is pretty good. But the people do all know each other, and even though i introduced myself (cause im just that polite :happy:) i still feel like i'm intruding... I mean, everyone was lovely, but it was just weird...

    still, get some awesome pics on there :D


    you found anything good yet?

  12. ooh yesh please. I dropped mine one out of the window and surprise surprise it broke... you just can't trust plastic these days :rolleyes:


    and look in me album - piccies of mah outfit for that party :)

  13. ooh, sorry, posted that last comment before i got yours!


    Stefamoe/Stefanie isn't on Quizilla, Emma just wrote the stories from her perspective :)


    what was that? Cheers?





  14. oooh i had a look round some of the art threads - there are some seriously amazing work on there! I mean, it's just scary how good some paintings are!


    Yeah :) i know one person on there and we had a chat, but it was still awkard. I guess you just have break into it, like i did with chat. I knew no one, and now i'm on almost every night :rolleyes::D


    If you ever make it on lemme know :)

  15. Pictures? Where abouts? Not that i'm going to be abel to help you at all... :erm:


    Oooh, where's the caption thread? I love the Pornogetic Matt Threads :p

    I never post, well i posted once and now i can't find my way back to see if anyone replied!

    Yeah, thanks for being my friend :D


    I love the smiles on here too.



  16. Right down through the middle ages, planet earth kept going through changes :happy:


    always nice to meet a fellow Rage fan. I'm Jules, and you?

  17. Same to you too! :happy:


    I'm Jules, and you? :)

  18. Same! That annoyed when people ask what are Muse's best song, cause it's like, "well, they're all amazing! But the best would have to be TIRO, Hysteria, KOC, MOTP, Hyper Music, Feeling Good, Showbiz...." :rolleyes::p


    and now, the really annoying thing is, when ever i mention Muse, some one will always say "OMG, SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE! OMG TWILIGHT!!! I LOOOOVE MUSE!"

    [lil roll play, me to them]

    :stunned: "name another one of their songs."

    :unsure: "ermm.. Creep?"







    man, i love smilies!


    No worries :) Yeah, when i first saw it i thought it was some weird fan made one! :LOL:


    Glad you like them - their kinda upbeat and fresh, if you know what i mean.

  19. Sammy, I miss you too :(


    I'm really sorry i haven't been in YMT for ages - i seriously miss you guys, like i used to see you everyday :supersad: Pathetic excuse, i've had my GCSE's and what not going over the past couple of weeks, so i haven't had time to come cause revision has been so intense. Good news though, I'll done and back in next week :happy: How are things with you hun?


    also, there are so many newbie's it's hard to pop in and say hi :$


    miss choo :kiss:

  20. She's Emma's cousin :) I know them both through Facebook, which i just added you on btw...

    Yeah, Emma was the one that got me into Quizilla! She's not on here :( She doesn't like it for some reason, but i'm trying to persuade her!

    Haha, glad you like it! :D Sorry if i'm being slow, but i don't get yours?

    "I fell asleep in the sauna and went deaf in one ear!" makes me laugh everytime i go in a sauna :D


    :LOL: on steroids XD haha


    Woop, go you!! People say it here, so i'm okay :happy:


    Tis much more epic than "thanks", pfft people and their common language :rolleyes:



  21. Sophomore, i think so? I don't know! I'm 16 - so what ever year we're in :LOL: I'm hoping to go to Essex university, which means i could apply to study for a year abroad :happy: I'm looking at some American Uni's (would love to go to San Diego Uni - i'm really into a marine mammal studies and i hear they're ace for that kind of thing!) but i think it's going to be too hard to get it. And that would be so cool for you!


    Yeah, that's what i've said with these - i'm not using them to see what i do know, but more what i don't.


    They were awesome live - but their crowd was horrible! I mean really, it was just painful. They had 3 support acts which was far too excessive, and it was such a crush in the crowd. I'm not even sure why it was so horrible, but it just was... people were getting hauled out every minute, which meant every minute there was crush to take their place! Paramore themselves were ace - Hayley was just plain wow live - and she looked directly at me twice! I pointed and stuck my tongue out at her, and she did it back :happy: Then second time she just pointed and laughed :LOL:


    Yeah, that's pretty much Manchester summed up!


    I love VW's fresh sound - it's really pure, you know, not electronic is beefed up on the computer, but just them.


    Oceanside sounds bloody awesome! That would be the place i would want to live. And yeah, i'm into the beach too, don't worry :LOL: What do you mean by border towns?


