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Status Updates posted by Reevo

  1. BIRTHDAY DANCE :dance:

  2. Hello funkadelic, is that avatar from Scott Pilgrim by any chance?

    Is it worth a read because someone recommended it to me recently?

  3. Thanks :)


    I watched some of Robert Llewellyn's carpool and saw this parody of Kryten and the Dr. , I just wanted to add it.


    Your Dr. Who avatar is really cool and crazy.

  4. I haven't conquered my fear of the Big Skulltulas since I got Ocarina Of Time ten years ago, i don't know why?

    Maybe its because they scare you every 10 seconds, they drop, you stare at them for bloody ages, wait for then to show there back, repeat, I fucking hate it :(.

    How are you anyway?

  5. Hey seregon, your avatar reminds me of Chidori from the game Persona 3.


    I added you on facebook a while ago also :D.

  6. Cool I hope to see you on there soon :D

  7. Hi Blee, have you played Guild wars recently?

  8. Riggy


    Your awesome :p

  9. Hello Mattocaster, I should talk to you more on the Love boat but I don't really go on it to be honest.


    Anyway it has been a while, I finally gotten over that scary gay chat thing haha.


    How are you :D.

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