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Everything posted by hyper_chondriac_muser

  1. Cool, which songs are you remixing?


    I'm good thanks, just shifting through emails and checking out the boards as always! I like your avatar btw lol!


    No problem! :D

  2. Hey, how are you? :happy:


    Thanks very much for the xmas card/wishes - it's very cool! Hope you have a great one too!


    hcm ;)

  3. Hope your final goes well tomorrow!! *sends you bags of luck dressed as cookies* lol .. not that you need it or anything ;)


    Wooooooohoooo only 17 or so days to go until we can use our Muse calendars! I'm already planning where-abouts I can hang it on my wall.. the space is limited lol!


    :LOL: Matt? dad??W?!!"<E£ I barely regard Mr Bellamy as a fellow human.. more like some enhanced life-form that mumbles a lot and makes insanely amazing music haha. Yeah, definitely, Chris is the only one of them worthy of the dad-status. He just pops out babies whilst being the coolest guy ever in the world's best rock band :cool: I salute him fo' sho! As for Dom.. oh dear, any DOMestic setting (see what I did there?!?!?!) I picture him in involves him wering a pink apron and holding an equally pink feather duster hehe.. not in a kinky way or anything lol.. I just imagine him as a fluffy housewife cleaning up after people LOL! ahem, yes, anyways.. :$


    Yeah I've been back and forth as to whether I find any of them attractive. I was a major PMTer 2 years ago.. spamming pictures of Matt and everything (I was especially obsessed with his red hair.. mmm red hair :ninja: lol) But now I think I just find his talents and charisma attractive more than his actual physical features. Oh but yeah, he's def hot in some pictures.. but also def not in others :p hehe.. Lately though, I've been finding Chris rather charming :eyebrows: lol.. I guess 'cos he's more built and .. masculine than the other two haha! I just prefer that look to the dinky, girly-ness of Matt and Dom.. srsly they're so small and feminine sometimes haha.. anyways!! I rambles! And Lol, alien-freak = perfect description of teh ballemy!


    Ahhh I'm gonna get all nostaglic over old gaming consoles! Like sega mega drive and game boy and the first PS! I looooved playing Tekken II on the PS! It was awesomes! Yeaah I remember Banjo Kazooie.. and OMFGZ MARIO KART RULEZ!! Ohh I'm gonna cry lol.. I loved that game to death! I always thought Mario was saying 'Mexico' instead of 'Let's-a-go' :LOL::$.. I stupidly didn't realise him and Luigi are Italian, not Mexican.. despite the fact that they wear the colours of the Italian flag to make it clearer to tards like me :rolleyes:!

    Anyhow, mustn't take up too much ramblage on gaming, I could honestly go on for decades.. but sooo glad you agree! *high 5's*


    Yeah it was such a shock and so sad that he died :( .. but you're right it did make the movie more haunting and his character more intense and disturbing in a way. Can't quite explain it.. it was like watching his ghost or something :stunned: But such an awesome film.. I was going to see it in the IMAX as well but it sold out really quickly!


    Hehe tell me about it, I can't count the amount of times I've had a dangerous obsession with some form of Muse merch that I reaaaally wanted to get my hands on but is more rare than other stuffs.. eBay usually solves my probs with that but I end up paying more than I want to because the obsession gets the better of me and all logic just goes out the window *sigh* .. I'm a sucker for Muse memorabilia! But I hope you get the poster/the guy is willing to send it to you *fingers x'd* :happy:


    Yeah I have a feeling I'll be yawning throughout most of the film, but I'll just watch the baseball SMBH and smile.. but if I hear a n00b shout out 'OHMGOZ MOOSEE R ON TWAILAIETZ!!!11!!ELEVEN!1!' in the cinema I'll have to bring out the light sabre :fear: lol (soz I do the crazed fan impression waaay too often.. it's not that hard when you're actually one of them haha.. well no actually I'm not a n00ber, but I do have crazy 'omgz' moments occasionally!)


    Hehe k, here are some more words to add to your Wiktionary = Eraser/Rubber, Flashlight/Torch, Gas/Petrol, Vacation/Holiday.. there really are loads! Yeahh 'arse' is fun to say haha.. I can't get away with 'ass'.. it just sounds wrong in a British accent!


