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Everything posted by ryanbmuff

  1. love you too amii wamii!

  2. that doesn't make sense. you will make it up to me.

  3. it was great! why weren't you there

  4. it's fine, no worries, was great though thanks! you alright anyway?

  5. That definitely wasn't based on me.

  6. whenever I say I like you for your personality you're like 'no you're not' then you even say to me you just want to use me. fuck you.

  7. haha I know, who doesn't?

  8. I like you.

  9. I do love boys attention to be fair

  10. I was hot and sweaty!

  11. ...true you owe me one

  12. fucking analyser, i'm glad you like it

  13. hahaha, yeah I am a bit patchy, I like how you've analysed me.

  14. Yeah it's my starry boxers! Nah I don't think it was sunburnt...maybe it was though.

  15. Will do! Also there's a topless picture of me in the pulled apart by horses thread, if you'd like to know.

  16. I fucking assure you, I know you're gobsmacked but it's fucking true

  17. not joking. it's 100% true

  18. You won't believe this but it turns out I know people in Vancouver and I can stay with them anytime...may be making a visit at some point in the near future!

  19. And yeah it's true me and gary do have first dibs on eachother too...

  20. Too right I get first dibs. It will be amazing! Come to england.

  21. I love you


    from ryan x

  22. Oh Books, I will ask for a bottle of water soon then. No you didn't take your top off, I just grabbed. Bend over to reach what? Nah you were the same height as me haha! Fcking dreams. And they looked round I guess, I can't really picture things in dreams well

  23. We were in a brighton venue called 'concorde 2' and I was grabbing you because in dreams I can do that and get away with it.


    God you're so irresistable

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