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Status Updates posted by ryanbmuff

  1. hello! you alright? sorry i'm shit at replying to anything too :(. ah well how've you been, up to much?

  2. jimmy bullard out for the rest of the season, you must be gutted! he was such a good player for liverpool united

  3. but it's funny

  4. huh what why I know you can read?


    hahaha yeah...shame

  5. Hey its been ages!!! Have you been up to much in 2009?? Did you do anything this valentines day too?? xx

  6. YO SAM, I got in :D:D.


    See you there man!

  7. Ahhhhhhhhh fantastic. I feel a whole lot more confident already! Fuck it i'll do hysteria. Either that or I could just make a midi backing track, burn it on to cd and make a really short version of in the name of god? Aaaah decisions. I think though doing something insane like that, I might fuck it up with nerves. Oh well congratulations anyway!


    Really hope to be joining you mate.

  8. Oh and i'm definitely gonna have a drink or 2 before. :LOL:.

  9. Awesome mate! Can you play to a backing track then? Fuck! I've been practicing In The Name Of God, I cut it down to a 4 minute version, but if I can do a backing track I might do Hysteria? What scales would you recommend I use, i'm currently learning a few modes, shall I try and get a few fancy things in there?

  10. what did it involve? i'm doing mine next week and i'm shitting it

  11. sam did you get in dude?

  12. I went to london friday to catch a gig, but it got cancelled while we were in there at about half 8! Gutting. So we just went back to dips and got really drunk. Then got the train back yesterday and went to southampton for a while to watch football then back home to my mates 18th and then work this morning, now I can finally rest! :LOL:.


    Looooooool a man! Pics or didn't happen :p. I've never watched heroes, but good job!

  13. Alright! How've you been then? Sorry for no reply for a while had a bit of a busy weekend :LOL:. Such a nightmare but it was aaaaaaaaaall good in the end!


    Exam went not too bad thank you...coulda gone better to be honest. What have you been doing?

  14. Awww awesome! I will be expecting it one day...:p.


    Don't worry, the 'scene' hair is bloody cool! You know I love it :D. Yeeeah you'll get it if you're the only one with it anyway!


    Shit more worrying why! Nooo, sounds shit, just ask him what's going on or something and that you're really concerned?

  15. Wow cheap! I really want a pinstripe blazer, like the bellamy earls court one...do you reckon you could make me one? :p. Good luck with it though it'll go well!


    Yeah best not wear it to the doctors then :LOL:. Haha you gonna dress up as an emo then? looooool!


    Thanks alot :D. Yeah revising sucks but it's something gotta be done, then the weekend wooo!


    (sorry for delayed reply btw!)

  16. Haha fabric sale, get anything nice then? And ooooooouch, just try and not move too much then...lol. Feel a bit sorry for you here :LOL:. As long as you are going to the doctors!


    Yeah everything went good, guitar lesson was good and stuff, but hate revising, going to take the day off tommorow to revise!

  17. Lol! So you didn't go in then? :LOL:. Awww you poor girl though, does that thing definitely help?


    Naaah I haven't, been busy all day with work and guitar lessons and stuff, i'll have another listen soon! :D.

  18. ducker DUN DUN ducker DUN

  19. Aaah ok then been lovely talking to you too! :D.


    See you later, have fun tommorow haha and speak to you soon xxx

  20. I really like that turbulence one! And the video is epic, nice editing. I like the lead guitar, it's sorta dreamy and psychedelic sorta thing, if you get me, haha!


    Goooooood stuff x

  21. Awesome, sunburn is fucking amazing! I wanna learn how to play that too sometime. Infact I do need to learn how to piano full stop. Maybe get to your level one day? :p.


    I'll have a look at your videos now then and maybe download some albums. I'll let you know!


    Thank yoooooooou! x

  22. that's alright no problem! You should redo it anyway, you know how to play piano obviously haha! What others can you do?


    I've never actually listened to them, heard of them though, I think i'm gonna have to download some now you've recommended!


    Aw thanks alot appreciated! :D x

  23. Just had a look you're bloody good that in your world was awesome!

  24. Yeah it's cheesy but still awesome I love it!


    Aaaah I have to listen to it now, it's sooooooo amazing, the best song they've done for me. The heavy riff is amazing. And octavarium is so unbelievable epic it makes me want to cry also :LOL:. Haha yeah I know I just gotta play it well now without nerves getting in the way! Loool yeah that would be much appreciated :D.


    Yeah he adds an extra note to one of the chords to make it sound better! I tried it as well but I sorta couldn't get my finger round it, or the timing, haha.


    Awesome i'll have a look now! :D.

  25. Yeah it is I love DT! Nah I have to break it down into 4 minutes, it isn't enough time! :LOL:. I can do the first 8 and a half minutes until that crazily fast shredding solo with the keyboard as well, i'm not that good :LOL:. But yeah i'll get all the good bits in and they'll hopefully let me in!


    Awesome then, great placement for it! Sounds like you enjoy it :D.


    Really, if you can play muse even that's good! I can actually do the new born intro on piano. Haha love it! I'll have to check out your vids then, especially space dementia, you must be good if you can even attempt that :LOL:.

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