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Everything posted by MuseDiane

  1. Hi... just a request. Could you link me the green eggs and ham videos you made, plz? Thanks =)

  2. Right back at ya! XOXO =D

  3. I just saw u left me a message for my bday like a million years ago... Sorry for the late reply and thanks! =D It made me smile!

  4. Ayyy muchísimas gracias, Gaby. Nos vemos mañana! :kiss:

  5. Hola Gaby... una pregunta, sobre la reunión dl sábado, q con l archivo pdf? lo necesitan a fuerza? No sé d q archivo hables! M ayudas porifs? Thnx :)

  6. Hey sweetie! I'm great, how've u been? I miss u :( I know it's been forever, but my life got a bit more hectic since I got this new job, but I'm still here! :) Love ya :kiss:

  7. Thank you baby! I'm already taking some medicine, I hope it works soon, I hate being sick! U take care sweetie k? Love ya! :kiss:

  8. That's great babe! Well, right now I'm coming down with the supid flu :( I feel like shit! I wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow! Well take care hun! Love ya :kiss:

  9. Aww how sweet of you, thank you so much! It was great chatting with u too, Sherry :) Take care babe! Keep in touch :kiss:

  10. Hey sweetie, how've u been? I miss u a lot! :kiss:

  11. Hey Pau, thnx babe! Happy V day to u too! A little delayed though, but still counts ;) Take care sweetie! :kiss:

  12. :heart: Aww thank you so much Aubrey! Happy Valentines to you too dear! :heart:

  13. What??? U're kiddin!!! It was 5:51 in the morning and u were still awake! haha Sounds like an ideal night for me too! hehe! Why r u excited?

  14. Hi Trishy, I'm okay, what about u? I miss u very much! Hope we can talk soon, take care 'kay? :kiss:

  15. Hola mi tostada! Gracias, igualmente, aunq un poco tarde, pero aún asi t deseo lo mjor l mundo! T quiero mucho amiga! :kiss: Cuídate :)

  16. Sorry for not answering before! I've been a bit busy! Happy afterXmas heehee! How was it? What'd u get? Mine was cool, I'm not as hungover as I thought I'd be, but I have a slight headache though. My santa was kinda stingy this year, I only got some money! Take care, see u around and I wish u the best of the best everyday :kiss:, a bit late though, but I'm still here! bye hun! :)

  17. Hi!!! I'm okay! U? Thought u've forgotten me! ::): Take care and keep in touch k? :kiss:

  18. Hi Em, thnx for adding me to ur friends! Keep in touch! :kiss:

  19. Ahhh hahahahaha omg! I'm an excellent reader as u can see! Damn it!!!! Sorry, Trish! Well, I hope everything gets better! Take care babe! XOXO :)

  20. I'm doing much better now! I had my grad party last Friday and I was beaten up! I'm a lazy ass atm coz I've got nothing to do, I'm just waiting for January to come to start working! Take care and keep in touch k? XOXO :kiss:

  21. hey there girl!!! u've forgotten about me! :( Drop me a visit now and again! Just to know how u're doin' ok? :kiss:

  22. Hi, yeah it's been a while! Well, things r pretty hectic for me atm, 'cause I'm having my fancy grad party next Friday Dec 5th and I'm the organizer so... I'm going crazy with all the missing arrangements and I haven't bought my dress!!!!!!! So, imagine... it's a good thing though, I can't wait! lol!

    Anyway...How've u been?

  23. Hey there, Trish! How are u hun? How come u're never in the chat anymore? I miss u very much and I miss chatting with u!

    Hope u're okay! :kiss:

  24. HI! Yeah well, I'd love to chat with u soon! Keep in touch babe! :kiss:

  25. Hi there!, I'm okay! how's life treating u? Life's being a real bitch to me these days! lol

    Take care and see u around! :kiss:

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