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Status Updates posted by Davinq

  1. I'm at that lack of concentration mode. I can't focus on anything at the moment, not even reading a non-homework article I want to read. Bad habits. >.<

  2. My homework's stepping up now. :(

  3. For sake of informality then, I'm Daniel. At your service. ;)

  4. MELON! Can I call you Mel?

  5. ...and nothing tonight in comparison. I quite like homecoming week. :yesey:

  6. Tarea para la clase de quimica es no bueno. :noey:


    And Spanish is going to take even longer.


    Hooray for late nights!

  7. Knowledge doesn't matter, hardworkingness matters. In theory. :facepalm:


    I think a global reform of the education systems everywhere would be AWESOME.


    One of my mates posted this on Facebook, found it to be a bit biased, but highly entertaining and containing some excellent points.

  8. Sure beats spinal fractures haha. But that was last season lol. Feeling any less sick today?

  9. Yeah I've only got one C on my transcript, and it's in Honours Euro last year. That shit was HARD. :noey:


    That teacher was the one who persuaded me not to take AP history this year. :facepalm:


    Now the year's too easy.

  10. I actually did quite well at the game today, not getting re-injured and all. We lost though. :(

  11. I'm recovering from a sprained ankle, and I've got a soccer football game in 1.5 hours. Quite nervous actually.


    Hope you feel better soon!

  12. Yessums! Howzit going?

  13. So far, it hasn't been actually. I got a 17/20 on the first test. The class average was 13. I'm just behind on vocab I've come to learn, grammar and conjugating is second nature after the superhard Japanese. >_>


    Sorry your AP classes are flying by, how many are you taking?

  14. My schoolwork has yet to pick up the pace, I'm a little perplexed. So therefore I'm doing great haha. Español is gonna get real scary in a second though. I skipped year one because it's ridonkulously easy, but now I've got to catch up on nouns and verbs pretty much.

  15. Hola melon, howzit?

  16. Evermore is bomb-diggity. :)

  17. Your name's extra familiar too... Recursion, perchance? :awesome:

  18. Did you play MxO perchance, before it was shut down?

  19. That's a nice avatar. xD

    New Earth amiright?

  20. Woooo! Have you seen the newest trailer for Waters of Mars? I nearly pissed m'self!

  21. Indeed, David Tennant is so vurry yummay.

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