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Posts posted by yoyonco10

  1. I think I'm in the SS being a little stale camp, didn't really miss it at my Drones show, although I would've not missed even more if something awesome took its place,

    I guess I should just be happy about seeing AP for the first time. I'm more pissed that I haven't seen PIB in my past two out of 3 gigs, spanning 4 years :(

  2. I support any and all elimination of the word "babe."


    Unrelated to Drones, but there's that little guitar bit consistently played live in KoC right before the vocals start, and I just cannot deal with it not being there on the album.


    It is in the album version though isn't it? It's just buried in the mix a little bit and kinda sounds more synthy than guitar in a way, also i think his execution of it lives a little different


    2:02 that part?
  3. That's what I mean, he does two non echo You's live, whereas on the album he Just says You (you,you) are empowered, and live he does You (you,you) You are empowered....right? I could be wrong, also I feel like this is pretty hard to explain lol


    Ah right I understand what you mean now ;)


    Yeah, I like the live way much better, seems like he performed it that way since the beginning too, I wonder if he regrets not coming up with it in time

    For the recording lol

  4. He doesn't say it three times on the album, two of them are an echo of the first 'you'. Same with the live version, but the echoes aren't live (check the download performance)


    That's what I mean, he does two non echo You's live, whereas on the album he Just says You (you,you) are empowered, and live he does You (you,you) You are empowered....right? I could be wrong, also I feel like this is pretty hard to explain lol

  5. Things I wish they did In the studio version of Drones that they do live:


    Doms little hi-hat slice in the second verse of Mercy right after "Running from the-"



    Matt saying You, You are empowered to do as you please in The Handler as opposed to just one You


    "It's you and me now" instead of " it's you and me babe" in the Globalist


    Obviously they're really subtle but I always notice when I listen to the album in my car instead of listening to a live version and wonder if anyone else gets irked in the same way

  6. Daily dose of pointless and baseless hype: 28th of June is the exact anniversary of Black Holes' initial release.


    ...yeah, I'm not expecting anything to come out of that either, don't worry :chuckle:


    but what if


    Lawdy lawdy the potential

  7. I feel really lucky to have had the chance to see them at the O2 Night 2 for T2L, Falling down on piano and the Host intro for TIRO:happy: yet the two times Ive seen them in the U.S. No PIB and the most recent show nothing before Absolution :indiff:

  8. If I hadn't gotten CE, and they'd been identical, I'd have probably hung myself when I got the bill. :chuckle:

    I tried not to think too hard that I paid like $500 to see one Muse song...


    I'm still furious about my flight booking; over $300 a flight, and they emailed me a week later saying the seats we selected were "no longer available" and required us to pay an additional $35 per seat or risk the flight being overbooked when we showed up.

    Wouldn't give me a refund or give me a credit.

    Then when both flights were cancelled after we got to the airport, they STILL wouldn't let us cancel or compensate us.


    I swear I'm not going anywhere again that I can't drive to.


    I paid for the initial trip outright, but did so by selling all my old video games, and what was left of the memorabilia I'd acquired from an old job of mine. Kind of sad about it, still. Certainly stings thinking about sacrificing for that bored performance in Philly.

    Medical bills piling up have meant I'm dragging the added debt around, though.


    Lol I would've had the same reaction, I honestly want to have that reaction without going and seeing them in DC as well, as soon as they leave the U.S. Take a Bow essentially becomes a mainstay, and a PIB/Bliss rotation PLUS CE, thanks guys

  9. Ugh, speaking of bank accounts... Getting the credit card bill for the part of my Muse gigs I haven't managed to pay off yet (mostly incurred by the last minute trip to DC) really takes the shine off. :noey:


    Travel in the US is way too fucking expensive.


    But hey, you got to see the same setlist in a row + Citizen Erased


    That said, I don't think there's been much said about a Drones DVD so far, other than someone (Matt?) hinting that they might film something in Madrid or Copenhagen.


    Nicee, hoping that's true. Can always count on someone on here to keep me in the loop lol

  11. I'd love seeing a proshot of some of the stage get up, but I think it would be pretty hard to find a good balance filming and editing it, tbh.

    And please god, don't have part of it in black and white... :twitchy:



    Lol i had the same exact thought, please god don't make it all black and white


    On album eras that haven't had one are Showbiz and TR?


    Hmm maybe my logic was a little flawed there lol. Kinda forget to consider Glastonbury as the Abso Dvd. I guess where i was going with it in my head was that... BHaR DVD-> TR No DVD-> T2l DVD-> Drones No DVD? If that pattern were to continue..probably reading into it a little too much, kind of sounds like a high school math problem

  12. Even though Matt's voice sounds more worse than better on most songs nowadays, I really hope we get to see some high-quality pro shot videos from these concerts. I know they usually skip a tour for Live concert Dvds, whether thats a conscious decision or not. Still waiting for that Resistance Tour dvd :rolleyes:

  13. The "babe"s scattered throughout Drones (album) annoy me.


    Yeah, especially The Globalist. I really wish he did his live version "It's you and me Now" on the album, to me that little change just has more effect on the whole vibe of that part of the song

  14. In the Q&A organised by the admins of this messageboard, though, Dom has claimed Defector sounded good when they reharsed it, adding that they're waiting for "the planets to align" in order to play it (same for Aftermath).

    Which I think it's a bit of bulls**t, to be honest.


    Is this Q&A available to read anywhere? Sorry I've been pretty out of the loop lately

  15. Off the current topic, but whatever happened to this?




    Initially it was said Matt would have a couple of these on tour, personally i thought it looked awesome and fit with the whole Military-ish theme, i think there was even like a 100 that were put on sale, I haven't even seen any pictures of people who bought them for themselves

  16. The Uprising intro was one of the "scripted" moments that bothered me even more the second night; Matt does the exact same thing, same spot, holds the mic and gestures in the same way... even down to pulling open his jacket collar, for some reason.


    I was actually pretty into the DC gig (although my boyfriend was severely complaining by the time we got to Uprising that the gig was exactly the same) and that Uprising thing was kind of a big wtf moment for us. :chuckle:


    hahah i know exactly what move you're talking about, the two-finger point syncopated with the snare hits in the intro with his eyes closed

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