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i know i shouldn't have posted them. i was hesitated to be honest.

but then i saw them all over twitter and tumblr and uhh. sorry again. :facepalm:


i really don't understand people. i know they were at the match, but i think it's rude for people to take pictures of family members and plaster them everywhere. i took one picture of chris at the barrier watching biffy in paris and then realized the missus was standing with him and i don't share that with anybody. it's just invasive to be snapping them, even if they are polite about it.


and the board rules are clear about posting them here.

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hey it's a long time since i have been on here but certainly not down to the fact i have lost interest!!


i had to come on here cos i got to see Muse at their own gig (1st saw em at V in 08) on sat at wembley and it was brilliant! anyway girlies i got some shots of the gorgeous Chris - who was looking very gorgeous (i pulled a good few oooooh faces watching him!) - they're arent great but didnt do bad! enjoy .......




this wasnt delibrate but what a good shot i reckon!!




this def wasnt delibrate but there was no way i was getting rid of it or complaining lol -




i did do a little girly giggle when i saw it!




my face brightened up even more when he took the jacket off ...




had to get him playing the harmonica for KOC!!




shame its not clearer!

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ps i cant believe he's on the 5th child!! yes i have been away lol so its new news to me! man he's been a busy boy and im loving this pic ......




shame i couldnt see him playing footy - well apart from on the pics on the web - i hear he got his shirt off at some point recently is that true? any evidence?!


i love the name of this thread btw - i esp cracked up laughing at the impregnation bit and then laughed even more when i found out there was another baby on the way!

Edited by katmc
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shame i couldnt see him playing footy - well apart from on the pics on the web - i hear he got his shirt off at some point recently is that true? any evidence?!


Oh sure as fuck he did.




his tattoo! :awesome:

i wonder if he's considering getting a new one after the new baby..




That's a great photo! And.. there will definitely be a new tattoo, I don't see why there shouldn't be one. I just hope it's somewhere we can see it, not like the one on his back..

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