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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. +1 Due to yesterday's weather and the rainy forescast for the weekend, I took advantage of going to the bush for a walk instead of being stuck in a muggy office, like today. Saw a male tomtit for the first time in the Cascades, haven't seen one since I was on Little Barrier Is. I heard a male hihi too, so I'm glad at least one is still surviving on the west side Male tomtit. My one picture is too blury. I have been thinking along that line too...
  2. I certainly did. There weren't many people standing at the barrier, mostly sitting as I did too. I enjoyed his set, very relaxing. Jim Jones Revue was my favourite out of the bands I hadn't heard of before. Very rock'n roll with lots of energy. Wolfmother were rockin' it too. TNAF were awesome, bless her for singing "rain, rain, go away, come back another day." It didn't work though I was too cold to stay for much of Rammstein, needed some hot food then went to the boiler room. LCD Soundsystem were good but they were playing all new songs which I'm not so familiar with. Primal Scream before The Pheonix Foundation weren't bad, might look more into their stuff. Couldn't see TPF from my spot at the green stage but they sounded great, loved Buffaflo. I had three short girls in front of me so I had a great view for Grinderman. Nick Cave is an awesome performer, moving all over the stage and giving us lots of eye contact. He made me smile and laugh heaps from some of his moves He came down to the crowd in the pouring rain, unfortunately not my side. But yeah, overall a great day despite the rain, totally worth it
  3. Hmm, think mine might go like this: 11.00 Harry the Bastard just from the name, if I dont't like them maybe I'll move to Knives At Noon 12.30 The Greenhornes from Richard's recommendation 2.45/3.00 Just noticed the clash between CSS and Grayson Gilmour yesterday, so I'll try get a bit of both 4.00 Surf City- see if their performance has improved since seeing them support Interpol 4.20 Wolfmother 6.30 Bloody Beetroots just because they sound weird or might just go get a good spot for following 7.10 TNAF 8.00 Maybe some Rammstein 8.30 LCD Soundsystem 9.15/9.30 get a good spot at the Green stage 9.45 The Phoenix Foundation 10.30 Grinderman
  4. True, but I'll at least take a poncho just in case Still haven't decided whether to go early to beat the long queues and just watch random bands or go a little later and wait though potentially long queues. Saying it like that makes me lean towards going early... I think I saw that in the random picture thread. Can't remember exactly what it was but it was funny.
  5. I haven't listened to much of The Black Keys but I was interested in seeing them and a guy at uni was really wanting to see them, so poor him. If it looks like there may be rain I might have to wear all my water proof field gear I just got to uni in my car for the first time So glad it's finally all ready for the road
  6. Good thing it's not so bad today, yet anyway. I keep looking at the forecast for Friday of course. It has improved slightly from a dark rainy cloud to a lighter rainy cloud (occasional showers), so here's hoping it improves some more.
  7. Oh congrats! No, I did not. "The town rejoices in all things ‘penguin.'" "3.15 metre (10 foot) high cement and fiberglass penguin erected in 1975 " Sounds like a good place to go to if I ever get to Tasmania. Police helicopters flying around my area is too common for me to get worried by them But if it was really near my house like you, it would be a tad more concerning.
  8. That is awesome There were people water blasting the buildings here at uni yesterday and when I went to shut the door in case they were going to come this way, the face of the guy water blasting when he saw me was almost like that!! But the mouth and eyes even wider! Why he made that face though.... Sorry to hear that too.
  9. Aww, poor lonely car. At least it'll always be there for when you come home. I can't drive my car until it has had a full service and the cambelt replaced. I hope it'll be done by the weekend. Zoom zoom
  10. Oh I see, I hope you are breathing better now I'm suppose to make sure I'm doing the belly breathing too. I think I am, but it's hard to tell when I'm not aware of my breathing. That's the dream, but I doubt they'll be back this year. Are you going to BDO?
  11. Happy New Year Moas! How does that stress-based breathing disorder work? I've found my asthma often comes on when stressed or other emotions like panic. Last couple weeks of 2010 my chest wasn't feeling to good. 2010 has been a very mixed year for me with some most fantastic times and others very stressful/sad. Still kind of in that stressed/sad part but hopefully I'll get over it soon and distract myself with work and more fun times ahead to make 2011 a good year.
  12. Oh that's good you sorted it out. I will wait til the holiday season has settled down to go on holiday since it will be hard to find cheap accommodation and stuff, so just going to try plan little things like going to hot pools or something in the weekend. Yeah there is a strong relationship between Xmas trees and vacuuming. We didn't even bother this year putting up our tiny one that can sit on the fire place. I think I need to go for an eye test. My eyes have not been feeling right lately. Started using eye drops which removes some of the discomfort but my vision still doesn't feel perfect. I'm guessing it's eye strain from watching my bird video all day but I can't stop watching it since is a major part of my thesis and 4 days off between watching didn't help
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