    You're welcome =D! I gave you more cookies at the start of this post too for exam luck hehe!


    Hmm I don't know exactly how you'd get banned but I imagine you'd have to do something seriously offensive. I know one guy who came on here not so long ago and was just looking to fight with Everyone! Literally he'd say anything just to wind us all up. He really offended people by saying inappropriate things and finally got banned by insulting people with disabilities. He created another account under the same username with a '2' next to it lol.. original! But the mods blocked that too! I think we're safe from bann-age as long as the terrorist speak doesn't go beyond these comment messages haha .. jk!


    Thanks, I finally got some extra zzz time, slept in this morning so feel muchhh better today!


    Yay glad you enjoy the ambushing.. it happens often enough that I type for aaages and take up all your wall space (like i am right now) so you should be used to it by now :p! I'll update you bout the mug situation as soon as I get a response from them (tmz hopefully) .. till then have a great night! Oh and for the last time.. hope you ace that final! x =]

  4. Yo! .. nah don't apologise.. ahhh finals! How'd it go? Wow they make you take finals in the middle of the night?! :stunned: .. well 9pm is pretty fecking late lol. Good luck with all the rest!


    Yayyy my calendar arrived todayz!! :pimp: I duno if it has stickers with it.. it's the 'daily mail' one lol. It's still sealed cos I'm too gay to open it before new years [/saddo]


    :LOL: aww no don't be embarrassed.. I obvs wasn't clear and flopped yet again at making jokes :facepalm: Haha well it is actually a nice name, but everytime I hear it I get visions of a female Matt Bellamy (tis not pretty lol!) .. I've got the pics on my comp somewhere, when I find them I'll show you lolz


    Ooh you're room sounds pwetty! Cool, yeh when you move back in I'm sure you and your mum can come to an agreement on how to decorate it.. if not you can just have a schizo room that's half your ideas and half hers hehe


    :pope: OMGZZ!!1!!! U R MAI N64 SAWLMAYT! :eek::D Honestly, ask anyone, I've Always said Ocarina of Time is the best game to ever be invented in the history of the universe EVAR :D!! And I'm obsessed with N64! I even wrote it in my bio (check my user profile)! and posted it on my myspace page an everywhere I could really lol.. soz that was nearly as bad as one of my Muse rambles :p


    And yeaah TDK is awesome.. Heath Ledger was amazing in it! The poster I have is sooo cool, my friend got it for me, it has images of various different joker playing cards over the years with Mr Ledger in the middle looking all creepy haha. I didn't describe it v well but it's seriously :\mm/: As for my Muse posters... lol I won't bore you with that. Le's just say there are MANY and they are tres awesomes!


    Ohh the NB poster.. k let me find it....

    Is it this one: n00b born << that's the small one btw.


    or more n00bage


    ^ that's the giant one on eBay UK. There's also another version that is more rare:



    The giant one might reach in the £30s ($60-70ish) with the bidding, but they aren't tooo rare so it might not be that expensive in the end.


    lol Twilight. I'm gonna see it when it's out just to see what all the fecking fuss is about. But yeah it's kind of shit that little teeny boppers are all 'OMFGZZZDESFMKEJF"$£(% AI LUV MOOSE & STEFANEE MYAAR LOZL SOOPRMASIV CACK BOWL <333!' :rolleyes: .. dw I won't set you off on a rant about it :p let's just leave it at Twilight = ghey!


    Haha I have looads of those .. Cops/Police, Trunk/Boot, Elevator/Lift, Apartment/Flat etc.. I'll give you some in each convo *suspense* lol


    WAOW *wears glitter construction paper crown with pride* .. aw I feel like I should return the favour.. how about a cookie instead?


    Yeah exactly, you just get settled in your 'home'/ kinda figure yourself out and then it's like 'kbithen'. But luckily I didn't move too much or far in my teens so I got to see all the friends I made often! Hehe and washing clothes at your folks' place ftw! :p.. I'm gonna milk it as long as I possibly can haha my poor mum... So have you grown up with the same set of friends etc since you were an ickle kid? Just wondering.. must be cool to see how one place can change over the years by living there all your life. I wonder what my first house looks like now haha!


