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Everything posted by ryanbmuff

  1. pfff! It was 4 oclock when you got back and i was knaaaaaaaaackered! I will pay some attention to you now though.

  2. yeah this place is amazing for it! you should come sometime. haha. also become a fan of this if you would be so kind: http://music.nme.com/sculptures

  3. there definitely is

  4. sounds like you had a good night!

  5. you better be!

  6. we could do it soon if you wanted. I really have nothing else to do

  7. maybe...even might have gone on voice...

  8. hahaha come on msn, we have to do something

  9. Experiments? Like aliens?

  10. Haha awesome, what was I doing? That's a shame though. Did you fight the law?


    Also do you want an ice lolly?

  11. collect some...ice lollies

  12. yes I will come over and collect some, thanks.

  13. haha still can't get over the ice lollies huh?

  14. holy shit! come on msn

  15. a lecture on how you should be a good girl? no i'm not going to do that, I rather give you one on how to be a ba....


    no i'm not going to do this in public (or at all, i'm not that sort of person, yeah)

  16. it means when somebody likes having too much of a good thing

  17. hahaha classic

  18. Why did you think that would change?

  19. I saw it you attention seeker...it looks very cool. Nice one!

  20. only pulling your tale, I love wales! especially lostprophets

  21. but I really want it.

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