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Everything posted by Morinphen

  1. Well,it wasn´t so difficult to find it out.I´ve always thought that "Hyper Music" does resemble RATM´s sound,especially the one from TBoLA (and they say they always sound the same...).I´d say Matt loves RATM as much as we love Muse!

    Regarding "Inmigrant Song",gotta love the riff,the rhythm and the "aaaaaaaaaah!aaaaaaaah!"But I have to say that the "on we sweep..."line reminds me of The Bee Gees...

    Right now I´m listening to Fantomas´ "The Director´s Cut".They´re a bit extreme,but I appreciate their madness.I´m sure a certain friend of Tom (and Matt!) has listened to them a lot...I´d say I (we?) owe Mike Patton a lot,along with Les Claypool and Primus.

    (Yes,it is healthy,because it makes you....SIMMGRIN! :D )


    I´m all for senseless jokes,but it seems my sense of homour is childish compared to the one of them.Maybe that´s why I hate Internet sarcasm.

  2. My father also likes CCR! I remember I thought the first time I saw the cover of "Cosmo´s Factory"I thought they were Kings Of Leon.It´s funny to find out the roots of modern artists. What happened with "Cosmo´s Factory" happened again with Television´s "Marquee Moon" some time after.I was checking albums in a store when I saw it.My thoughts? "Wait,is this an EP from The Strokes?"

    Precisely "Inmigrant Song"is one of the singles my father owns.I would sing along to it following the lyrics which were written on the back cover of the sleeve.


    I try to talk to my partners,but nothing goes beyond "would you pass me that newspaper,please?"Okay,I don´t start any conversation because I don´t know about what to talk about,but I do my best.Even if I can´t help going "headpalming"when I hear one of my partners saying,"there´s a new thing called "indie"but I don´t know what it is".

    Yes,there are Cokes without caffeine.I´m having one right now.It´s something I´m really interested in how foods and beverages are released and how certain tastes disappear overnight,while they´re liked in another countries.

  3. Luckily,me and my parents share some bands.Now that you menction RATM,my father suggested me to listen to his old Led Zeppelin albums because of the similar riffs.And thanks to me,my mother,who is a Depeche Mode fan, listens to Mika and Moby.

    Right now I´m listening to The String Quartet on Spotify.I don´t know if I´ve told you about this,but I tend to like odd renditions of music I like.

    That was what happened to me with my old friends too.There are days in which I would like to return to 2003 or so...You´re lucky for having friends,really.These days I´ve been feeling awfully empty...

    I am a Coke guzzler.So much,that the doctor has advised me to drink it without caffeine so as to sleep well.

  4. Don´t be so jealous.As you might imagne,I couldn´t look at him constantly because he would have noticed :p

    As for my parents,I´ll only tell you that,when I liked nu metal,every band I listened to was "Linkin Park" or "Limp Bizkit",but now they can tell whether I´m listening to Kasabian or Mando Diao...which is a step forward!

    My case is even worse,as I have no friends at all.None.Zero.Just some acquintances whom I feel I have no connections to whatsoever.So I have to look for my ways to have fun.That´s why my parents always allow me to go to concerts,because they know what´s the only moment in which I go out and have fun outside home.

    Call me weird,but I can´t find the reason to go out drinking.For me,there´s a crystal clear sing of change:having an until then candidate to friend telling me he or she had a night out drinking and listening to (what I consider) crap music.I refuse to go through that in order to have friends.

    Now that you say it,my mother often tells me,"if only you went angry the way you go here..."

  5. Well,today I was returning from Uni when a guy who resembled His Simmness sat next to me.I couldn´t stop simgrinning until he left.

    Same goes with me.My parents are the ones who "seem"to know me better,but that´s not entirely true.For example,my mother thinks I love Twilight,and my father doesn´t know I like horror movies.Some time ago I asked him to get a newspaper because "Ringu" was given for free.He asked me whether I had mistaken what newspaper had to be bought.

    I control myself waaay to much.Back in the day I´d write it all in my diary,along with bursts of Muse fandom here and there,because their music was the only thing that could take me to a different world.And that´s my problem: I have forgotten how to face this reality.I also feel I´m different.Almost every day.I have learnt to listen to the people,and I am amazed how they talk about alien or childish issues.I feel I´ll be alone for all my life.

    I think I´m invisible to everyone,or just thought to be a silly little girl.

  6. Do so! :D

    Same goes with me.I´m the silent type,and I like to get along with everyone,but no one knows the "real me",especially when I get angry.If that happens,I just go into "life is shit and so am I" mode,or I listen to music/write a bit.I´m not in high spirits these days,and I can´t barely sort it out.It´s sickening.


    My tests will start in January,but I also have to do some coursework and mock tests.

