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Status Updates posted by Stephie

  1. how the fuck do i work this program

  2. just found that link you left me so i'll give it a go

  3. i keep trying to get him to join flickr :p i know bob would approve haa. aww lucky, wish i'd been there. saw in the pics you went to the mac shop, let me guess...bob's doing? :p he drags me in there EVERY time i meet up with him in london! xx

  4. i may venture into the realms of the photography thread some day...:shifty: the boyf's really trying to get me back into it and he's succeeding :happy: bringing the camera over to his this week so he can bully me into taking pictures haha. i told him i met you through bob who i met through 'muse' :p cryptic, haha. bless him. he added you as a contact on jpeg the other day, don't want to say his name here (:shifty:) but he's the welsh guy who added you if that's any help. :LOL: how you getting on, enjoy london? xx

  5. lmao i just read back on my last comment here and it took me like 5 minutes to realise i was talking about GTA. i was wracking my brains trying to figure out who gave me 500 quid to take pictures of their wife... x

  6. hewwo uka, long time no talk - saw the pics on facebook, looks like you'd fun in london :D haha guess what, my boyfriend really loves photography and joined jpeg the other day and found your stuff and he's a big fan. :happy: aww bless him. i told him i knew you and he was all jealous of me :p hehe. had to lie as to how i met you though, i don't want him finding out about my antics on these forums :LOL: xx

  7. yup, twas excellent, managed to get right to the front and all, even though i only arrived at 7 :D &my mate was working on the bar so it was free beers all round, whoo. how's life treating ya? x

  8. well, i was right - we got dead star and space dementia. niiiice. :D oh yeah, kev was very disappointed he didn't get to go for curry with you :LOL:

  9. ugh, looks like i don't get much choice now whether i go or not, heh. stupid seetickets...

  10. hmmm haven't checked the mail today but get the feeling there'll be nothing there - i'll ring ticketmaster UK later, they used to email me saying 'sorry we've no word on your tickets yet' so maybe it got changed to a box office collection? i'm not sure, i idiotically deleted all the emails. at least i kept the booking code!

  11. not yet...have other people got theirs?

  12. ehmmm let's just say more man trouble :LOL: i'm such an idiot. oh well, fun weekend anyway, been so long since i drank!

    messiness is always good! was the weather good? i hate you if so.

    fury would be AMAZING. i heard they randomly pulled space dementia out of the bag a while ago as well, that would probably make my life. can't believe you've a ticket and you aren't going, haha, you look into ferries at all? i know there's one from holyhead -> dun laoghaire but i've no idea how close you are to holyhead? xx

  13. pffffft you suck, i hope they do play something new so you feel extra bad. :D and some rarities, haha - i'll probably be happy just as long as they play dead star! eckkkk i'm not sure i can show my face in town anymore after this weekend...criiinge. you get up to much exciting? xx

  14. it was an eventful night anyway, i seem to enjoy making trouble for myself! bummer, are flights well expensive then? better hope they don't end up play something new now! :p x

  15. eeech, i shouldn't go on computers drunk. awww noooo, that sucks, why? x

  16. holaaaaa you book your flights yet? being online at nearly 5 am is AWESOME

  17. it could be a new record! my liver's probably thanking me but it's making life very boring.

    REALLY hope the weather's good for muse, nothing like a few cans of kopparberg in the sun :happy: and yep, the venue's out in a massive field, so it'll be pretty crappy if the weather continues as it is. we usually get nice weather in august...usually. :( xx

  18. guh, lucky, attempted to have a day drinking in the sun before going out that night on sunday but my stomach is totally fucked right now so i basically keeled over in pain when i attempted to eat some pizza. :( could no longer drink. it sucks, i haven't drank since oxegen now! shall have to make up for it at muse. :D xx

  19. sunday and monday were absolutely gorgeous, and i managed to give myself the most retarded tan lines ever. i look like i've wings tattooed on my ribs. it's raining today though :( get up to owt exciting? xx

  20. it's basically the most important thing to know when in dublin :LOL: the weather's probably gonna be crap so there most likely won't be much else to do but drink and see muse! :p hmm, i'll ask about tomorrow if any one knows anywhere cheap to stay but i'd say the boardies will know better than me... if all else fails, i'm sure you can avail of my couch :LOL: xx

  21. well, if you do end up going alone, i'll keep my babysitting promise. :LOL: though i'm mostly useful for knowing what pubs to go to. :p hmmm, tough one on the accommodation, how long you planning to stay for? xx

  22. oooh, that's awesome! :D didja book your flights/accommodation yet? still want me as a babysitter? :p xx

  23. ooh, canada would be SO COOL, i take it you'd be heading for some skiing/snowboarding? :p i really want to go there at some point, met such cool canadians when i was away. oxegen was such a MESSY affair, i take it you saw my facebook photos... quite embarrassing, i couldn't even drink on sunday because i was so sick. saw rage against the machine though which was awesome. :D i'm goood thanks, really reallllly bored&still hoping to get away again in august...how you getting on? xx

  24. only noticed you left that response to me on your OWN page :p being online at early hours is always cool. whereabouts in aus you considering heading? just back from a very rainy oxegen festival and DYING to leave this country now! x

  25. ah, haven't been eating much since i came home for no real reason other than loss of appetite, but never fear, i ate like a horse whilst away!

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