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Everything posted by scottST

  1. Folks - some help would be massively appreciated. I need a Diago Isolator, post haste. I know I could buy one of these readily from any number of shops - but I 100% need one before Monday - thought it was worth a try here!! Can anyone help out at all?
  2. Or they'll start with Dead Star, Fury, Assassin....then whip out Madness, before vanishing in a hail of bottled urine.... If they have sense this will be the heaviest of heavy Muse sets
  3. Could get an oscilloscope i guess. Or - do both. Blind tests, with a questionnaire. Probably the cheapest & fastest way to test it out. Have at least one of the participants be a musician (accomplished, preferably)
  4. Conclusion could be along the lines that simulation will never replace traditional amplification wholesale, but the lines have been blurred sufficiently where major artists are increasingly embracing profiling over true amplification, quoting examples
  5. Whats your argument? Surely something about simulation (profiling) v authenticity? If so, look up Simulation & Simulacra by Baudrillard. Base it around that book but relate it to your amp. Look up things around people using profiling/amp sims, speak about the kenpers forerunners (line 6, axe fx etc). I wrote mine in 3 weeks on Guitar Hero in the same vein (simulation v reality) and got an A.
  6. Reckon that i'll replace the neck pickup soonish. Creamery P90 sc is in my future
  7. I'm doing saturday/sunday. Muse for me and Motley Crue for the good lady Did a brief K&T sesh last time I was at Download with Sam and Bshuker. Many lols were had that weekend, including Sam going to the Black Camp help desk and asking for help 'cos he was black. Will he ever be unbanned....??
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