    Yeah uni's an overpriced biatch and work is meh so it's lose/lose really .. haha I'm ever the pessimist!


    Lol yes indeed I am THEE one and ONLEE h_c_m ;)! You should feel honoured.. I'm faymooos after all lol :LOL: Maybe not a restraining order but tis possible to get banned.. luckily I haven't been banned for being a complete supermassive Museloser just yet.. and it's been quite a few years already so phew lulz!


    Ahh well good luck for your finals! Yay tis nearly over with!! Then it's Christmuse! I mean Christmas hehe. I'm k.. finished work and am exhausted!! But I get to sleep in tomorrow which I desperately need.. felt like I haven't slept in a week ugh!


    Crap, it's taken me aaages to write this cos I'v been called to do a bout 10 other things at the same time and you've replied to me already in the time I've been rambling so I'll go and check and stop typing now .. I'll try to stop abusing your page again sozz..

  5. Yep, I'll def take the pics.. as soon as they flippin' arrive [/impatient]! I still haven't received anything :( .. even my Muse calendar has been delayed lol!


    :LOL: :LOL: :stunned: Ohh dear my attempt at sarcasm completely backfired!! I was only joking, I've never EVER been pregnant! Never even had a proper boyfriend so, yeah, lol at my epic fail!! :LOL::$ Serves me right, I thought I was on a roll with the lame jokes on this board.. even had good responses in the caption thread haha, but I took it too far lolz :p I added the 'Mattalie' thing as a joke too.. a couple of years ago on this board I was rambling on about Matt wearing make-up or something and we invented his female alter-ego Mattalie-- with photoshoppage of his face with tons of girlie make up lol so I just re-used the name for a laugh! but OMGZ if that ever did happen to me I wouldn't be alive to tell the tale because my parents would have literally murdered me!


    Ahh yeah I missed my Muse (and cartoon) filled room when I went on holiday lol. Seriously it looks like a deranged 7 year old's room .. there's posters of Muse, mickey, spongebob, scooby, the joker (from the Dark Knight), Zelda etc .. you'd never guess it was a so-called adult's room haha! Oh well, it's my version of Neverland.. I never grow up! I gather your room isn't quite so childlike/dorky?


    Yeah I kind of like that it's all so .. intimate hehe! It just makes life easier when you have to travel somewhere within England as nothing is ever too far away. If we're talking about the whole of the UK then it's quite a bit bigger but nothing compared to the US! But having all that space must be kinda cool too! And it seems like each state is quite different to the next.. well maybe not each state, but I imagine a lot of them differ to one another so it's kind of like going to another country .. almost.. or is it?! lol I'm sounding like a mumbling retard again!


    Haha, it's quite shameful that some people only recognise Muse or one of their songs from Twilight! :stunned: I feel for you.. having to put up with a mainstream culture that embraces the likes of the Jonas fecking Brothers! We have some cheesy pop stuff here too but not that bad hehe :p Yeah you should feel special being one of the very few musers in MN! :cool:


    Lol yes you're right indeed, chips = crisps over here. And french fries = chips. Haha, I like translating Britisms/Americanisms. What have we covered so far.. Fall/Autumn, Chips/Crisps, .. is that all? lol. I'll add some: Truck/Lorry, Couch/Sofa, Diaper/Nappy, Okay I'll stop that now lol getting carried away!


    Thanks :happy: .. do I get the Miss World crown and sash for my moving speech then? :p But srsly, glad you agree!


    To be honest I don't really remember all the moving even though we did it a lot lol! Well most of it was during my childhood so I can't remember lots.. hell, I can't remember what some of our old homes looked like haha! I don't mind it too much.. as you say it's kind of exciting moving into a new place, in a new neighbourhood etc.. but it's also really stressful transferring your life from one area to the next. And it's kinda sad when you've built up memories somewhere and suddenly you have to leave it behind. I love our current house though.. don't think we'll be moving for a while.. well I will be when I finally move out, but the 'rents will still be here meaning I'll be back and forth visiting/eating their food/getting my clothes washed for me lol.. can't wait for that ;P!


