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Status Updates posted by InsertCreativeNameHere

  1. I dunno, haven't checked.

  2. nowt wrong wi that at all! lol

  3. Right I best be off now! See you later probably :kiss:

  4. No its not them, they are Yeo Valley or summat, they are bloody yucky. I haven't a KFC or a Mcdonalds or anything like that for yonks. I want some now :(

  5. oh yuck, diety stuff is dirty! My mum keeps gettin these disgusting yoghurts, ya know pro biotic crap. They're mingin lol

  6. Spag bol for me omnomnom :D

  7. Yeah I'll be goin for some nommage later tho :happy::kiss:

  8. Nope IT is another subject :p.

  9. No, key skills is another lesson using computers. I swear I did nearly collaspse and die of boredom in a lesson once, plus the teacher doesn't help. He has the most boring droning voice, I now have him as my personal tutor which is enough without spending a full lesson with him. I used to just come on here in key skills :LOL:

  10. I only get Thursday morning off, I have to get up every other day :(. Most days I finish quite early though cause I'm not doing as much work as last year cause I've refused to attend Key Skills :LOL:

  11. Yep :)


    Its gonna be soooo nice to have a lie in tommoorrow :happy: don't have to be in till 1:20 :D

  12. Its about, poltics, world affairs, law etc. We were talking about that atom collider thing and what was in the news and stuff. It covers quite a lot of subjects.

  13. Aww :(


    Its nothing bad though is it?

  14. Was okay thanks, but Citzenship was very dull. She just talked at us for an hour and a half :rolleyes: but I'm sure it will get better when we actually start something, the first week is always boring. You okay? :kiss:

  15. Nope we haven't :(. How are you sweetheart? xx

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