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Status Updates posted by zoe

  1. zoe

    bye hun xxxxx

  2. zoe

    [/b]"Cyan"]hey!!! hey!! you!! you!!


    im great thanks!! :D


    just been doing some stuff for psychology!! :D


    decided to do another year in college


    then cardiff next year :)


    haha xxxx

  3. zoe

    crime mostly :D


    mine too funnily enough!!



  4. zoe



    its kinda like a biography of this guys life :D


    im 17 lol


    thats only a part of the 1st book of 3


    all about this guy :D


    my favs are martina cole, james patterson and shane mcdunphy :D



  5. Kris :kiss:


    comin on chat??



  6. zoe

    davvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy :D

  7. zoe

    That night I lay in bed with only a feeling of satisfaction to keep me company. I slowly pushed the covers off me and sat up in bed. I sipped some water from a clear glass that lay on the sideboard to try and ease my dry throat. Before lying back down. I blinked slightly at the slow and steady rays of the waking sun as it crept through the thin cotton curtains. I grabbed the covers over my head and tried to get back to sleep. My attempts of course were unsuccessful and I was left lying wide-awake.


    After around thirty of lying in silence by myself. I sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep away from my tired eyes. I let out a heavy yawn that seemed to slightly wake me from my lifeless state. I went into the bathroom and splashed my face with the luke-warm water that came spitting out of the tap. I stared at my tired reflection in the mirror, I looked haggard and weary. I went back into the bedroom and wearily got dressed. I ran my fingers through my hair, I wasn’t really paying attention to anything that I was doing. I left my room and paced quietly through the wide hallway, I made my way down the spiral staircase. I was trying not to draw attention to myself, because it was not needed. The smell of burning toast burst into the main corridor from the kitchens of the hotel. The scent seemed to heavily linger over me, seemingly crushing my senses with its overpowering scent. I walked into the small dining area, the smell from the corridor seemed to rapidly vanish. I sat myself at a small table in the far corner of the room, trying to escape the gazes from the other guests in the hotel. Their beady eyes crippling as they transfixed their gazes on me.


    I stared down at the table top, I was left hoping that the room would soon begin to clear and it would just be me, here alone. The sounds of the clattering plates around me seemed to fill up the spaces left in my eardrums, making me feel agitated and corrupt. I caught a glance of my reflection in a small silver teapot that a canteen lady was carrying. I now knew the reason why people were staring at me. My black hair looked as though it had been on the receiving end of an electric shock. I rapidly pulled up the hood of my jacket and made my way out of the dining room. I quickly made my way back up to my room, slamming the door behind me.



    I tore off all of my clothes and went into the bathroom for a boiling hot shower. I allowed the scorching water to burn my pale skin an evil shade of purple, before I reached up and grabbed a bottle of shower gel from the toiletry shelf. I squeezed a large amount of the gel onto the palm of my hand before rubbing it all into my thick black mop of hair. I allowed the thick lumps of soap to creep down my body, each drop of the soap caressing my raw skin. Making me shake slightly. I slowly wiped the globs of soap from my face permitting my vision to correct itself. My vision was only corrected for a few seconds before it was clouded by the billowing steam that filled the cramped shower cubicle. I sat down on the bottom of the cubicle and hugged my knees to my chest. Yet again thoughts of Zoë filled my head making me feel excruciatingly lonely. I was sick of feeling heartbroken and depressed all of the time. I pulled the water switch and waited for the cascading river of cold water. Its icy touch kissed my raw skin, soothing the burning pain that I felt both inside and outside.

  8. zoe



    its about this guy called frank :) if you want ill send ya a bit of it :D



  9. zoe

    Im just gunna finish writing the next chapter of my book :)


    cuz im reaaaaaallllyyyy behind on it :(

    need to start working if is gunna be published by next july!!

    haha :D


  10. zoe

    THANK YOU :)



    im great thanks darl :D

    just at the minute typing a report for media studies :(


    you doin much later??


  11. zoe

    hey babes :)


    its okay


    how are ya!!


    <33 xxxxx



    sorry i didnt text you back last night :(


    but i fell asleep :(






  13. SAME!!


    im lovvin it!! lol


    so what are you studying??


    im doing media studies, art and english :)



  14. zoe

    lynzzz :)



    long time no speak?? :(

    how have ya been??



    zoeee xxx

  15. SINNY :kiss:


    how are ya darl??



  16. zoe

    Oiii oiiii KEV

    zoee has a bone to pick with you!


    next time you wanna kick a suitcase that im sat in then DONT lol

    only joking!!


    how was liverpool??


  17. Dave Dave dave........HOW ARE YA!!



  18. Hey minxx


    im great thanks


    and you...??


    i know long time :(



  19. zoe

    HMMMMMMMMM....... unknown lol


    ok so kev thinks he can tame the hardcore tantrum does he??


    prove it :D



  20. zoe

    Kev i know you wouldnt be like that to me!!




    oooooh and your sooo full of yourself lmao :D


    how do you know that then??



  21. krisssssyyyyykinstofaaaarrrrrr :D

  22. zoe

    its me.....im on the phone lmao :D


    pah! you cant handle it kev


    you might think you can


    but i beg to differ :D



  23. zoe





    what have you let yourself in for??


    answer........ZOEE lol



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