    Haha yeah I was inspired by lolcats for the title of ma terrorist homepage lol! (I hope people don't read this and report me to the police lol :ninja: iz only jkz!) .. I would soo do it if a) I wasn't such a computer n00b b) I was wittier/able to come up with clever lol-images c) it wasn't such a politically sensitive issue that would most likely land me in prison hahaha!


    Work is meh, just work in a store part time for funds as i r constantly broke! Rest of the time I'm in and out of classes for that journalism thingy.. and on Muse sites like this lol *needsalife*!


    oh Jeezuz, my obsesssion with Muse is so excessive/obvious/OTT/liekwtf! etc that it has made me mildly famous! Well not really but kind of hehe.. I have an account on muselive.com under a different username (which I can't change now 'cos they're ghey on ML) .. so in my sig I've written (aka hyper_chondriac_muser) and someone wrote 'are you THE hyper_chondriac_muser from .mu?!' Lol! :$ :$ .. just proves that my muse-insanity has spread across the internet .. I might end up with a restraining order from these sites soon lol!


    Arghh but enough of my rambling.. how are you today?

  6. Hehe it's okay to be sappy every once in a while.. it's especially forgivable if you're missing your family near the holidays.. and just think not long to go before you escape all the work and get to go home :happy:


    Ooh v excited about the mugs!! :D They haven't arrived yet but as soon as they do I'll do my usual screech of happiness followed by aaages of staring at my new Muse purchase before contemplating whether I should package it away nicely so I don't ruin it ... :$ ... I'm not (that) crazy honest! It's that damn OCD thing! Yeah the blue and yellow are a bit shite but I couldn't resist getting the set haha! So, how chuffed are you to be getting a shmexy black Muse mug?! You can show off to everyone that you have a way cooler mug than they do! Although judging by your comments about the other people in your area, no one seems to care much about Muse anyways lol! Ah well, more for you I s'pose :p I'll not only let you know how the colours look, I'll send you piccys too.. and of course do the same for your mug when it gets here, and get onto the PO for prices etc as I promised!


    Lol I had a feeling you'd ask if I was with child too after I told you my classmates were popping out babies :LOL: .. yes, me and ickle baby Mattalie (it's a girl but I wanted her to have a Muse-inspired name!) had to face the world alone when I had her at 17! :p -- sad thing is, that was a reality for so many of those girls at my school.. yeah, you're right I think it was all those restrictions causing them to rebel. That and the fact that they're just plain stupid for getting knocked up so young lol. Yeah exactly about the uniform.. it didn't help that our uniform was a disgusting shade of green too :stunned:


    True, best to just enjoy life whilst we're young, eh? Aww don't apologise, it's tough not being with your family. Gawd, I went on holiday with friends last year .. first time ever without my family.. and I got soooooo homesick I was about to cry! I called my parents almost everynight just to hear them speak :$ .. ah crap, now I'm getting sappy too lol! But yeah, as I say, not long to go now before you get to see your very tanned 'rents hehe! If I don't remember to say it sooner, have a lovely Christmas with them at home :happy:


    Actually, you're right, compared with the US, England is teeny tiny! I once read somewhere that Texas alone is 30 times the size of the UK :stunned: .. I'm sure that's totally inaccurate but it gives you a vague idea of how huge America is compared with here.. so yeah, it's not to difficult to get around England in particular. Everything is only a few hours' drive away really which is awesome for travelling to gigs because you don't have to travel more tha a few hours to see your fave bands.. which I have only done for Muse gigs to be honest lol! I told you they're an addiction!


    Can't believe no one else you know is remotely interested in Muse! I mean, different strokes 'n' all, but tis very strange! Either you have incredibly good taste, or everyone else has poor taste.. or both! Hehe cool, yep pls do let me know if you happen to wander over to England! Especially if it coincidentally happens to be on a day that Muse are performing :eek: hehe!


    I like that word - crisp. Lol that's my bit of randomness for the day! But srsly, it does sum it up nicely :yesey:


    Hehe yay finally someone who understands my ghey humour! ... exactly, life's too damn short to get stressed out about everyone else's opinions.. haha yes we are all speaking out of our arses (British spelling.. jks :p) 3/4 of the time! I'm living proof of that! It's great that you can laugh at it too, otherwise we'd all be walking around being emo about every little thing *slits wrists* lol. If people stopped wasting so much time arguing and just got along we'd all live longer, happier lives [/Miss World speech]!


