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Everything posted by vspirit

  1. friday? they're playing jakarta friday...so if you see them in wherever hitz is broadcasting from, it is either impostors you are seeing or it is impostors that are playing in jakarta.
  2. well let's see if jerrysoon and coffeejunkie86 are agreeable. so...mr. jerrysoon and ms.(?) coffeejunkie86, are the two of you agreeable with the venue change to 1 Utama? cos if you are, there'd be four on the list and we can officially get the ball for le muchos rolling. and you're welcome, sylvie
  3. aw...but wait...what if we change the location? so far there're only three confirmed attendees, so if it's ok with the two of em, we can easily switch the venue to 1U or something...but...there's one thing that's been niggling in my mind: how are you getting to the gig on something if you can't and won't take public transportation...? and didn't you say you'd be bringing friends along? cos really at this rate, i don't see the gathering happening. and i'll be there too early in the morning on the day of the gig to be able to participate in whatever get-together you're suggesting. and andrewlee89, good fer ya that you didn't rush. but there's something to be said about having been to the singapore one and seen them live once and then getting to see them /again/ now. =D edit:heya there sylvie. don't think there's a malaysian site dedicated to them (or an asian one for the matter), or at least i have yet to come across any myself, but if you want reports on the upcoming gig, all you have to do is hang around here.
  4. i'ma only going to retrieve it from the muddy banks of Grey on wednesday, so i dunno how far back is it yet. actually, i probably won't be able to tell even with the numbers in front of me cos I dunno what the seat numbering is like in Std. Negara. and i'm just gonna put up a notice here on wednesday (probably) for that one and get whoever is interested to PM me and help me to decide by saying whatever, like I did for the RM83 ones. a member called pirate49 posted this link here. the price for that pit ticket doesn't seem to have gone up much since it was first put up, and seeing as it's ending in 3 days, why not try bidding for this one? you can wait til the last day and well, i'm sure you know the wily ways of winning an online auction so you can probably figure out what to do for yourself. can't be that evil if you manage to win this one without paying too high a difference. and the shirt you speak of can be seen right here. and thumbs up for coffeejunkie86 for signing on~~what about the rest of ye?
  5. well there /is/ the buzz, and it's worth all the misery after. by which of course, when you're actually experiencing said misery, will make your opinion differ vastly but not enough to leave a long-lasting impression. EDIT: no, no, don't think. do. not kidding. haha, anyway, if you're gonna show and are sure about it, by all means put your name on the list. 'cos like i said, if i don't get at least four/five-ish names by 23:59 on the 20th, the whole thing will be considered as called off due to lack of interest and it's every man for himself on the 25th. (tho i suppose, if all you want is reinforcements, you actually don't need to show up for the gathering cos you could try making friends with the people in front and behind you, but if you are as interested as I am to meet other self-professed MUSE fans, then by all means show, and be decided about it by placing your name on the list--please?). EDIT2: oh, almost forgot. congratulations for the win. =D
  6. hm. nothing a big drink of water won't fix before i go to bed. i've never really experience the full onslaught of a hangover before, truth be told. i've been told i'm a semi pass-out drunk (meaning: can be roused for a fixed amount of time, but only good for once) so when i get home, even if I have to wobble my way there, my body just about dying to, well, pass out, my mind will still be coherent enough to remind me to take a good, long drink in the kitchen before stumbling to bed (or passing out right there in the kitchen) if I don't want to have a head-on collision with a slegehammer the moment I come to the next day. and i never had. i've had minor hangovers, yeah, due to miscalculating how much i should drink in my drunken stupor, but never bad enough to call in sick the next day. also, if i go beyond my limit, i puke out the excess before i pass out, so i guess that helps too... that, and i don't work mondays.
  7. it means instead of sticking around after the show, i'm going to go drown myself in alcohol after the show. yanno, to celebrate a good show? that sorta thing. i'll make a toast to it and everything, too. woo, just thinking about it is starting to give me the hiccups... i'll probably stick around long enough for most of the cars to clear, though. it's what i usually do at the theaters, too, watching the credits roll while the crowd clears. EDIT: don't let this declaration fool you, though. i'm not much of a drinker most times. give me an occasion or an excuse though...