    My books are also old,and the letters are often unreadable because they have faded a bit/the language is archaic.I wonder what will happen if time runs out and I have to read all of them for the morning after...

  7. I know what you mean.It also happens to me with my friends,but with a slight difference:I either nod sheeplishly or we end up arguing to the verge of tears/feel the urge to throw something at each other´s head.Well,maybe not,but I suppose you get the point.

    I NEED to start studying/reading/whatever asap.I nearly fainted when I checked what one one of our teachers uploaded to his site.Pages and pages of God knows what.It´s not a joke: some partners printed everything and they got a Yellow Pages-like book.

    As for my Literature books,some of them look nice,so there are no reasons for me to ditch them.


    Now,let me borrow your manners and agree wholeheartedly with the description. I love the "lines of joy" thing. :D

  8. Yes,it´s the first day of the month.But I´m not forcing you to do so,eh?

    This one guessed it because...well,I suppose it´ll be enough if I tell you that his username was "Yugi",so I don´t think he bothered to look it up.

    Work on your papers first,wor(l)d domination can wait....but not for longer!

    It sounds interesting,but I have to say I´m not too interested in Victorian literature,but I´d like to read Pride,Prejudice and Zombies.It sounds like one of those weird crossovers I tend to like.

  9. Opps,I didn´t mean "username",but "undertitle" My fault.

    I´ve always been Morinphen here,and I will forever be.By the way,so far only one user has guessed the origin of the name.

    I think you´re right about the way you have depicted it:a huge grin,but not a riddiculous one.

    According to Wikipedia,that´s its name,yeah :p

    I don´t understand that,but congratulations anyway! :D

  10. I finally decided to change my username! Remember you can do it today.I have started to spread the word (what else? :p ).If everyone simmgrinned the world would be a better place.It´s our duty to make them simmgrin.That way we will tell them what are they doing.My parents already know about our task,and they´re all for spreading it.

    Yes,I know we have to describe it. I think we should point out first what makes it different from your average grin.


    An Angel puppet? Cool! I like puppets.I was thinking of creating one as a Christmas gift,but I decided to wait until I had a better idea on what to do.I would like to get a copy of Bubbles,the clown of the BBC Test Card Girl.The real one still owns it.

    Thing is,nearly all the vampire stereotypes were coined by this novel,but it was even more twisted by the movies.For example,in the book we could see Dracula as an elderly man with the ability of clinging on walls and turn into a wolf.Yes,you´ve read well.

    Some years ago I found an old book which name was "Natural History of Chiroptera"or something like that.It depicted bloodsuckers from everywhere,meaning that vampire lore greatly differs from place to place.There´s not only a single type of vampire.For example,do a research on Chinese vampires.You´ll see that they don´t walk (they jump!)and their hair and nails are extremely long,because they keep on growing even after their demise.

    Literature wise,Dracula wasn´t the first vampire.At all.In Greek lore,Lamias were thought to be bloodsuckers.

  11. Whoaaaaah! I just can´t believe you did it.I do love it,really.Now I´m simmgrinning like a good simmgrrinner would! :D I don´t know what will happen (in case something´s bound to happen),but I´m sosososo telling everyone about this,really.Your job should be acclaimed by everyone.Long Live The Simmlord,Time Bender and Great Impersonator!


    If only those Uprising teddy bears resembled thosed used in the video...I would have bought one for sure.I want a Chris bobblehead as well.

    As far as I´m concerned,I think that the explanation given in Blade (the first movie,I haven´t read the comics) was the most plausible theory I have come across until today.Still,there´s a flaw: how come there are people who just die after being attacked and some are turned into vampires?It´s due to our DNA or what? 28 Weeks Later depicted that theory well,but I´m not too fond of "infected",even though I´m all for running zombies.

    Due to my tastes,I am always trying to look for realistic ways to bring my creatures to life (this sounds a bit Frankensteinish,I know)more than just saying"oooh it´s a demon from another world!".

  12. I do love the Evil Teddies,both the ones from Uprising and the Invincible robots.I suppose it´s all because I have a thing for those Radiohead Modified Bears.Same goes with zombies.Unlike vampires,they don´t have powers.They can barely change from their early conception.That´s what I´m trying to do with my story.Along with some research on the matter.I´m sure you´d have appreciated it if Dr.Cullen had given a better explanation in "Breaking Dawn".But it´s also fun to write crazy stories as well,as long as you do it for kicks...or maybe not?

    As you have well stated,that´s why we´re studying.

  13. First,the Net.Then,the world! *evil laugh*If your plan doesn´t work,we can always follow the not-so-good-yet-effective path,meaning we should contact someone in 4Chan and see if we can get a meme.If all works,we could even meet His Simmest in the flesh!

