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Status Updates posted by /donna

  1. /donna

    We went to wagamama which was cool :) then went straight to the boat and got just slight;y drunk! some guy actually weed on the floor right in the middle of the pub .... disgusting!


    I am glad it wasn't you though ;):p

    would have been disapointed in you haha! you need to find a flat with me hehe :p:P

  2. /donna

    <3 cool as! ansd Yes I am slighty drunk! :p

  3. Thanks for the Birthday wishes :happy: It was very nice of you

  4. *cuddles*

    Hey there! :kiss:

  5. I love how you are always here to talk to while I am at work :happy:

    I get so lonely sometimes

  6. Thanks Kaddy :kiss: I just wish I was not working :happy:

  7. hehe thanks Andy! :happy:

  8. :happy: I have a girls aloud song stuck in my head...... help me lol
  9. Twit Twooo hot pic :happy:

  10. :happy: awww you give me one extra *cuddles*
  11. Haha thanks! Oo I am a new friend :happy: your really nice to talk to and I like that :)

  12. :happy: Wooo thanks :p
  13. nope! I posted on yours but you didn't reply :(

  14. :kiss: loves the pics of you! <3333
  15. Hey there cutie! :p

  16. *cuddles* :happy:


    How are you?

  17. *cuddles*

  18. I luffs you! <333 :happy:

  19. Same here, get on msn! lol

  20. go watch the vid i posted in jimmeh!! you will love it :happy:

  21. nope none at all, probably getting an early night. I have just booked my friends bed at the hostel, I'v had to put her in and 4bed female dorm but i'm sure she wont mind its not as if we are going to be at the hostel much anyways lol,:happy: are you going out or anything tonight?

  22. fine thanks, enjoying not been at work today! hehe. been into town and bought a few things :happy: How are you? what are you upto?

  23. hellooooooooo there :happy:

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