    Aww nah I think it's sweet that you were born 'n' raised in the same house you grew up in.. bet you have a lot of memories and sentiment there! Better than moving around every few years I'd say.. we've moved house countless times - lived in the North for a time, then headed over to Wales briefly and then finally came to London.. but have moved about 4 times here too lol. We've only just got settled into this house after like 15 years of zigzagging across the country!


    Mwahaha yez u iz zeh triples twr :ninja:, i shall eradikayt all monumntz of powr in ur sinfull cuntree wiz a sewisidz bomz [/terrorist] .. lol..jeez this terrorist speak is kinda hard to type! I might consider making my own language out of it and a new website too: lolterrorist.com haha! Whaddya think?! ...Anyways, now that I'm done plotting to terrorise you and your nation, I think I'll be off to bed .. it's after 3am and I have to be up in 4 hours for work :( .. I'm becoming an isomniac lately *sigh*


    I think my messages are growing by the hour! (that was a totally unintentional lyric reference I swear.. :unsure: Well, g'night!

  7. Yeah most people frequent banter over here.. main muse is usually dead apart from my spamming lol :$


    Muselive is better with the muse updates and generally discussing the band. They've covered everything imaginable! I like it there but for some reason I prefer .mu to muselive

  8. Lol I usually ignore anything that's not in the main muse section so you can't be as bad as me :p! Well anyways, you have one now so more excuses to spam away in your own LB :happy:

  9. thanks for the lurve in ma love boat .. :happy:


    I was about to spammage in yours but I couldn't find one :erm: .. go check out the LB section for your prezzie lol ;)

  10. Cool :)


    Well if you have a Digital Camera you can try to set it up so that it's in front of you when you play (it's difficult getting the angles right but you can put it on a high surface of something so you see the whole kit) .. then once you've recorded it you just need to connect the USB to the computer and upload it .. I've never added a video to youtube but I'm sure it's simple enough. Soz if that wasn't much help.. I've not tried it myself but it shouldn't be too tricky ;)

  11. Wooooooop rambling FTW :D!


    I've only got one older sister (she's 4 years older than me) so can't say I know how it feels to be sibling-less but good thing is you have less of the childish sibling bickering when you get older and more .. peace in the family .. lol!


    Yay I have the flux one indeed, it's tres cool :cool: .. it's one of my 20 or so Muse t-shirts .. they're the reason why I'm so broke 24/7! I blame Muse naturally!


    Hehe nah that's not mushy.. I confessed to crying at HCM, can't get mushier than that :p. But then again that would reduce many people to tears! Exactly, their whole catalogue of songs covers every emotion imaginable so you've got something for every mood! Tis perfect!


    Lol I forgot high school is very different than secondary school in the UK ... for one thing we had to wear gay uniforms for 5 years :indiff:! And I guess you guys don't have many single-sex schools.. or do you? In any case it seems more relaxed/better than our schooling system.. we weren't even allowed to wear trousers!! wattehfeck?! Yeah I guess the good part about it is that you could walk along tra-la-la and not have a care in the world and the 'future' was some distant scary thing that you didn't have to worry about for, like, ever! Overall I preferred college (which is like 2 years in between school and uni for us.. lol it's confusing the way education systems work so differently!) because it was mixed - it was weird seeing boys in my classes again after a 5 year absence :eek: - and the work wasn't too stressful so you could sort of chill out more, and there was less girly drama so I didn't have as many bald patches from ripping my hair out all the time lol! Haha tell me about it, rebellious teens invaded our school... about 70% of the girls in my class ended up pregnant within a year of leaving :LOL:


    Oh yeah definitely, I'm already one of those people wandering through life without a clue! I'm not even bothering to act like I know what I'm doing either.. wouldn't do a very convincing job of it anyways lol. But it's comforting to know I'm not the only one! And yes, I like to be certain I know Exactly what I'm doing, not 'erm..well..like.. yeah.. I kind of.. y'know......' NO! I need specifics! it's one of my OCD tendencies..*sigh* Yup, life never congratulates you, it occasionally says 'Hey, so have you figured out what to do with me yet?!' And my answer is usually 'Hell no. Can you help me out here??!'