    I would totally love to visit Cali when i'm old enough and have the money, and you would be an awesome tour guide! WHEN (not if :p) I come over, i'll definitely let you know! And same with you and Manchester, if you're ever over this way, let me know :happy:


    :LOL: nice reference! Yeah, i think that's the same with me. Cause we used to go to and fro from Dubai and England every year, i'm never going to be happy with just staying in the one place! I want to see as much as the world as humanly possibly, really! Tbh i don't really know very much about the politics, except that no one seems to be very good at it! I kind of keep my nose out of things like that - there's nothing i can do about it yet cause i can't vote, so i just have to kind of go with the flow...


    Aye, half the people i've met on the boards are better friends than the ones in real life! Well here it's very much anything that isn't mainstream isn't cool :rolleyes: There are a fair few people into rock music, but quite a lot of them will burry that side and just conform so they're not an outcast. I should clarify that i'm talking mainly about the people in my school here! I go a private school (where you have to pay) so it's full of either sobs who's parents have more money than brains (they're the people who go out getting drunk every weekend because that's "cool" and listen to mainstream music because it's "cool") or the normal people who are there just because they local highschool are so dreadful!


    I've never been to a festival no :( I'm hoping to go to Leeds Fest this year (that's the big rock fest) if it's a good lineup and i can get people to go. And that's the same with me - i'm going to see Muse at Manchester LCCC stadium, so i'm going with my brother and his friend, but i'm also meeting people from the boards there.


    Isn't it! I have no idea how Chris can last that long on stage! I bet he has bad bass burn by the end of it.


    I'm the same. I'm really sort of contained with a polite, customary outer interior for just sort of every day people, but then once i get to know someone i'm totally mental! I mean i really am very odd! Well, only odd in the sense that i'm obsessed with Muse to no end, and i have quite an eccentric personality - and that's not really odd to other people like me, just to people who aren't in on the Muse fandom! (:LOL: Did that even make sense?)


    awwh thank you :happy: I am proud, and i think it's the only thing my parents have to be proud of of me :LOL: My brother got the brains, i got the sports :rolleyes: Yeah, I do like my TV (Scrubs, Gilmore Girls, and then older stuff like M*A*S*H) I'm also a bit of a Nintendo fangirl tbh! I don't really do gaming, but i'm totally addicted to the Wii <3 I really into animals - i keep fish and have two cats :happy: I have a real thing for marine mammals - ever since i went to Sea World when i was 11 it's been my aspiration to become a whale trainer. Either that, or since i'm partly against them being held in captivity, i'd love to do stuff with whales and dolphins in the wild - although i'm not sure how to do that... Apart from that, i don't really know! I just like to have fun basically! I'm a bit of a nerd - like i LOVE parties, but i'm too into the whole going out and getting wasted just for the sake of it... i'd prefer to have a night in playing Rock Bands with the mates! I LOVE interior design! Well, i love doing up rooms, if that counts? I designed every aspect of mine and my brother room, including wall and carpet colour and furniture! We have this furniture shop called IKEA over here, and it's just plain AWESOME! I don't the US has it, but basically it sells the funkyest, yet simplest furniture ever - and it's really cheap!


    Don't worry about it! I do too!

  22. Sorry again for the late reply - my exams are over now, so i promise i'll be on time form now on!

    Indeed i am in highschool :) I've got this year then 2 more before i leave to go to college/uni. That is a bit, but i so wish ours were before - i hated having to worry about exams all Christmas =/ I hope i've done well! I find out this week in normal lessons... and these ones won't be A's! They were only mock exams, a practice for the real thing, so i didn't really try that hard - it was more of a "see what i don't know" kind of thing, if you get me...

    Isn't it! I always wandered about that. They wrote the official song for the first then just sort of disappeared for the second. :LOL: She really is! She's too god for anyone :rolleyes: Except Josh, of course :p

    It used to be like that (no freeways) but it's been updated with all the new buildings, so there aren't tons, but in the new built up areas there are a few :) I do have picture, but not on this laptop. I'll edit this and upload some pictures in here for you tomorrow (brother is using the main comp with all the pics on atm)!


    Vampire Weekend <3 They're a growing obsession. I'd love to do all that in london too! When i'm old enough i'll be there! Manchester doesn't really have an official scene, but it's definitely more clubbing than London. We're sort of the 'booze up' city... i think! Us teenagers don't really have that much to do to be honest. We can go into Manchester city where there's tons of shops, but apart from that there isn't much... got the usual cinemas and stuff, but there isn't really a 'thing' for teenagers - boring, i know. We just settle for the odd house party and stuff :)


    Hell yeah! :LOL: I definitely want to visit Cali one day - San Diego looks like a lovely place too. Yeah, that's the same here with the drinking, although i'm not really too into that - i've found that i don't need to be wasted to make a total fool of myself :LOL: The beach parties sound so fun, i'd love to go to one of those one day - i know it sounds cheesy but they always look great in tv programs! Los Angeles sounds like fun! Don't know if i'd want to live there, but definitely worth a visit :yesey: I sounds really quite exciting! And good music and food is always an ace combination!


