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Status Updates posted by ryanbmuff

  1. FUCK FUCK FUCK I forgot, you had a good day? sorry man I love you IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY YEEEEEAH

  2. HI GARY come on msn some time

  3. heeeeeey really sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, been in london all weekend!


    you should come to the london meet, it would be amazing! screw inme...:p. and get to reading too! (wow aren't I demanding...) :LOL:. did you get any coursework done in the end?


    I do have videos on youtube! but they're all years old...and I wasn't that great then :LOL:. anyway sorry again haha x

  4. haha it came in the end! only to announce news I already pretty much knew..pfff.


    anyway, go to a fest! aren't you near T in the park or something? oh and how did the interview go.


    giggage is fun! guitaring is going great, been having lessons once a week since january in preparation for my course in september, y'know just get a head start and stuff. oh and did you see deftones playing reading?


    ooo sounds like alot of work to be done then! it'll be fine x

  5. heeeeeeeeey! everythings alright I spose! was looking forward to a reading lineup announcement but they haven't done it...bah.


    anyway played a gig thursday night...that was fun! and now split up for easter holidays so that's nice, now nothing much really going on! I really need to get this coursework done that I haven't really attempted much...woops. I don't want to!


    How about you, everything alright? x

  6. indeed...you poor thing :(.

  7. you going to the game today chizzmeister?

  8. awww...so shall I come over now then

  9. hello, you alright? how'd the interview and stuff go? and did you see inme yet? x

  10. is nick a virgin?

  11. i'm awesome, pleased with my exam results, so everything is fun! been doing much?

  12. hello there, how are you?

  13. Oh sweet! I will take my orange 30r for sure but I might get a fender half stack soon. Dunno whether to take that.

  14. Alriiiight dude, i'm doing the diploma too, diploma in modern music? I dunno when i'm moving, noel is going down tommorow for his assessment so i'm gonna sort out something with him.


  16. loool great stuff! it took many hours to come with the ideas, sat at a drawing board for ages.


    rofl nimpo!

  17. wow nice one! that should be pretty fucking fun then!


    haha righto i'll watch franz tonight then start walking, see you then! :LOL:.


    Yeah it's boring too but i'm looking forward to tonight!

  18. haha glad you like the photos! :p.

  19. awww well have fun!


    haha yeah it is...shame! but yeah tell me when you get something sorted! had a fun week so far anyway?

  20. amazing! you love them don't you as well. should be awesome!


    ooo a party, i'll come :p.


    where you going on placement?

  21. oh awesome! it really sucks without internet.


    hmmm anything interesting...don't think so really! just got back from football now, that wasn't too exciting...errr, going to see franz ferdinand on tuesday, should be fun, except no one will do me a favour and cover my shift for work so i'm going to be late and that's about it! bastards. got any gigs lined up or doing anything?

  22. awesome cheers...gonna be late by a few songs though it seems :(.

  23. caff what time do franz come on on this tour?

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