    I´ve been thinking of giving poor zombies a chance for years.But I´ll have to come up with a good explanation for the "apparent"core of my story:if we are what our brain stores,would we be ourselves if we raised up from the grave even with a dead brain?

    Wait,have you turned Sinterklaas into James Bond? My,that´s something new! :D

  14. This reminds me of the first time I saw Muse.I stood all the time seated,partially because of being stunned and partially because I was with my mother.I only left my seat and jumped like nuts in the final song ("Stockholm Syndrome").This time I was alone and among boring people,so I decided to show them how Muse move me.

    But if there are only standing places,I go in for the kill...if I´m going to die,I want to die happy!

    It was funny to see that Chris 2.0,because the gut standing next to me in the queue resembled Matt a lot....until you saw his face.

    I´m thinking about changing my username tomorrow to Simmgrin.It´d be the first time in AGES I change it,because I feel comfortable with my old one.If you feel like killing trees,you could make leaflets with the poem!

    Speaking of writing,I have started to write that present.I´ve just written part of the foreword,but I have decided what to write about that.It´ll be a short story about a "zombie".In first person.Or,in this case,in first corpse.

  15. Yes.It is often said that people here tend to go mental in every gig,no matter whp´s playing.That´s why I chose seated.I appreciate my life too much :p Shame I went to the wrong rows...But at least the one who was seated next to me was a Chris lookalike.

    Be sure I´ll use the word as much as I can.Simmgrin power! :D

  16. The crowd sang riff after riff,but I was surprised people sang the Uprising synths.And the "Hey!" parts in "Unnatural Selection",with their raised arms.Actually,I think I punched someone in the chorus of "KoC"...

    It´s not so stupid.I bought a tee when I saw Franz Ferdinand with their logo backwards,and I thought that was the back.It wasn´t.


    I´d say I should be rewarded for having given English so many new words! :p You could try to use it,mostly because it has a non-English feel...You could always say it´s an archaic word or something...

  17. I didn´t understood a single word of their lyrics either.They played at such a high volume that the guitar literally drowned the voice.I can´t remember whether I clapped or not,because I tried to sync it to White Lies´ "To Lose My Life",which reminds me of Starlight,both in lyrics (with a darker tone,of course)and the rhythmic section.But I think I even headbanged in the "I´ll never let you go..."part.I think I spent half of the concert headbanging...But not too hard.I guess I was in the right mood,because I remember I thought that "Uprising" looked like a politics demonstration,with Muse as the party leaders and us as the mindless followers.Pretty scarying,if you ask me.

    The effects helped a lot,I reckon,but there were some moments in which I spotted "old Muse".

    I have a special tee then :p I liked how "basic" it was and how the starry parts blended with the shirt,creating a "whole".


    I liked the music as well.I think I even cheered when they used a Nina Simone song as the ending of one of the chapters...Did I make you grin Simm style? Oh,wonderful! I like it.:D (poor attempt at Simmmgrinning-now that´s a word!-).

  18. I didn´t hear the "lyrics" either.To my ears it was something like "fsygg...rfd...funifrrrs"Or maybe I was too amazed to understand anything :p I can´t say I´m a big fan of The Biff,so playing the singles helped a lot! "Mountains" have become a great tune for me.I bet the ones by my side (who didn´t know who they are) were pretty confused,seeing me enjoying the song.

    "Starlight" has never been my cup of tea,so I wasn´t too moved by it,as with "Guiding Light","Resistance" or "Undisclosed Desires" (too weak,but the intro was superb).

    I love "Man With A Harmonica",but I think this (

    )would fit even more.Especially after my mp4 player decided to place it after KoC without a reason.

    I got that black tee with the golden logo.I´m not too fond of the "In Rainbows"design.Yet I nearly bought a poster :p I also thought about getting the t-shirt with the Exogenesis artwork and the "cubed" tourdates.


    That´s what I liked of the series: even after having finished I still wondered what had happened.Sadly,the Spanish version ruined it all "thanks" to the lack of viewers.Sam (they kept the name,as well as the Gene&Sam stuff you talked about) literally saw the light at the end of the tunnel/time gate after his father issue,and asked "Annie" (I think her name was kept,just in its Spanish equivalent)to go with him,but ultimately both stayed in the past.I wonder how the American writers sorted it out.

    You might not be at your best,but that drawing´s awesome.I´m sooo saving it! :D

  19. Well,I´m writing these lines under the MuseSpell.The concert was astounding! I sat in the wrong part,so I was surrounded by people in their late twenties who didn´t feel like going to the pit.I liked the interlude music: Cansei de Ser Sexy,The Flaming Lips,The Arctic Monkeys...Biffy Clyro were powerful as Hell,but it was like seeing a taped gig from the sofa of your living room.Still,I sang like nuts to most of their songs.After some electronic music "We Are The Universe" haunted us all...we even sang the Doctor Who-esque synths of "Uprising"!Personally,I enjoyed this gig more that the BHAR tour one,despite the lack of "Bliss","Muslce Museum" or "Citizen Erased".The effects were stunning,especially the lasers in "New Born".Chris was at his most headbangiest,and Matt jumped around.Predictable setlist,but at least we got "MK Ultra" and the Burning Bridges riff.Someone threw Matt a bra :p And it seems Kirkeh&co recorded some footage so as to use it in "Resistance".

