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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. They don't really come with much these days. But all the detalied manuals are on the the website which it gives the address for. So you can pretty much learn how to use it before you buy. Oh that's awesome. I wouldn't mind getting one of my pendants done just in silver as it has worn out quite a bit after wearing it all last year. But I think I better not be spending any more money at the moment. for below as I can't seem to get below it in the message box
  2. I had steak last night too but with mushrooms. Cooked in our new frypan and it was good I'm going to have a lot of fun fiddling with this ipod. But why doesn't the NZ itunes store have the Muse app?? That's good you have put it down, we wouldn't want anything to have happened to it during your fustration eh?
  3. Denny's should have been a better dinner option anyway. I got myself a new iPod, finally! Haven't put anything on it yet as I got distracted coming on here testing it's Internet capacity and it is pretty so far
  4. Haha, wow. That sounds like an experience to be remembered Would be useful I suppose if your not sure about what all the lecturers do. Did you find some potential supervisors for your interests?
  5. Good to hear you enjoyed it too. Ah that sucks. I'm better today. Yesterday morning I felt crap, constantly feeling like I was going to sneeze but I got better once my mum came home with Codral Yeah I saw it on the news too, the experts all agree that the asteroid was the main cause of extinction because of the layers of rock they found. But they also think the dinosaurs were already in low numbers. Apart from birds that evolved from dinosaurs, I don't know of any reptiles that evolved from dinosaurs late in that time. Any that did evolve from dinos would have done so before the asteroid impact and survived that. Crocodiles survived from the dino age, maybe being in the water helped them... I wonder what happened with all the big water reptiles though, whether they were extinct before the dinos or not.. Hmmm. :LOL:
  6. Yeah, it's not nice getting one this early. My sister got it too, so it must be in the air Last year I only got one of these blocked sinuses type cold, so hopefully I'll follow the same pattern. The Kumeu show had all sorts of animals, mostly the farming type. The alpacas were there, I petted a little pony and some pomeranians The rest of the show was just a big fair of all sorts of farming, gardening, cooking, food, crafts, etc. At one stall my mum and I probably tried nearly a whole glass of while each of trying different sorts, the fejoa was pretty good. Had plenty of food samples so we didn't get hungry We ended up buying a set of stoneline pots and pans too, the ones where nothing will stick to it, it's not a chemical non-stick coating, and they have a 12 year guarantee
  7. Damn, this is one of those times when not having discovery channel sucks! They wear themselves out after a while, don't they? But we are still annoyed we are seated near them Well part of it is that they already think the dinosaurs were in decline from some other cause. Last I heard, they were still debating over whether dinosaurs were cold or warm blooded. I think that if they were cold blooded that would have lead to their extinction after the asteroid impact because the climate became very cold and there there wouldn't have been enough sun to heat up these big animals. Therefore they would have been very dopey and not be able to eat much, especially the meat eaters. However the dinosaur to bird lineage survived which would have probably been warm blooded like modern day birds [/my purely hypothetical scientific hypothesis] Ugh, I have a bit of a cold, bleh. Walking around the Kumeu Show in the weekend was interesting though.
  8. I agree with your review, was too lazy to write my own But yeah, the 3D wasn't that spectacular because things didn't make much of an impact since they didn't hang around out of the screen that much. I also had an annoying girl sitting next to me, she was a loud eater for at least the first half of the movie and occasionaly laughed loud, etc Sounds good.
  9. Yep, there are a lot of people out there who could take a little more appreciation of other species. It's all about the balance of nature. Uni is so much better than school/NCEA. Hang in there and you'll be out of school in no time! Haha, that was a very smart way of getting out of that and it shows you were at least paying some attention.
  10. It was an interesting seminar. Some cute and funny moments but also some sad ones. 75% of Africa is privately owned so it makes controlling where animals go more difficult as alot of places trade animals and sometimes they are moved to areas where they are not adapted. THey are working on getting more laws put in place though. Kruger national park is over populated with about 12000 elephants and culling has stopped because of all the greenies and welfare people overseas. No one wants to do the culling, but it has been done humanely and they can give the meat in cans to locals so they have some benefit as otherwise the elephants are just doing to much damage to the park as they can't migrate because it is surrounded by a big fence (doesn't stop some though) and in some places outside it they'll just get shot. But they have successfuly relocated elephants to Angola and lots of other species with money from an American humane society, but it's still not going to have much effect unless they can move heaps more or there are other options like vesectomy but that is also costly. An interesting fact is that elephants testes are right in the back more like to where the are kidneys are in most mammals. If I read this later it will help me remeber all this, lol. They also mentioned a bit about a 3 week course the University of Pretoria runs on wildlife management stuff which is very practical so you can go out in the field darting and capturing animals for various things. The lady who was talking most about it said it helps a lot with getting jobs and there are a lot out there unlike here in NZ, so I would be very interested in doing that. That's another thing to save for then, about 5000 for everything on the trip plus flights
  11. Yay, go Rich! I'm proud of you for your efforts and that drawing is very impressive I'm going to a seminar about elephant relocation at 1pm. I hope I can find the room and that it is a presentation with heaps of cute elephant pictures Ooh that's good it's helpnig to get rid of all the mozzies. I haven't seen any big spiders for ages
  12. Yay me, I was thinking it could be that bird from your description I don't think I've ever seen one before though. You might end up seeing more birds passing by from the now growing populations on Rangitoto and Motutapu from the pest eradication I'm just at home reading papers. I get so tired from reading them with my head ending up on the desk for a rest. I will probably go to uni tomorrow so hopefully the occasional outbursts by others will keep me awake Aww, poor you!
  13. Nice, I have been looking at those too. I would be more tempted to get one if they ever get shiny bomber replicas. Yum! I've been watching the series. It's pretty stupid but the places they go are really nice and some of the things they say are interesting. Egypt next week!
  14. Oh that sucks Hopefully your family will make you a nice dinner or something then to celebrate Oh that's good. Do they scan the tickets when going in? That should mean "Melanie" won't be let in. Otherwise get there early to get in the seats before them
  15. Oh cool, I've never seen it there before. So what are they doing about it? Signed deliveries are just crap sometimes aren't they? Some dvd's I ordered came today but no one was home so I'll have to wait til tomorrow but I hope they don't come really early as some are too lazy to open the gate I can imagine those cases would be very hard to deal with. Nice! I know what you mean. Only two days til I see Alice in Wonderland and the last I remember was thinking why are they advertising so much when it's still a couple months away.
  16. Hey Richard, do you happen to know how to get theses online like from the link here. I've looked at other sites for getting it and google scholar as my supervisor thought it should be online, but I can't find it. So I guess if there is nothing I'm missing on that site, I will have to go to the library to get it?
  17. They don't, do they? It's amazing how empty the car park can get, particularly in semester two That is a good sale indeed. I imagine that had quite an entertaining bidding war. Most are saying that crazy heart is really good, but it does depend on whether you like that sort of movie. You can tell shutter island may be quite predictable but it would be good if you like to get a few thrills. I've booked middle back seats at imax to see Alice in Wonderland on Sunday Thought we better not fluke getting good seats again like we did with Avatar.
  18. It was good fun Our team effort on Bohemian Rapsody was fun too, my friend wishes she could have seen that I just did some running around uni with paperwork today. I had to apply for three keys: the eco/conservation building and two for the postgrad room where I got my name stuck to a desk with paper and sticky tape Plus got a postgrad keycard, so far all I know is that is for getting into the postgrad computer building. I will need to treat all these keys and the card well to get my hefty deposit back at the end. And I have a pile of paperwork that will need to get filled in when I've got my research plan ready...
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