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Status Updates posted by InsertCreativeNameHere

  1. Ah I should be revising as well, I've got an exam in two weeks. I've just handed in some coursework for English, deadline was today and I only did it all last night :LOL: I'm absoulutely knackered now :LOL: GCSE's coming up for you then? xxx

  2. Ah :( Looks like I'll be on my own then :LOL: Oooh cool, let me know what they were like!

  3. You rumbled me :(:LOL: No, I just wondered if you were near Leeds cause Friendly Fires are playing there next month and I might be going :D Most likely on my own because my friends are shit :LOL:

  4. Hannah where is Tamworth near? Random question I know :LOL:

  5. Check your loveboat dammit x

  6. What d' ya mean where have I been? x

  7. Hey there! :)

    You can always drop by the Board awards and vote for me for the Unsung hero award :)

    link is here - http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=58386


    Happy holidays! :happy:

  8. Mean.


    I gotta go hun, sorry :(

    Talk soon :kiss:

  9. :rolleyes:


    I have to make an effort :LOL: Come help me :p


    7 hours is just too long on a Sunday :'(



  10. I miss you too!


    Long and important? Have I seen it?


    I have to go soon though, my parents come back off holiday tommorrow so I've got to tidy the house up, its an absolute tip. And then I've got bloody work, I'm sick of going now :(



  11. You missed me? Aww :happy: I missed you too :kiss: The board went mental and it woudn't come back on and it was like 3:30am so I thought I'd better go to bed :LOL:

  12. *snuggles* man, I really want a cuddle :(


    Yes, I am just replying dear :kiss:

  13. Yeah put me down as a maybe :)

  14. Yeah, I may be able to blag that day off, cause I only work 4 hours on a saturday, or I could swap my shift and have it in the morning or whatever. :)

  15. If you like him say yes if you don't say no :LOL:

  16. I'll be on tonight probably, I better go now cause I've been on for hours :LOL:


    Talk laterz xxx

  17. :LOL: I only sign in now to check my emails. Hardly ever talk to people on it :LOL: I'll have to add you again cause I got a new one.


    Its bollocks at the end of the day innit? :LOL:

  18. I can imagine Geography being quite hard.


    Ah, it only ends in tears 99% of the time. If someone nice comes along then all well and good but I'm not fussed.



  19. Depends on the subject I suppose. What did you take?


    Well to be honest, if it happens then great but I'm not really that bothered anymore :LOL: I used to be but not so much now.


    Ah don't worry, theres plenty more out there lol



  20. lol its easy done I suppose, but yeah college is crap really :LOL:


    Yeh the initial change will not be nice but once you settle into another job you'll be fine.


    If there is shes keeping herself well hidden :LOL: Well thats not all its about! He might like you, you never know.



  21. Thanks :happy:


    You'll get a better job I'm sure :happy:


    I've given up to be honest :LOL: Aww, why?


    How did you manage that? :eek: I did alright in my first year but to be honest I hate college. I'm totallyt un-motivated, I just can't be assed going anymore, been skipping a lot of lessons recently haha.



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