    After finishing the gig I headed for the underground station when I saw a crowd I joined after knowing they were waiting for Muse.And we waited until the bus left the place.Then I returned home,with a brand new Muse tee.It´s a bit small,but meh.


    Wait...how come he will die if he´s technically dead? I understood he committed suicide so as to go to the past because it was the "reality".I like Gene as well,even if I hated him at first due to his rude manners,but then I saw it was on purpose so as to "clash" his style and Sam´s.

  20. The phone still features the Composer,so be sure I´ll have fun attempting to create tunes.I once took my old grandma´s phone out of boredom,and I made a verse of "Fillip" and the riff of "Sleep Now In The Fire".Regarding the gig,I´m going in a matter of minutes!

    If you want the bootleg I will kindly send it.I still remember how I recorded the one they recorded last time (first leg of Absolution tour) on tape.How things have changed...

    I didn´t listen to The Biff in the end,but I´ll give SSSC a listen.Or two.Reading a lot for Literature? Count me in.At least I got all the books off Google Books...

  21. It´s not I listen to them everyday,but I used to have "Voodoo People" as my ringtone.By the way,today I got a card plus a new phone for a ridiculous amount of money,for I´m seeing Muse tomorrow! :D And it´ll be recorded by (oh surprise!)the top 40 radio station.I should have a Biffy Clyro marathon...

    I´ve never understood what´s the big deal with The Arctic Monkeys.Sure,they´re good,but not THAT good.

    That´s EXACTLY what happened to me with System Of A Down,as I reckon I already told you.I would be really angry if it happens with Radiohead as well.Speaking of RATM,I´ve listened to Street Sweeper Social Club for the first time.I liked it.


    I have to say I´m scared to death when it comes to study certain subjects.One of them has a zillion pages to be read,and I´m not joking.

  22. By this order: The Prodigy (+ Enter Shikari,I really liked their first album),Editors (can´t say I have listened to them to death,but I like them) and The Arctic Monkeys (not my cup of tea until I watched their live DVD in the cinema a year ago).

    It wouldn´t be the first time something similar happens.Some years ago there were a bunch of gigs I wanted to attend so bad (Franz Ferdinand,Antony &the Johnsons and Sigur Rós) and I didn´t make it to any of them. I was really,really gutted :(


    I don´t know how I manage to do it,but I almost always get pretty decent marks by stodying a little.I am still amazed I could pass all those important exams.I just feel I have no time.You can´t imagine how much I miss playing Digimon 3! I wonder whether I´ll be able to find a certain online guide which basically opened my eyes.I think one of the most frustrating moments in my life happened when I found out that I would never be able to pass the game because I skipped two compulsory sidequests...

    I have yet to prepare my presents.I do know what I want for me,though :p

  23. Cool! I´m still waiting for my father to buy me some tickets for some gigs I want to attend,but something tells me I won´t go to any of them. :(

    I´m thinking about watching Life On Mars again,as I missed some chapters the first time it was aired.But I don´t seem to have time...

  24. In my case I go to sleep at 2:30,waking up at 7:30.I nap from 3 to 7.I nearly sleep the same amount of hours!

    You can reply to everything tomorrow.I feel quite dizzy,but I don´t want to go to sleep right now,because my twisted logic says that it could be even worse.It scares to be me...

  25. Well,at least she liked it! :D

    I like to sleep like a log,but I tend to find myself awake late at night,thus sleeping 6 hours.Needless to say,I need to nap afterwards.No,not at class.I just have to stay four hours in Uni (five from Monday to Wednesday),which I consider an improvement if we think that in my final school years I was there for,what,six hours?It seems we won´t have Advertisement tomorrow,yay!

    I have always been interested in the Universe as well.I´m sure you already knew :p

    Even if I had to ditch Physics due to my lack of maths skills,I like to read books about the matter and watch documentaries about planets and whatnot.I still remember how I literally forced my grandparents to watch a chapter of Carl Sagan´s "Cosmos"about Mars.Yet they didn´t get why did I squeal when they discussed about the true nature of Cydonia Mensae...By the way,I have yet to read "Hyperspace".I´m such a bad fan that I haven´t reached the chapter about symmetry yet!

    I like to gather facts about everything,especially if I´m not forced.I used to read all the books I had to use at school as soon as we were told to get them.

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