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Everything posted by vspirit

  1. i'm not a singles collector so i can't really be sure but i don't think we have as much a variety as we used to about a decade back or so. but i think it won't be too much of a hassle to get the record store to import it for you... as for the book, yeah, i buckled and got mine from the kino here. i was pretty amazed with the selection they had. there were quite a bit of books for...alternative...thinkers too. and yes, i'm malaysian.
  2. they ARE that bad. why else do you think so little international acts come here? i read somewhere that linkin park actually had to jump through endless hoops with the immigration just to hold their big show here and eventho i'm not into them, i still give them my kudos for persevering where many other acts would've just said "f*ck it, all these trouble ain't worth it." it means that LP thinks malaysians are worth the trouble and that's enough to induce a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. tho i didn't go and am not into them still. xxxxD still, lots of people went and i'm glad their show was a huge success. and while i won't be doing anything to contribute to it, i wish them more success in their careers and future undertakings.
  3. yeah, like i said in one of my earlier posts in this thread, they've even all and all out mentioned malaysia (among a few other SEA countries) in the loveline show they did a couple of months back or so when they were doing a short tour of the states. i'd love to be jumping with joy and all but i don't think i'll do just that yet cos as much as i'm truly impressed and grateful that they even consider us at all in the first place much less actually making it here, there's a high chance the immigration might f*ck that up for us. i'm not a pessimist by nature but well, there's reason to be wary when the m'sian gov't is involved, don't you think? either way i'm not gonna set myself up for disappointment so i'll jst look forward to seeing them elsewhere further than SEA someday, if not in M'sia itself next year. hell, i might even eat my words and go to one of the SEA countries they do end up playing -- i'd choose thailand over s'pore cos i've never been to thailand before and would love to look around but tickets in s'pore will be easier to get...guess i'll decide when the time comes. =)
  4. so you're cheering just so others can? wow that's...that's really awesome of you. if they do make it down here, i really hope, by some divine stroke of luck or something, that you can make it. and Nutcracker...yeah, well, I don't exactly lose sleep over it or anything but sometimes when others talk about going to shows with their mates or something, it makes me feel a little lonely. whenever i attend rock concerts, i always go alone. but hey, i can make friends there. heh heh...but the ironic thing is, most times, i end up talking about everything BUT the music with some of the people there...which is a good thing, i suppose...
  5. you have a mutual friend when it comes to muse? that's so...well, that must be nice...i don't really get to talk much bout them or music in general since the friends i used to gush about music with are all pretty much elsewhere in the world now...and i don't have too many of those to begin with. and what little gay frens i have are into stuff like ADnD, magic the gathering, warcraft and anime (ok, even the straight ones like bout the same stuff) so i'm pretty much on my own when it comes to my love for loud music (and by extension, muse). that or they're into other kinda bands, those with the atmospheric elements in their music, kinda like massive attack and björk and portishead and archive and stuff (tho i like them enough to listen occasionally, i don't really like them enough to follow or know too much about their stuff) or chick rock stuff like pj harvey and fiona apple...=(( and the straight people i know who are into music like those nu-metalish stuff like SOAD (which i quite like myself, but not as much as muse) and metallica and korn and yanno the drill...and from these bunch, not too many of them are into brit stuff, i'm afraid....other than the beatles. i don't even know anyone who's into radiohead. well not anyone i'm close with, anyway. passing acquaintance, maybe....which is not nearly enough, even. so if i ever wanna talk about bands i like, it's sadly confined to online forums. and when i find fellow m'sian fans in said forums, well, eventho in reality we're prolly as far away from each other emotionally as the rest of the members from other parts of the world, it still just feels closer somehow, yanno? just an illusion, i know, but it has to be enough for now, i spose. =) so yeah i'd make sure we treasure each other if i were you two...
  6. heh heh. well then, let's hope the band and their management don't mind putting up with shit. cos otherwise they might forego the country altogether. and where would we all be then? ...well, you, i can prolly tell. it's me that's the problem.
  7. well the fact that most bands would rather deal with your country's authorities than ours might contribute to the possibility. our immigration department is governed by ahempigheadsahem after all. now that i think about it, i think why some bands choose to play smaller venues with age restrictions rather than the biggers ones without here is simply cos it's easier to be granted a permit that way. big shows = red tape. endless amount of it. our immigration loves it, thrives on it, sits on it. that, and our country is more concert starved than yours, all of which are thanks to the reason i've already stated above, and not for the lack of fans(which i'm sure you're already well aware of) like i first gathered. fact, not opinion. and herewith sprung our pessimistic attitude.