    YAY Muse meets are sooo much fun!! Ahh I feel your pain, there was once a time when I hadn't discovered the life-altering thrill that is the Muse live experience! After seeing them once, I swear it's like an addiction! You just want more and more! It's not something you can try to describe to someone honestly, you have to experience it for yourself to know what a true Muse gig feels like.. it's pwoper mindblowing! :D Uh oh I'm rambling again.. sorry I don't mean to make you feel worse for not having yet seen them play, just preparing you for the brilliance of it! :happy: Well if you can't come over to the UK you should def jet over to see them at whichever State they visit that's closest to you.. Muse's US fan-base just grows and grows so they do more shows out there than they used to!


    Hehe I didn't get that for a second.. Fall = Autumn here so I did a double take on what you said :$ .. but yeah actually that's probably the best season.. although I usually associate it with rain because it does plenty of that here in the Autumn/Fall months :indiff: Oh but that's soo true, when it's that lovely period of sunset at like 6 or 7 and there are fallen leaves everywhere and it's not painfully cold but there's a nice chilly breeze... lol soz got all dreamy for a minute there haha!


    I did indeed attract a lot of suspicious looks at Disneyworld.. I had my mickey ears on my head and was screaming 'OMFGZ!!!1!! ITZ MICKEYSZ MAUS!!' to everyone's horror .. but yeah thanx, twas a lot of fun! Ooh well the lakes in MN sound much nicer than the (potentially nudist) beaches of Miami lol .. good thing we didn't go there or my dad would have been freaking out!


    :pope: (U NOEZ I IZ MAYJR TERRORORISTZ?!! :ninja: MAI PLANZ 4 WRLD DESTRKSHUNZ R ROOIND!) :p Don't worry I know you're only kidding..;) in fact I'm usually the one cracking the v politically incorrect jokes at my own expense haha.. I go to people 'Hi I'm an Iraqi Muslim.. wait.. why are you backing away??! :( I don't have a bomb or anything! .. well not on me right now anyways' Or I make jokes that people are being racialist whenever I step on the underground/subway carriage and everyone else gets off haha! .. Some people take it literally but it's only my warped humour. I figure there's two ways to approach those sensitive issues: 1) get all defensive, aggressive and angry at the ignorant people who claim that you're an evil terrorist because of the actions of a delusional minority 2) brush it off and don't take it too seriously. It only makes things worse if you're going around pissed off at the things you can't change. Anyways, I'll end my lil rant, politics is waay too long/confusing/blahh to get into right now xP! Oh, and I moved to the UK from Iraq when I was 4 .. so been here pretty much my whole life! How bout you.. were you born in MN? Wow you're parents are in Jamaica! Sounds awesome! Shame you couldn't go with them but yeah fingers x'd the prezzies will make up for that!



    Pheww that took a while haha! I'll no longer apologise for invading your comment space .. consider it my terrorist invasion mwahaha .. ahem, sorry I'll stop that now....

  12. Oh yeah soz I forgot you were quite young when you started out!


    Woow your CE jam sounds cool!.. shame it wasn't recorded :( Yeah I'm crap at filming and uploading etc too, but it would be awesome if you uploaded some drum jams, doesn't even have to be Muse but that always helps ;)

  13. Lol don't be sorry, rambling is what I do best.. I think it's contagious!


    Aww well I hope you have a brilliant xmas with your family :).. must suck not to get to see them very often. I live at home so I see my family too often lol .. don't get me wrong, they're great and everything but sometimes I get all emo and just want some alone time!


    Haha yeah sizing is a mofo! All the smaller sizes go first, meaning I usually don't get what I want! You'd think the merch team would actually stock more items/tops when they see them go quite quickly.. but they never do!


    Ahh, HCM is soo beautiful.. :happy: (btw I apologise now if I start rambling on.. I could talk for hours about my love of this song!) .. and you're right, it's a definite tear-jerker! It usually sets me off for no reason at all :LOL::$ And yes, exactly, the emotion just seeps out of it, even if you're happy it can reduce you to tears and sorrow the moment you listen to it (see told you I'd ramble!)


