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Melbourne Rod Laver Arena!


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Honestly, doing that irks me a bit, and I'm sure it'll irk the people at the gig.


You weren't there, you can't comment so broadly on how good a show was. It just bugs me when I get home from a gig and everyone on the board is already diving on the downsides like the setlist perhaps without experiencing any of the atmosphere.


The best Muse gig I've been to had the worst setlist from my point of view.


Sorry to sound narky at all, but it just bugs me a bit sometimes ;).


EDIT: too many bugs... damn them all.


I agree, i was there and it was spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p Although it was my first muse gig:$..........but anyway:LOL:

Also they would have played RBS but there were sound problems wah:(

I would have loved bliss, one of my favs, at the time of the concert i actually thought it was playing, must have been halucinating, either that or my ears were ruined by the LOUDNESS!!!!!!!!!!:LOL:

I would have looooooooooooooooooooooooved:


Hyper Chondriac Music, i was dying for that faaaaaaaaaaaaav song *swoon*


Sing for absolution

City of delusion............

ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!:D:LOL:


Heard Fury for the first time loooooooved it, awesome song!

The groooooooove is soooooooo goood, fav b-side, can play it myself (bass)

Plug in baby was great

Don't bag Invincible and soldiers, they were awesome, at the start of soldiers matt said "everyone grab ur phones and wav em around, and say wooooooo", i spent the whole song looking for my phone and missed it:LOL: then later dropped it under the seat in front of me!!

Invincible=best riff EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ending on knights was amazing, everyone was standing up and dancing and screaming at top of lungs YAY

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craaaaazy. over the rainbow, i am craaaaazy. truly gone fishing.


have you seen the video that goes with it from the movie? i wanna know if it's just me or does that creep anyone else out.


stacey [gravity's rainbow] and i were starlight clapping at school quite a bit after the show.


and don't forget starlight piano-ing it in the photography exam!


HAHA gravities :p told ya enterskikari was going tot go to bdo :p:P


Man brissy Setlist looks great.. melbournes was beta!!


wooo enter shikari are doing a side show!

and brisbane's setlist looks pretty much the same as ours, but apparently the crowd was rough.

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Wow! I'm neither of those people but that's pretty close to where I live. I'm from Chelsea :) I go to Mentone all the time. Didn't think there were Muse fans around here.


Hell yer, there are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Live in carrum/cheltenham !!!!!!!!!:D(2 houses, strange huh?)

Iv'e been trying to convert many of my friends at school and sort of started a following:LOL: Also some people at my school that im not friends with went to the concert

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Haha. And I nicked a wristband. Which I am STILL wearing. :p

STILL?! Hahaha, nice. :p


It's my brilliant sticky-taping isn't it?

HAHA gravities :p told ya enterskikari was going tot go to bdo :p:P


Man brissy Setlist looks great.. melbournes was beta!!

Are the setlists like, exactly the same except were we got AP and should've gotten RBS, they got RBS?


Only had a quick look before, and I'm on the shitty, SLOW AS computer so I cbf checking everything, haha.

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Just came back from the gig and I have to say the crowd were fucking shithouse. Maybe not in the moshpit but 90% of the people in seats were pathetic.

I am not joking when I say this but me and the two people I was with were the only ones singing/cheering/clapping throughout the whole night. Everyone else just stood there with their arms folded across their chests and gave us odd looks. Seriously, WTF? What's the point in even going to a Muse concert? That really dissapointed me :(

Apart from that, the setlist was fantastic but I wish they could've played Citizen Erased. Microcuts and Fury made up for it though- I've never seen those live before :) And did anyone hear the Queen 'I Want To Break Free' riff that they played? I remember Chris grinning madly as they played that. :D

Also, yeah, I was confused about that long pause after Feeling Good. For a moment, I thought they were gonna cancel the show or something..


Oh, by the way, after the show we went outside and looked down onto the carpark hoping to catch them. It was just the three of us plus twenty other people on the other side. We started talking to the support group, The Checks (who weren't bad at all). They were below us smoking a joint lol. Then Dom walked out and out of nowhere I yelled out my thanks to him. He smiled and waved to us above :) Then Matt came out followed by Chris and I did the same thing but I don't think they saw properly because they were whisked away into their cars and drove off a short time later.

The singer Nic from Jet was also there and, god, I hate that guy even more. My sister just yelled out "Hi Nic!" and he turned his back on us and continued puffing on his cigarette. Wanker.

:LOL: I was in seats and grooving! not as first coz of shyness:$but then i was screaming loudly,clapping my hands and jumping up and down at the end, and banging my head!! KOC was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

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:LOL: I was in seats and grooving! not as first coz of shyness:$but then i was screaming loudly,clapping my hands and jumping up and down at the end, and banging my head!! KOC was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!


heck yes, ditto.

i didn't care if i was blocking people behind me

helloooo you're at a muse concert for goodness sake, like get off your asses people


but at knights everyone was standing, well in my section anyway

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About the wristband and ticket thing for floor, my friends went back to the place where you had to get your wristband and got their ticket back. So yea. Hehe. xP Of course, it wasn't the same exact ticket, but yea, still says "Muse in Concert"! Hehehe. xP Another friend of my actually got a wristband which said Powderfinger/Silverchair. =S

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