  8. well i've just agreed to sell my RM83 ones to deb but do stay tuned, as i may have a single RM183 one available soon....wednesday, possibly. it's seated, tho, not standing...so you may not want it after all. ^^;; ...speaking of which...all the tix i have with me now are seated ones. so i don't think i'm the right person for you to turn to. what's EVOL btw? mikeadyla: there's a parking lot but i'm not too certain how big it is. one thing is for sure, though. the sooner you get there, the easier you'll find a spot. deb: i wasn't planning on staying with or w/o the vandalized CD. i have plans...or rather, my system has plans to douse itself with no certain amount of booze somewhere after the show...
  9. i meant MUSE is a vandalizing rock band. all rock bands are. all celebs are. hell even i'm a vandalizer, when you come to think of it.
  10. which reminds me, i have a good mind on having a word with the authorities about vandalizing rock bands. >=(
  11. lol? what for? it's not like you don't already have the best kind of ticket there is. ...or is it?
  12. haha. you're cute, you know that? i guess my initial guess was right, they weren't very sure of what they're asking. that, or they weren't sure how to phrase what they wanted to ask properly cos you'd imagine with the way they've asked it, they'd want exact venues and dates, and quite possibly the times to the nanosecond, of them accepting their award, as well. no matter, though. more chances for others. =) i...don't plan on wearing that t-shirt anywhere. it's prolly gonna end up somewhere in my pile of seldom-worn clothes (like my foo fighters one that i've won a few years back and my RHCP one that i actually bought). i'll make the judgment of where it'll end up after i've actually seen it. if it looks alright and fits me just as well, then i guess it's a keeper. regardless, i won't be wearing it on the day itself. ha...ha...w00t? who would've thunk they're actually not?! how dare they manipulate their audience??! it's a freakin' conspiracy!!! =P
  13. haha i didn't win the junk one. is it all the same? that is, are all junk tickets the RM83 one? i won via the Sun and Tigermusic (the pesky write-me-a-slogan ones). between the two of us, i think we've pretty much got winning most, if not all, available contests covered. i entered four different ones, and got response from half that. not bad for a few days' work. p/s: chances are the tee will have the dodgy Tiger logo printed on as well. but ah well, at least it's beer and not, say, tampon or something.
  14. i haven't gone to collect the tiger one yet but i assume it's a no. guy didn't list down anything of that sort when he was listing down stuff included in the prize. so to answer your question, mikeadyla, the CD and the tee are part of said prize. and i don't think it's the rerelease cos...isn't it too soon for that, still? it's prolly just one of them run-of-the-mill ones you get in stores, only vandalized. the contest you won, though, was it The Sun's one? congrats on the win, btw. =) the meet n greet thingy, i'd imagine it's reserved for radio contests. or some hush-hush contest or other.
  15. actually it's four. and i was trying everywhere cos i tot i'd only win one of em. and the reason behind it was, like i said, i'm trying to get friends to go. LoL. to you know, open them up to the wonders of good live music.
  16. gah. i had a message earlier but deleted it in haste thinking my other fren would want it but...as it turns out, he doesn't. so, like i said in my earlier post...well you wouldn't know since i've deleted the bloody thing...i've won a couple of them RM83 type and i have one left. so whoever wants it, pm me. and since there might be more than one of ya, do something to help me decide. short of hunting me down and murdering me for it, that is. i'm susceptible to threats so if you have do hunt me down, please spare my puny life. just threaten to and i'll prolly hand it over nice and quiet. it's just a RM83 ticket tho, and it's only one, so i doubt it's hardly worth all that trouble. so, i suppose you can just say something in your pm about why the ticket should be yours and not someone else's and if i'm swayed, it's yours for RM83. right then, i'm off. p/s: did anyone else have any luck winning anything? pp/s: update: just got a call from tiger (ok, not tiger per se, but a dude from their ad agency) and it seems i've won one of their prizes from their online gig. so now i have two RM183 tickets and two RM83 tickets extra. while i'm holding on to the two RM183 ones for reasons of my own, the two RM83 ones are now up for grabs, going at the original price. stay tuned tho, for i may release one of the RM183 ones later, if none of my friends would change their minds about not going (eventho i'm willing to give it to them for nothing...haha, so you think you had it bad with friends who just don't care, huh? but to each his own, i guess. one is smart enough to accept tho, so i guess not all is lost *beams*...which explains why there'll be only one left if i release it). ppp/s: uh...so did anyone else have any luck winning anything?
