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Everything posted by ryanbmuff

  1. i think we've lsot our spark

  2. hi, my name is differnet

  3. i was only joking...come on

  4. noel I don';t know why but i've just had this urge to wind you up lately. forgive me sometime

  5. I wish I was working class like you

  6. I vomited last night, because as the middle class posh kid I am I decided to dabble in some class B drugs

  7. only thom yorke and co can relieve this

  8. nope, you've hurt and offended me

  9. explain how you're working class, actually, i'm going to make a thread about it

  10. you're about as working class as anybody in swindon isn't. you're a fake. why were you laughing at me? we dicked mk dons 3 2 while you conceded 5 goals, I actually laughed my fucking arse off

  11. how are you the dirt on my shoe? scumbag

  12. hey, cheers!

  13. are my messages going through?

  14. come back now!!!

  15. haven't had one for ages actually! but yeah they're alright. why did he go back? i'm supporting a scouse band on monday. haha

  16. yes we do have oreos! why?

  17. hahaha I didn't do it! but I will go with it for now.

  18. you're in deep trouble...

  19. go on msn, I have stuff to discuss with you

  20. YEEES! was it the original? I think it was! this is great news

  21. afternoon, fancy telling me some stories?

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