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Melbourne Rod Laver Arena!


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Does anyone know what happened when Matt left the stage? Dom and Chris reminded me of Garth when Wayne left the show.


It seemed like they were going to play RBS but instead played AP. The video for RBS started (the green with the numbers counting down) and then seemed to change over to the AP one. That's what it seemed like anyway.


And did anyone check out the PiB balloons? They had blue, red & white confetti in them. Muse are splashing out!


Gig was awesome thought. Far out Rod Laver Arena is LOUD!!!

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Yea the piano sounded a tad awful, like it was out of key or something. That's probably why there was this hugeass pause before Feeling Good. Urgh.


And anyway, omg!!! Just omg! That was fucking amazing! I mean, yea, wasn't at the other gigs, but damn! Fury and Deadstar and Microcuts and Feeling Good! Bloody hell... made my fucking night. I didn't get to meet with Muse in the end though, because I thought my friend's friend knew where the afterparty was, but turned out she didn't. -.- So we just spent the night wandering around, instead of waiting at the backdoor. Grmbl. Still pretty down about that, ah well.

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i got donne with crap seats nosebleed section so i walked behind through the exit where they give out wristbands when the security guard had his back to us (5sec at most) and slyed into the crowed....heart was pounding


note im not one to be dodgy but i had me n 3 mates in the 9am phone line for tickets and the best we got was silver seating in section 12......i couldnt barely make out matt i wat clapping an amp

for the first 30min ;


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Just came back from the gig and I have to say the crowd were fucking shithouse. Maybe not in the moshpit but 90% of the people in seats were pathetic.

I am not joking when I say this but me and the two people I was with were the only ones singing/cheering/clapping throughout the whole night. Everyone else just stood there with their arms folded across their chests and gave us odd looks. Seriously, WTF? What's the point in even going to a Muse concert? That really dissapointed me :(

Apart from that, the setlist was fantastic but I wish they could've played Citizen Erased. Microcuts and Fury made up for it though- I've never seen those live before :) And did anyone hear the Queen 'I Want To Break Free' riff that they played? I remember Chris grinning madly as they played that. :D

Also, yeah, I was confused about that long pause after Feeling Good. For a moment, I thought they were gonna cancel the show or something..


Oh, by the way, after the show we went outside and looked down onto the carpark hoping to catch them. It was just the three of us plus twenty other people on the other side. We started talking to the support group, The Checks (who weren't bad at all). They were below us smoking a joint lol. Then Dom walked out and out of nowhere I yelled out my thanks to him. He smiled and waved to us above :) Then Matt came out followed by Chris and I did the same thing but I don't think they saw properly because they were whisked away into their cars and drove off a short time later.

The singer Nic from Jet was also there and, god, I hate that guy even more. My sister just yelled out "Hi Nic!" and he turned his back on us and continued puffing on his cigarette. Wanker.

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Wow what a great show, even better then January.


As for Matt leaving the stage, I heard a loud sound spike I think come from Matts guitar in the song before FG near the end and I assume it had something to do with that.


Very happy with the gig.


Gotta love people who rock up and go crazy to starlight then just sit down for pretty much every other song :rolleyes:

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Heh, got home a couple of hours ago but spent a few hours trying to reboot my stupid laptop. URGH VISTA SUCKS.


Anyway, this is my third show for the year and being a new fan (all thanks to an ex-boyfriend who listens to DOOFDOOFHIPHOP and refuse to accept my taste in music), I am well and truly overwhelmed. I even managed second row this time around (and survived) so I'm pretty sure this is the best show in my books yet :D


The friend I went with was slightly embarrassed by my antics during TIRO, apparently I was acting as if I was home alone, in underwear with hairbrush in my hand. :$

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Just came back from the gig and I have to say the crowd were fucking shithouse. Maybe not in the moshpit but 90% of the people in seats were pathetic.