  17. hehehe. nothing to be embarrassed about at all, mateys. Well as of now, only one other besides myself has confirmed. I was actually waiting for the 15th before I start calling for confirmation since that's when crazy says she can confirm but since it's officially less than two weeks away now, can we have some more confirmation starting today? For those who are able to come, just add your name to the list and paste the entire thing as a brand new post. For those who aren't, don't. If your friends who aren't members of this board are coming, please add their names in as well (i.e.: if there's a Victor coming with you, just put in 'Victor', if there're more than one Victor coming, then put in 'Victor I', 'Victor II', 'Victor III' and so on), the reason of which I'll divulge at the end of this post. If I don't see your name by 23:59 on the 20th--today's the 13th, btw--I'll consider your answer a 'no'. Don't have to tell me you're still not sure and why or whatever between now and then, cos I'm a person who confuses easily, so just a confirmation of putting your name on the list or NOT putting it by the 20th will suffice. If you can confirm now, though, please, please do. Cause if I don't start seeing some more names soon, I'm going to have to start digging my heart back up from whichever hole it's sunk into. If there are more than four positive confirmation, then the Le Muchos will be an all green. Which is why I need all the names of those who are joining. =) I'm hoping this'll happen. Are you?
  18. aw...i hardly think a great many people would pay a hundred over bucks just to be cool...or at least what they think of as being cool. and i reckon it's only cool for them if they're in the mosh area.
  19. really? cos i sincerely think it's the other way around when it comes to live performances. what you've said certainly holds true, although only to an extent. somehow, someway, malaysians aren't oblivious. previous big-named american acts received a hearty reception, there's never a doubt about that, but to my knowledge, they've never actually sold out. the fact that MUSE did, is a surprise, yes, but it certainly speaks volumes about malaysian music fans.
  20. i think that 'best' is just a personal concept, you know. anything that you find is the best for you goes only as far as your perception, that's it. your mom may be the best in the world to you but the truth is everyone's mothers are the greatest mother in the world, tho I'm sure there also will be a lot who'll beg to differ. anyway, the point i'm trying to make is, 'best' differs from person to person and the variables are infinite. there never will be a general consensus for best anything in the world except your own where /you/ are the general consensus. 'best' does not really exist. as far as i'm concerned anyway. EDIT: forgot to comment on the neat t-shirt design, so...hey, neat t-shirt design! ^_~
  21. that's some nice insight you've got there, pirate. i saw another thread dedicated to MUSE in another forum and they were putting live vids out to compare the two, and some of the MCR ones were quite recent. and while my bias tells me MUSE are the better performers, setting that aside, if i were to be honest with myself, while overall MUSE are more capable performers live, a lot of us seem to forget that different music will naturally sound different live, and MCR make very different music from MUSE. it's not really the Olympics so drawing comparisons to see who wins might be a tad unfair to both parties. but we fans are people, at the end of the day, and people will be people, i guess. ^^; let's forget about MUSE for a bit, since they are another band altogether. MCR has come a pretty long way themselves. and with their recent lives being a far cry from before, all i thought while watching some of those vids was that they're different. and i really do think their latest album is a good and honest effort on their part so fairplay to them. haha and ibelieve...that wasn't really what i meant. what i meant to say was that i really wasn't in the position to criticize others for monologueing when i can be pretty longwinded myself (granted mine aren't usually monologues, but still...). it's nice to hear your thoughts, tho, so don't stop ^^ and serves who right?
  22. ...this is frecking unbelievable...you touter! but i noticed that none of the bidders are registered users. isn't that...dangerous? and ibelieve...way to monologue...tho i really shouldn't say anything, should i? xxD
  23. ^oh. in that case, i guess i feel sorry for her. well it's good that she's going to the show then. gives MUSE a chance to try to impress her with their own caliber and maybe hopefully reverse all the negative impressions incurred due to your overeager gushings. still, knowing you for as long as she did, i'd thought she'd be more tolerant... and no, no, haha. i don't feel old. um...not really. not actually. not entirely. not overtly, not.................
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