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Muse's twitter has become football mad?


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So? :wtf:


They (Chris) like soccer, why does it matter what they post about?




I mean ya. And stuff.


I think it's cool their Twitter is getting some more use! It's there for a reason, and even if I have no interest in soccer, it's cool to see what Chris is interested in and how the games go and all.

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I mean ya. And stuff.


I think it's cool their Twitter is getting some more use! It's there for a reason, and even if I have no interest in soccer, it's cool to see what Chris is interested in and how the games go and all.




I don't give a fuck if it's called soccer or football, it's the same thing. I used to play until my knee blew out, so I can say what I want. :phu:



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The things i would do to play football with Muse :D:D

Does just chris play, or does everyone play (Including Tom and Morgan)


I'm pretty sure that Teh Kirk played as well, but I think that's it as far as the band/Tom go. Chris said once on Twitter that Dom's pants are too tight for him to play football in, and Matt was on his way to the U.S. when they had their most recent game...

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Love that he's talking to us. He's got his own twitter account and everything now.




Did anybody from the board go today?


I just found his twitter right now :).


Wow. The love is overwhelming. Haha.


Saturday, September 11, 2010 10:31:25 AM via Twitterrific

d'awww :happy:


I think it's nice of Chris to do this with his fans. I'd imagine it's a lot more fun than scheduling a bunch of signings.

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