    Wow, Mexico sounds amazing! I bet it was a real change of pace to move to Cali! It sounds really interesting - very cultured. I bet the architecture is gorgeous! That's one of the things i love about foreign countries - the building are different everywhere you go! :LOL: Yes, you can't really escape drugs and a corruptive government these days!


    Great minds really do think alike! :happy: Yeah, i didn't notice the mass red - but that's exactly the same as me! I love how bold it is! And i know exactly how you feel about Bellamy, like i said that's how i feel about Hayley! And i'm sure you'd make a great Bellamy with practice!


    Yeah, it's the same here with music! There are a few people who have the same thinking as me, but liking bands like Muse and Rage etc isn't "cool" therefore people just hide that side and conform to the norm of mainstream music :( That's why i came on the boards - to find people who aren't that shallow!


    Indeed i do have facebook! I'll add you know :happy: Thank you! My rams name is Julia, but i've just been adopted as Jules on the boards, which i don't exactly mind!


    Hysteria is really very hard! I have no idea how Chris does it! I guess it just comes with mass practice! And nah i never really gave singing/acting a try - i'm far to shy and self-conscious! I'd love to give acting a go, but i'm too afraid... I am a swimming though - that's my things. More so when i was younger - i made the Nationals when i was 11 in the 200 and 400m front crawl :happy: (That means i was in the top 30 in the country for my age group, in cause you don't have it over there :)) What about you - you do anything else?

  23. Sorry for the late reply - been away all week is basically no internet and only an iPod to work it on.


    :LOL: Aye, well i'd heard Rage before Muse so i totally flipped out (in a good way) when i heard they used their stuff!


    Yeah, i don't know what they'd think - properly quite proud, i mean Muse are an amazing band, so they should be honored i guess...

  24. sorry for the late reply - i've had exams all this week which means i've had to ban myself from the boards, otherwise nothing would get done :rolleyes:

    :LOL: Isn't it! Eurgh, Twilight fans are just a total fail :noey: Muse's name has been tainted in my opinion because of that.

    Oh aye, Dubai is a gorgeous place for a holiday - i'm hopefully going over there in October to visit some old mates :happy: And yes, i've hear that about Israel too! It sounds just like Qatar -- the country bordering Dubai which isn't built up yet -- which is a gorgeous country.


    I don't really know that much about London to be honest - i've only been once when i was about seven, and my idea of a good band was probably S Club 7 at that stage :facepalm: But yeah, from what i've hear London is the place to be for the indie music scene. I live in Manchester, which is just in the center of the country really.


    oooh sandy beaches - i miss then so much! That place sounds like heaven for me! Nah, i've been to Florida and Boston, but never onto the West Coast - i want to go there so badly! We should really just swap places, shouldn't we? :LOL: That sounds awesome, the parties and everything - there isn't really anything like that here. I mean there are parties, but nothing as open and public as that... and yeah, Laguna does appear to be for the rich and famous! Skimboard sounds like fun - what exactly is that?

    oooh Huntington sounds nice! Never heard of there before... So what was it like living in Mexico? sounds pretty nice too!


    HELL YEAH! She's just so... perfect! I'm obsessed with red too :happy: Red and green are by far my fave two colours - just not together :p They day i finish highschool, my hair is being die red :D (Cause we can't have red hair in my school, btw). I saw them live in December, and guess what? Hayley pointed right at me! I know everyone says that at a concert, but i have the YouTube footage to prove it :happy: Definitely one of the best moments of my life so far - she knows i exist! Haha this makes me sound to gay, but hey, i guess it's the same way guys feel about Bellamy? And why thank you, as do you!


    haha awwh wow sounds that ace! Aye i know a few - Exo - Politics, KOC (can't play it up to speed though), New Born, COD on bass, CE on bass and Hyper Music on bass :) And Starlight on both :happy: (altho, lets be honest, it's not exactly hard!) You?

  25. sounds fun! i do loving swooning :happy: i'll have a look round when i get a free min :)

    haha procrastination should just be my middle name :LOL: hope you get it done soon tho!

    D of E expedition is basically 2 days walking (6 hours each day) where you have to camp and cook food on your own and everything. It's part of this whole award thing which no purpose except to go on yout UCAS form... still, just got back, and it wasnt too bad :)

    Melbourne > Edinburgh

    haha maybe not, i dunno, but i would just kill to live in in Oz!!

    haha musey ref :awesome: and get some sleep, woman! :LOL:

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