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Everything posted by ryanbmuff

  1. so take off all your clothes?

  2. naaah i'm not. why won't you be around? FUCK

  3. when u backaLK!.!!?!?!

  4. i'm not drunk i just can't type it seems

  5. whay don't you chop him up with the trimemr? go on, you can start a murder hunt!

  6. yeah that's fair enough. thanks you little cum guzzler

  7. oh fuck! ok i will cut it soon, will get a bellamy cut again

  8. what's wrong with it being long?

  9. balkan, if you want to kill him

  10. hahaha i'll stop being a twat now.

  11. hahaha you're so senstivie!

  12. yeah...take a hint

  13. you need to go to sleep i think. have a rest. have a nap. have a bath.

  14. hey! i didn't mean to offend you. not much is up though, just playing guitar and having a day of rest. you? xxx

  15. just got in, fancy a chat?

  16. it's in 8 minutes

  17. haha i'm just telling the time!

  18. hahaha, at half 5, listening to a MENTAL album, then i promise

  19. thaaaaaaaaaaanks tasha! you are very cool.

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