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Status Updates posted by Unspoken

  1. :LOL: yeah strong wind is funny.

    I was walking to school the other day in the pouring rain and the wind almost blown me into the road. :chuckle:

  2. No worries :) I know how you feel.

    Yeah, weekends are good after a week of hard work. :happy:

    I'm fine thanks. :)

  3. Yeah. :happy:

    Same here, it's freezing!

  4. No worries. :)

    Nah, just cold and rainy.

  5. The one with Tom Kirk in their school uniform. :chuckle:




  6. Yeah! :LOL: Also that really young picture of them, Matt reminded me of a young Severus Snape. :chuckle:

  7. Ahaa, yeah he does look like an alien with Blue hair. :chuckle: The blonde was... interesting.

  8. Oh awesome, have fun! :D

    I haven't got anything planned yet, will probably go somewhere with friends. :happy:

  9. :chuckle: But Muse is forever. :yesey:

    You should get one. :awesome:

  10. You're welcome. :happy:

    I've been good thanks, how have you been?

  11. Yeah. I've got loads soon. :erm: I had an important Math exam tuesday too.

  12. :LOL: that is awesome!

    Good luck at getting to Huddersfield! :happy:

    I'm studying BTEC in sport, with Music, History and Geography. :)

    How about you?

  13. Yes! One of the main reasons why I love the Bliss video :awesome:

  14. Yeah, I think I will at the weekend. :awesome:

  15. You should! It's great! :awesome:

  16. Ah, hope everything works out. :)


    Haha, good thanks :D Haven't made any cakes recently though. :(

  17. :LOL: Yeah. :D I love their interviews.
  18. Haha, only £9.99? I want one! :awesome:

    Oh cool, Uni should be great! :D

  19. :LOL: I know right! awful.
  20. Ah, I love his red hair. But yeah, I agree, Black suits him best.

    Have you seen him with blond hair? :p

  21. Aw, what's up? :(

    I'm alright thanks.

  22. I love snow. :awesome:

    Ugh, exams are horrible! :fear:

  23. I'm now 15. How old are you? :)

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm only on this forum and a Coldplay one, but they get so addicting. :p

    That's awesome! Haha you bought a Megaphone! :awesome:

    Not yet, still in High school. What about you?

  24. Yeah. :awesome:

    I like that about bands too. :happy: I hope they don't go really mainstream. :erm:

    I liked in that interview Theo answered the phone and he said it was his mum. :LOL:

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