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Scroll down to the "history" sectoin and read the end of it :) Apparently many people who have been abducted by aliens have claimed that they were told by the creatures that they come from the Zeta Reticuli star system, so some people refer to these aliens as "Zeta Reticulans"... I always assumed that in Exo-Politics, "Zetas" was just a shortened-version of this :)

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When I first heard Exo I didn't know what Zetas were so I thought I'd misheard the lyrics. So I googled the lyrics and I still didn't understand because to me the meaning of the word Zeta was the letter from the Greek alphabet. So I was like ":wtf: ? Flying Zs ? Makes no sense..." Followed by "whatever.. It's Matt Bellamy.. The dude never makes any sense..."


To sum up - Me = :facepalm:

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