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paper tiger

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Status Updates posted by paper tiger

  1. I can imagine! yay! Ah and then that moment when you get to HOLD the ticket! -sigh-

    omg moooooooose come to FL... lol

  2. I know you got your GA ticket(s). I can sense it!

  3. LOL no I made the mistake I seriously thought your tix sales were @ 1PM EST. :LOL:

  4. okay that last message. look @ it when it's 1:00PM in your time zone (lol).


  5. zomg! i'm rooting for you right now! get those GA tickets girrrrl! :dance:

  6. omg. I was being nosy and looked at your Albums in your Profile. I love the pic w/ you and Chris. Too sweet! P.S. I am totally jealous!

  7. yeah! It's awesome lol. Violets80 made it and I had to have it in my sig!

  8. [ URL=http://www.link.com]Text[/ URL ]

    use that but replace "link.com w/ the link you want to use and then add whatever text you want. Also don't forget to close the spaces where the brackets are so that the link will function properly. :happy:

  9. aha! i found a pic. go to my user profile and you'll see my new user pic. is it fitting? maybe a bit too gentle, eh?

  10. haha but lady gaga is fierce enough.


    hmm, maybe i should put a cute kitten instead.

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