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Was this a twitpic?




I don't think so, quality is too good :LOL:




What can I do, I like that smiley! :LOL:










Those last first ones are beautiful, never seen them before :awesome:




I totally thought that was him for a couple of seconds :stunned::faceaplm:




Hair :awesome:


Oh my God, it looks so soft and light and grope-able :$

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I'm guessing you're really bored? :LOL

What's that all about, eh? Nose? :fear:







I love that pic. It looks speschul :awesome:


Edit: I changed a tag, and you know how you get "suggestions"of all the similar tags? Mine was only full of "lick marmite off me - dom; lick toothpaste -dom; lick me like a kaoss pad; and so on":facepalm::LOL:

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I'm guessing you're really bored? :LOL

What's that all about, eh? Nose? :fear:



Edit: I changed a tag, and you know how you get "suggestions"of all the similar tags? Mine was only full of "lick marmite off me - dom; lick toothpaste -dom; lick me like a kaoss pad; and so on":facepalm::LOL:


Very painfully so :noey:





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There you go! :kiss:




EDIT: Sorry, I thought you meant the one that's on the picture... :(


EDIT 2: This one?



There are more parts in the suggestions on yt I think. Not sure.

Edited by SueDeNimes
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There you go! :kiss:




EDIT: Sorry, I thought you meant the one that's on the picture... :(


EDIT 2: This one?



There are more parts in the suggestions on yt I think. Not sure.


No but thanks :kiss:


This one?


yes, thank you :awesome:

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New twitpic (I don't like they're not using twitpic anymore)



haha, Matt's platform footwear! :LOL: Is it just me or does the bottom of the shoe look ridiculously thick, like these are a 5-y-o's shoes? :chuckle:


I approve of Dom's outfit only because of the leather jacket, this needs more colour. :phu:

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