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Status Updates posted by Stephie

  1. better chap, thanks very much! not completely over the whole thing but hopefully i'll get to go away again this summer and that'll take my mind off things...cheers for caring!

  2. you're my best friend in the whole world

  3. but...but...we're buddies online here! IS THAT NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!

  4. er, no. hahah. i'm bored of GTA now!

  5. i really want to go to australia too! i'd love to get a visa and work there during this winter. i've still not been yet! yesyes, come to ireland asap, i am so freaking bored here right now it's not funny :( are you still thinking of coming for the muse gig? yeah, picked up a woeful cold from killing my immune system with hangovers which i'm still battling! oh well, was totally worth it :D xx

  6. yeah, had a glimpse at your costa rica photos, it looks like paradise! now i want to go - i've got a travelling itch i can't kick right now. :( having trouble settling into normality again! you still thinking of coming to ireland? xx

  7. heyyyya kiddo, sorry for the delay in replying, just got back from a month of inter-railing, best heartbreak cure ever ;) feeling a lot better now, although i just want to get out of this damn country again! what've you been up to? i met a surfer from cornwall in my travels...of course, i was drunk so that's about all i remember hehe x

  8. no, not really but thanks for asking... charlie ended it for the summer and now he's gone and i can't get out of bed...

  9. oh god, that's awful! :( you poor thing! ugh, let's both be miserable together *hugs* if you need anyone to moan to, feel free to hit me up with a PM :) x

  10. thanks so much phill xx

  11. thanks :( i really wish i was...

  12. er, no, i lack that. i'll try and figure out the internet first!

  13. FOR SURE


    <3 omg i am exciteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

    i wonder if there's any gigs on around then

  14. one more tomorrow, then i'm allllll yours. providing i can work it.



    i'll feel guilty :(

  16. hey bebe xx


    btw i am no longer going to thailand so i am yours this summer

  17. [noparse]HAY GIRLFRIEND![/noparse]

  18. when is the wedding again? i might do, i don't think i'm doing anything....i'm still taking bets he shags the bridesmaid at it.

  19. leon should come to dublin

  20. kev happened. he is thus my sworn enemy.


    my tags keep getting deleted too. NOT FAIR



    i will never be able to forgive that

  22. you're NOTHING to me now :'(

  23. i can't believe you destroyed my thread

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