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Status Updates posted by zoe

  1. zoe

    i am great cheers hun :D


    weekend was fun......ish


    walked up two mountains :D xxx

  2. zoe

    Good morning hun :D xx

  3. zoe

    Heyya babes :D xx

  4. Heyya hun :D xx

  5. zoe

    errrrrrrm ....... i dont know hehe



  6. zoe

    im great thanks hunni and youu??




  7. Elloooooo strangerrrr :D


    nice to hear from ya hun!!


    oooh idea....add me on msn??




    (the www. is there purposely lmao)


    speak soon hun



  8. zoe

    ummmm i dont think sooo :(


    its a work in progress :D


    i am fine thanks deary and youu??

  9. awwww no!


    lol how did ya mange that!! hahahahaa


    im trying.....and i mean trying to write a personal statement, but its not workin :(


    maybe i should give up!!


    LMFAO!! xx

  10. zoe

    NOT all but most of :D


    i dont think its what i would call a "fashion accessory"




    anywho hello kev!

  11. hehe :D


    how are you hun?? x

  12. Ello Ello xx :D xx

  13. zoe

    a lot of fun if you use the imagination kev!


    and its my best friends staceys baby :D


    was babysittin for my friend sian :D



  14. zoe



    thats her


    lil kianna :D


    and yes of course webcam is a punishment....i live for webcam :D xx

  15. zoe

    well not a lot today to be honest :(


    bloody boring life i have :D


    yesturday was good



    skipped school to go and see my god daughter :D


    argued with my mother




    argued with mother again today :)


    bloody twatface took my webcam :( xxx

  16. Heyya hun :D xx

  17. zoe

    fine ill stay as me :D


    if you want


    ill haunt you in the afterlife XD


    awww poor kev


    *blanket, medicine, hugs :D


    there ya go all better now!

  18. zoe

    *slaps!! really hard :(


    you keep forgettin about me!


    maybe ill just go and disappear for a year or too then come back as a ghost!! mwahahaha


    i am fine thank you and yourself??


  20. come on chat dear :D xx

  21. awww thanks hun :D


    wish i waas thinking like a human :D



  22. helllloooo gorgeous :D


    i was online :D


    but ya know...ya missed me!! :(


    iloveyou hun xxx

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