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paper tiger

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Status Updates posted by paper tiger

  1. :dance:woohoo!

  2. Seth!! They are going to be in ATL on the 6th of April! A free festival!!

  3. Yay that's good!

  4. Hell yeah! Hope your cat is doing well btw.

  5. holy shit. I went to both, tampa and Orlando gig. Insane. Seriously if they have an Atlanta gig in the Fall we need to go!

  6. Aww bummer well I'll rock out twice as hard on your behalf. Hope your kitten will be okay and has a safe recovery.

  7. Hey Seth just letting you know I'm going to the Orlando show. I sold my tampa ticket last year and then this year I was regretting it and then tried to by a Tampa ticket again but they're sold out! So Orlando it is. Guess ill see you there. I'm so pissed at myself though! I've never been to the Orlando arena but I have been to shows in Orlando (at HOB)before and have never liked Orlando crowds but oh well. Muser crowds should hopefully be the exception.

  8. Yes! That place is so...magical!!

    Yeah it's weird being in a new city on my own. A pretty lame city though lol.

    Ooh S. Carolina...how are you liking it?

    That's good enjoy life and just live it :)

  9. Yes, you will have fun in Orlando! You better hit up at least one theme park while you're there!

    I'm doing pretty well thanks :). Finally in Uni trying to finish my BA by next Fall. It's been kind of a crazy year, looking forward to 2013 already heh.

    How have things been w you?

  10. I'm going to the Tampa one. I've currently moved to Tallahassee, but it would be much easier for me to take the 4 hour drive back home than the 5-6 hour drive to Orlando, b/c the traffic there is horrendous.

  11. do you still visit the boards? Well just wanted to share my excitement. I'm finally going to a muse gig, they're having a show in Tampa. So excite! PS I miss talking to you.

  12. SEEEETTTHH! Guess what? I'm going to a Muse gig! Remember all the whining and complaining I did and now finally I will get to see them again. Just have to share my excitement w/ my old gang!

  13. word! the summer heat is intense. Yeah i'm so excited it's been 15 years since I last went there.

  14. Haha. Everyone thinks I'm crazy bc I hate summer time.

    No occasion. Just going for the hell of it, lol.

  15. :awesome:

    Yeah I figured you've been busy busy busy.

    I've been alright. Just wanting the days to go by faster, lol.

    I'll be going to NY in a few weeks...so excite!

  16. Hey Am, long time not chat. Hope all is well. :happy:

  17. No it's for anyone. MTV have promoted these shows before and I remember that the shows are open to the public not just students of the uni. :)

  18. It's going to be at USF! it will be apart of mtvU's campus invasion tour! yay! :awesome:

  19. I know! ugh. It seems like they may be looking for another venue or maybe trying to sort things out w/ RY?

    I guess we'll find out some time this week.

  20. I checked 30stm site and it says more info soon. I checked ritz ybor's site and october 15 doesn't having anything booked anymore.

    it seems like something fell through and we'll have to wait a little longer.

    I hope they don't cancel the Tampa show altogether..that would be a bummer. :(

  21. Ah! I agree :yesey:

    :awesome::dance: I'm so excited. I think tix might go on sale next week.

  22. OMG! Missy! Neon Trees will be @ the ritz ybor w/ 30stm as well!! :awesome:

    I messaged Tyler on tumblr about a month ago and said they should do a gig at the ritz ybor...I wonder if i convinced him (HAHA :LOL:)

  23. Awesome!! Seriously can't wait! :awesome:

  24. dude that suuucks. :(


    Oh and guess what! 30 are coming back to FL they'll be in Tampa...I'm SOOOO going, lol.

  25. this seriously made me lol


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