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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. I haven't calculated how much I've done versus how much is left lately. The ideal plan is to be finished around the end of the month so I then have three months for writing. I don't see that happening but I'm going to try.
  2. Yeah it was. Not sure if I'll do it again this year. My two closest friends who just started getting to know each other last year ended up having a fight on new years eve, so there is no friendship there now. So organising a party would be too awkward.
  3. Yeah, latest I heard was that it was heading towards Mt Roskill. Damn it for not going to uni today, I want to see/hear a tornado! Sad about the death it caused though it that's true
  4. Scones and tea were included with the bach tour. They guide you around some of the baches and at the last one which is open for looking in they had a table and chairs setup in the back yard with everything nicely laid out. They had the coolest owl teapot cosy. Ehehehe Glad you're liking Auckland. The weather here is a funny thing, but just today a girl from England at uni said she prefers our weather to it being overcast for weeks with no sun.
  5. Hey Moas. Terrible about Japan and quite worrying with all these other smaller earthquakes going on. Really makes you think a about what could happen here especially since Auckland is kind of in the middle of all these events. But must not dwell on it too much. I went to Rangitoto on the morning after the Japan earthquake and the water was quite calm. Much better than the week before where the boat had been cancelled. Had old fashioned tea and scones there which was very pleasant.
  6. They sure are abundant. At one point there was a heard of students all walking in the same direction and it looked like a great migration you would see on a national geographic documentary! It was so noisy between 12 and 1pm when everyone was sitting outside having lunch. Not long ago some drunk idiot started attacking the tube withholding all the telephone cables outside my place and completely broke them all
  7. Yeah it is so terrible to know there are people capable of doing that in such a horrible situation Glad to hear too! Relieved to hear you are all well too Chris Hope you will feel better soon after all the things that you witnessed.
  8. Hope you hear from your relative Lenny. I've been glued to the news broadcast of this all night as I'm sure many of have been too, so sad. Hope all chch moas are ok and that everyone still trapped in buildings get help soon.
  9. Oh man, I've seen this enough times on the news already Can anyone recommend good websites for making gifs? It may come in handy for some small clips I have of birds fighting and chasing each other. I don't know how many cycles of that I watched the first time I saw it but yes, very lol worthy That is a good one Can't believe how long it's been since I've posted here, I even became unsubscribed Fun things I've been up to: first road trip in my car was to Maungatautari Reserve with lots of cute birdies, went to Hamilton zoo to feed ringtail lemurs and banded my first bellbird on Tiri last week Currently in a nervous wait to get confirmation for an extension for my thesis.
  10. Yeah, on the series Bottom they use bird a lot with that meaning. But on the Canadian series Trailer Park Boys they use bird for another meaning e.g a male character called Bubbles says "can I get out now? I think there is a leech under my bird."
  11. I saw that on Wednesday! It was great! Laughed so much at the chameleon I also saw The Fighter this week, I liked that too. Had my first trip to Motutapu Is today. It has a much more mainland feel to it since it is so big and still has farming in practice. But I saw a few bellbirds which was nice And I got called "bird lady"
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