  8. haha they're not 30 yet, i don't think...i think two of em still have another couple of years or so to go. and 30 is when life really begins for most, you know. and you can actually settle down at any age as proven by, of all people, the youngest member of this band...who's already settled down at what? 19??? xDD dunno bout the other two. bellamy still seems a rather long way from settling down but even if he does, i doubt it'd be what'd stop the band from making music. if anything, it'd be the band feeling that they've done enough before pulling the plug. but then again you have bands like the rhcp, dt, tfl, u2, and many more who've been around for ages...who's to say muse won't as well, eh? and hey, you're still a student right? chances are, if you ever pick to further your tertiary education overseas in one of the more commonly picked foreign countries (UK, US, OZ, etc), you'd get to see whatever festivals that go on there. and sides, you're young. who's to say what'll happen in the future? as such, i wouldn't worry too much about not getting any chances, if i were you.
  9. possible as it may be, you people are really starting to depress me... =(
  10. ohhhh right. i forgot about the underaged aspect. but what i truly meant was on top of playing one bigger venue for people of all ages, i'm hoping that they'd play a couple of smaller ones alongside. and haha if i have to travel to watch them i'd rather go further than singapore. this way i can at least do some sightseeing in a country that's totally foreign. two birds with one stone. besides, it's not as if i've never done it before. i did just that for the RHCP concert and BDO in Perth in '00. so if they're coming down to SEA but not to M'sia, no, i prolly won't bother to travel. i'll just youtube their live shows 'til i save enough to go to the UK or US or wherever (Italy's high on my list). i'll just plan my travelling dates to coincide with their touring ones. xxD and i think their SEA tour could actually be early next year, possibly the first quarter. i got wind that it might possibly be as soon as March/April-ish. but things could change tho so ultimately, i dunno.
  11. they just might. contrary to popular belief, they do have quite the fanbase here actually. although i'm not quite sure if it's big enough to fill the bukit jalil stadium--not that the venue is all that massive, just whether or not the fanbase and musicheads here are interested enough but at least a medium sized venue like the kiara equestrian club will have a sizeable turnout, i reckon. given the 'nature' of the place tho, i'd rather it not be there. but since i can't think of any other decent places, i guess it'd have to do. people'll just have to remember to bring those menthol oil and nose pegs... i'm hoping for some smaller club venues thrown in, though, like the recent We Are Scientists at Zouk KL one but Muse might just be able to command a crowd that's bigger than smaller venues like that over here now. couple of years ago these smaller venues might've worked maybe but certainly not anymore now, i don't think. i can still hope, though... that, and i really don't wanna travel too far to catch them live, worth the trouble as they may be i probably simply won't bother...especially if it involves crossing borders of any kind =( so it'd be really great news if they do make a short stop here. heck, i don't even mind paying the price for the best seats, as long as i don't have to go out of my way too much to attend...that's what the band's supposed to do. we do the payin', they do the travellin'.
  12. Was that for me? Cos if it is, I'm in the Klang Valley area =) And yeah would be good if you're still around should they really make it down here next year. ^_^
  13. hmmm was just listening to the session of loveline which Muse were guests on and about 53 minute-ish into the show, Bellamy lets drop something that's right interesting. "...but yeah, I'm looking forward to next year. We're going to do like a tour of South-East Asia. We're playing, well, also Japan but we're also playing (The) Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia and stuff...looking forward to it...I've never been there before but I'm looking forward to that very much, yeah." oh, when Bellamy was listing off those countries, someone added Indonesia but I dunno who. Maybe it's Howard, cos if it was, then yeah, Indonesia too. so...yeah. i know it's next year but better keep yourselves alert starting now, m'sian fans. tho judging from the rate this thread is getting response, or rather NOT getting response, i doubt you guys will know about it til the media here picks it up and bites you in the ass when they do. come on, people, wake up! EDIT: well guess the Indons already picked up on it. xD just saw their thread. eventho it's a little dead now, it still boasts more life than here. c'mon guys, make some noise, show the guys that coming to Malaysia will NOT be wrong decision. Don't make them hesitate to come here!!! EDIT 2: OK found another older M'sian thread further on but well, i've already posted here so *shrugs*
  14. there...really aren't too many of us, eh? i think looking in this thread itself will already tell them how unjustified their trip here may be. much as i wish they'd come, i really dunno if enough people here know of their music enough or at least heard of them just enough to be curious to check them out live (and leave a total Musehead convert). we're a rather concert-starved country, and they don't exactly get loads of airtime here. in fact i don't think i've ever heard them on mainstream radio programs (which i only ever switch to when i'm driving and forgot to bring CDs on board...which is too often, unfortunately, as they don't play stuff i fancy so it usually ends up as background noise). i've only ever heard them once or twice on those more obscure evening rock selection thingies...which prolly contributes to the factor of why we're so starved in the first place, other than the obvious 'too much jumping through immigration hoops', of course. which is why that little airplane up there is really, REALLY ironic. le sigh.
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