I am not joking when I say this but me and the two people I was with were the only ones singing/cheering/clapping throughout the whole night. Everyone else just stood there with their arms folded across their chests and gave us odd looks. Seriously, WTF? What's the point in even going to a Muse concert? That really dissapointed me :(


Thats what you get in the seated section unfortunately was exactly the same at Earls Court and since then it is a sin for me to buy a seated ticket for a Muse gig :LOL: Really drags things down its annoying.

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Thats what you get in the seated section unfortunately was exactly the same at Earls Court and since then it is a sin for me to buy a seated ticket for a Muse gig :LOL: Really drags things down its annoying.

The seating area where I was at EC was nuts, people were basically just treating it as if it were the floor area :LOL:.

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Thats what you get in the seated section unfortunately was exactly the same at Earls Court and since then it is a sin for me to buy a seated ticket for a Muse gig :LOL: Really drags things down its annoying.


Maybe it's a Muse thing. :eek: Because I was at the same venue only two nights ago for The Killers and everyone was up and partying.

But last night, the crowd were simply embarassing :noey:

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Yay my first Muse gig! I thought the crowd was okay, actually, certainly better than Powderfinger/Silverchair earlier this year. I was the first one to stand up in my section (Take a Bow), but by about Butterflies and Hurricanes we had half the people up. Think I'll try for GA next time, despite my 5'3'' -ness. The setlist: wow, I've changed my opinion about Micro Cuts. I don't really like the recording because Matt sounds like he's straining (and having an asthma attack) and it doesn't sound that great (to my ears), but wow he's improved over the years. The perfect vocals were the highlight of the night for me. Glad to see Matt's breathing problems are sorted out, and the sound is so much smoother and more mature than on earlier albums. I was desperate for Citizen Erased (and to a lesser degree Sunburn, and I also wanted Bliss but no one had that), and so was a bit disappointed. So they changed the Ruled By Secrecy video to Apocalypse Please? We could have gotten Ruled By Secrecy? Aw, no way! I like Apocalypse Please too but it's less rare, I think, so I'd rather have had Ruled By Secrecy (besides, would have loved the atmosphere... chills down my spine... they lacked some more lyrical stuff). Invincible was awesome live. Actually, I didn't mind Starlight because it got everyone going and having fun and the atmosphere just brightened up so much after that.


Still my best gig ever. :D

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First time Muse concert - in GA. Was simply amazing.. Invincible live is something else. Highlight for me was Stockholm Syndrome - their best song live and recorded. The mosh went absolutely nuts - loved every minute of it.


Loved the setlist - I was hoping for Apoc and I got it - whats the big deal about Ruled By Secrecy? Give me Apoc any day! That piano intro is just epic.


I would have liked more stuff from BHAR - I guess they played the staples but I really wanted Hoodoo or City of Delusion.


PIB and KOC to close is a thing of beauty :)

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omg, Muse were so good!!! And I got front rail and I was facing Matt!! Eeeee. :)


The only thing that I can complain about were some of the older people who were bitching about younger people there...I know it shouldn't annoy me, but it just gives me the shits. I've been a Muse fan since 2003/2004.


Hysteria was my favourite song played.

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Hey guys,

Must admit that they seemed to loose the crowd a little during the medleys, although I loved the opportunity to get a live snippet of Dead Star, The Groove, Hyper Music and even Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love (No doubt due to the group's one off reforming - just try to get tickets for that one!).

Certainly the crowd was a bit disappointing, seemed GA really only knew BHaR & Absolution songs, plus the Origin staples. Fury was truly magic; it's one thing to gather how much of a wall of sound the guys produce on the Absolution DVD, but it's totally amazing being in the arena when the contrasting bass and guitar arpeggios hit in the chorus. Blew me away.

Am I correct in the belief the piano problem was the hammer not acting properly on one key? Matt seemed to be hitting it pretty hard for not much yield.

Anyway, probably the best remedy ever for exam period blues I've ever experienced!

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