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Status Updates posted by Unspoken

  1. I like most of their songs. But I know what you mean, some of their songs are just odd. :LOL: it did take me a while to get into them.

  2. :LOL: Aw. Hopefully if they release a new album there will be more merch to buy. :D
  3. :chuckle: They have so many. :D


    Awesome :D I really want a Killers shirt, but I can't find any I really like.

  4. :chuckle:

    It's awesome that Hot Topic sells band shirts. :D

  5. :chuckle: I use to too. I can do backflips and stuff, but ever since I saw my friend break her thigh bone from doing that, I've been put off for life. :chuckle:

    I wish I could, I did try once, it looked more like a carrot then Matt though. :p

  6. Indeed. Mum's can just be embarrassing. :chuckle:

  7. Yeah, it will be even more fun if you go with friends :D

  8. Would you buy G/A tickets? :D


    Ha, same here. No one has been to a proper gig before.

  9. Oh nice. I'm the the Football and Netball teams. :happy: I'm best at Trampolining and I'm quite a fast runner.

    :happy: That's cool. :D I would never attempt to draw Muse. I can't even get the logo right. :chuckle:

  10. Maybe for their next tour you will get to see them? :D


    :chuckle: I love how my friends just go along with it.

  11. Ah, good 'ole Ebay. :)

    :chuckle: I love having lazy days.

  12. Haha, don't worry, i've probably failed too. :p

    Awesome, take lots of pics?

    I'm good thanks, how are you? :happy:

  13. Yeah, I know what you mean. :supersad:

    Nah, I went out with a few friends Friday and I'm too lazy so i'm staying in the weekend. :p

    How about you?

  14. That's a good idea! :chuckle: I haven't tried Carrot cake before though, does it taste nice? :p

  15. As much as I like Coldplay, I haven't got any merch of theirs, only a top. :stunned: Imma go buy a poster. :awesome:


    Haha, I found one once and was like "OH MAH GAWD! MYOOZE!" my friends just looked at me like :facepalm:


  16. No problem :D

    Thanks. :) I love PE and sport :D

    Oh, nice! :awesome: I would have loved to of taken art, but I seriously suck at it. :chuckle:

  17. :LOL: Same here. I'm always hurting myself from doing stupid things.
  18. :chuckle: That must of been pretty funny to see, but also scary.
  19. :chuckle: Ah right. Muse poster would be :awesome: though. :D
  20. Aw. Same here, everyone has the flu. :(

    I hate winter :( too cold.

  21. Ah, I hate it when you go somewhere and can't find what you need. :(

    My day was okay thanks, stayed in all day.

  22. :happy:


    Anyway, had a nice day? :)

  23. :LOL: I forgot about that one. Aw, they are so cute. :happy:
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