    Lol sounds like you guys get the 'pls leave now' treatment from school too.. too be honest I couldn't wait for my school years to be over - especially because I went to an all girls school which was quite hellish with all the bitchyness and arguements about crap :rolleyes: I couldn't keep up with the all the fights :rolleyes: lol. Was high school as crappy for you?


    inorite!.. life is way too complicated and confusing! :confused: and yes, I too subcribe to your theory of people not having a flippin' clue what they're doing :LOL:. Some of them do a mighty fine job of acting like they do, but I think most of us are just like 'wat teh fook do I do now?!' Doesn't help that there's no one to really guide you through it or help you out a bit.. it's just like 'hey, you graduated, well done. Now bugger off and figure out the rest for yourself ..kthnxbi!'


    Cool well if you ever get a chance to make it over to the yooukaayy and you feel like saying 'hey' to a fellow muser let me know ;) Meh, winter sucks! Then again I'm not a huge fan of the heat either.. but there's never anything in between over here.. I don't know what spring is, it never visits haha!


    Florida was a lot of fun.. my inner child - well not so much inner, I'm really just a big kid - was thoroughly satisfied at Disneyworld and every other theme park.. I seriously was more excited than the kids :LOL: .. to me, our generation grew up with the disney classics so there's more nostaglia and warm fuzzy feelings at seeing it all displayed in front of you haha! I didn't see any skinny blonde chicks to be honest.. maybe if I'd headed to Miami I might have spotted them.. and even some cute guys :eyebrows:! But alas, I only saw overweight tourists lol!


    Oh I've been to a few places for holidays over the years.. been to Greece, Ireland, Dubai, Spain four times (I'm not obsessed honest.. we have family there and we go all over the place - Costa del Sol, Tenerife, Madrid etc) and we're hoping to go to Botswana/South Africa next year .. I also have family there lol. Plus I've been all over the middle east because I was born there - in Baghdad, Iraq (dun dun duuunn :p) and again, lots of family there too. Lol I don't have that many relatives honestly, they're just scattered all over the world :p


    So have you ever been outside of the US? Got tons of family too, hehe? Jeezzus I've invaded your comments space! I'm sorry I lost track.. :$ there's just lots to say :LOL:

  14. Yeah like I said it's all about speed with that song lol! I doubt I'll ever get it down right but if and when you do it let me know how it works out =] I'm sure you'll get it quickly with 6 or so years' experience under your belt :)

  15. I haven't mastered it yet but I found a great youtube link that demonstrates how it's done in slow mo .. lemme find it for ya.. *scans* here tis: yootoobz ... I still can't do it though even with that vid lol!


    Therer's also a great Muse drums website with drum tabs for each song Muse Drums to show you the exact pattern. I'm sure I posted this somewhere before, but those are the best links I know of for learning that fill. Usually I just turn to youtube when I get stuck hehe :rolleyes:

  16. Yeah Assassin is pretty fecking hard.. well it's all about speed for that drum fill, but it's still difficult to grasp hehe.


    I haven't tried that microwave Shreddies idea yet as we don't have any in the house... I'll have to buy some, then I'll let you know what I think! got any other food cravings/ideas up yer sleeve? :p

  17. Wow! Well 5/6 years of practice must make you pretty darn good! :happy: Got any youtube footage of your drumming skillz? ;)


    Yeah OoS is their monster album, I highly doubt they'll ever top it.. although I'm not being negative about the upcoming album.. the symphonic monster sounds awesome! =D

  18. Cool I'll def try the microwave shreddies, thanks for the tips hehe!


    I play drums too but not very well heh..I mainly play for funz not as some professional musician!


    I wish I'd become a fan back in 2001 etc so I could have seen them live in their crazy days.. trashing kits FTW! :D =P

  19. Actually I've been obsessed with it for more like 4 and a half years :$ I joined a long while after I'd first started obsessing over Muse lol! Can't explain why I love it so much.. just gives me chills! Yeah CE is also a fave of mine, it's purely epic!


    Wow shreddies in the microwave eh? I must give that a go.. sounds interesting haha. Don't worry you don't sound mad.. obsessions are quite healthy ;)

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