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Status Updates posted by ryanbmuff

  1. yeah I am, we're going to live together in brighton too for uni. should be cool

  2. yeeeah oasis! Nah dunno where that is! Bournemouth is bournemouth cos the river bourne is it's mouth. Haha

  3. is it dip unpeeling your skin and revealing himself?


    doesn't that make you feel better

  4. I can't i'm on holiday! sorry

  5. bournemouth person!

  6. haha but liam said on saturday 'we're not splitting up, this is the fuckin start'

  7. yep 14th...i'm not going, don't have the money! there goes 80 quid haha, it all happened cos my mate pulled out!


    yeah go to v or something

  8. edens tonight dude...

  9. still wanna go to eden? hahaa

  10. hahaha it's not an oasis gig without all the fighting. I got pissed on my leg too, that was disgusting. the guy then threw the cup of his piss over the crowd, so disgusting, twat.


    it was so easy to get in there! queued for half an hour and got in saturday, and sunday I walked up straight from when the doors opened and got in.

  11. ah I see...I was in the gold circle yesterday and saturday centre...ah mate it was fucking incredible both nights, last night we got whatever too!


    kasabian was mental on saturday, drunkest i've been at a gig haha, did mean I almost got in loads of fights...my sober friend told me and my other mates we were going crazy and bashing into people which got them pissed off...what do they expect it's the gold circle! fuck them it was awesome. all of reverend and the makers were infront of me last night in the gold circle hahaha! the rev is mad, he was going crazy for every song, singing along, getting in my way...so much fun.


    I shall try and have a look at your photo's, I might ahve a few!

  12. where were you?


    kasabian were unbelievable, they are the best support band i've seen. I can't believe so many people went mental to them, it was like their gig


    I met the girl from reverand and the makers last night hahaha she's so fit

  13. greatest gig since muse at wembley 2007

  14. dicks, I heard they did that with peoples too. go to the booking office!


    cool dude see you soon

  15. sitting at an oasis gig, rubbish! that sucks, what dickheads. I got mine, they're standing. do you reckon we'll get any new songs?

  16. sweet sounds good, i'm having trouble booking off work too, annoying

  17. yo, we must organise where we're going to meet saturday and sunday!

  18. sorry dude I had no battery left, I saw blur! amazing, I was down the front and apparently I was on tv haha. Also song 2 was amazing, so was parklife, such a crush. I wore my oasis shirt for it hahaha, and sang 'SHITELIFE'.

  19. hey good lookin

    hiya good looking

    hey good lookin'

    greetings aesthetically pleasing

  20. Ah that sucks, I might go back to sleep now...talk to you soon, watch a radiohead vid that'll send you to sleep.

  21. Dunno my mate stole this girl I wanted in a dream and I was so pissed off I woke up, what about you?

  22. I did some shameless self promotion on gb on banter hahaha

  23. dick!


    yeah I should be around got an exam tommorow though boooo, i've had enough of them. it sucks so much, but soon they're over and OASIS is on

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