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whinging can be fun! :awesome:


school.work.poor. :eyebrows:


good times! :awesome:


I probably have a temperature but my mum will force me go to school, I have tons of homework to do which I can't because my brain just won't work and I feel like shit because of my sore throat and sniffles! :awesome:


I know,can't possibly compare to your situation but at least I tried. :p

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chris is :awesome:



I probably have a temperature but my mum will force me go to school, I have tons of homework to do which I can't because my brain just won't work and I feel like shit because of my sore throat and sniffles! :awesome:


I know,can't possibly compare to your situation but at least I tried. :p


:supersad: i really hope you feel better. :kiss:


it's not a competition silly girl :p

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This is by far my favorite thread to lurk in :LOL: He's so pwetty to look at *sigh* But we need some more Wembley pics :yesey: (I'm sure he'll be lookin' mighty fine tonight too... can't wait to see ;))


Did anyone see that Chris has his own Twitter? :awesome: It's CTWolstenholme. He only has 800 followers :eek: That just ain't right :noey: (Although he DID just announce the existence of this account about an hour ago :LOL:) (EDIT: I just saw that someone else mentioned this... but this is such good news, why not tell it twice? Haha.)


On another Twitter-related note, he replied to one of my tweets today :awesome: I freaked out WAY more than necessary. I think I've contacted everyone I know just to tell them that Chris has acknowledged my existence :LOL:(It was also the most pointless exchange ever. :LOL: I told him if he really wanted to be able to play at Wembley (like he mentioned in a previous tweet) that he should get the ball out onstage with him :LOL: and he said he was actually able to kick the ball around the field a little, but it wasn't the same with "all that plastic shit on the ground" :chuckle:)


I love that he's been taking over the account so much lately, and replying to fans too :p Hopefully he'll still post on the Muse account too, even though he has his own now! (Hopefully he'll be posting a lot :p He's such a fun/funny guy :p)

Edited by TrebleRose689
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Did anyone see that Chris has his own Twitter? :awesome: It's CTWolstenholme. He only has 800 followers :eek: That just ain't right :noey: (Although he DID just announce the existence of this account about an hour ago :LOL:) (EDIT: I just saw that someone else mentioned this... but this is such good news, why not tell it twice? Haha.)


On another Twitter-related note, he replied to one of my tweets today :awesome: I freaked out WAY more than necessary. I think I've contacted everyone I know just to tell them that Chris has acknowledged my existence :LOL:(It was also the most pointless exchange ever. :LOL: I told him if he really wanted to be able to play at Wembley (like he mentioned in a previous tweet) that he should get the ball out onstage with him :LOL: and he said he was actually able to kick the ball around the field a little, but it wasn't the same with "all that plastic shit on the ground" :chuckle:)


I love that he's been taking over the account so much lately, and replying to fans too :p Hopefully he'll still post on the Muse account too, even though he has his own now! (Hopefully he'll be posting a lot :p He's such a fun/funny guy :p)


only 800? :LOL:


i added him to my follow list this morning and it went up by over 200 people in like, ten minutes. poor man won't be able to respond to anyone the way he's getting spammed now :noey:

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only 800? :LOL:


i added him to my follow list this morning and it went up by over 200 people in like, ten minutes. poor man won't be able to respond to anyone the way he's getting spammed now :noey:


Yeah, only 800 in only 2 hours.


Um, this is CHRIS we're talking about. He should have had 8,000 in 2 hours :phu:




Seriously though, hopefully he won't be bombarded with tweets too badly... especially if he doesn't get a bajillion followers (which would be kind of nice, in a way, for those of us who wanna be able to talk with him and stuff :p)

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Um, this is CHRIS we're talking about. He should have had 8,000 in 2 hours :phu:




Seriously though, hopefully he won't be bombarded with tweets too badly... especially if he doesn't get a bajillion followers (which would be kind of nice, in a way, for those of us who wanna be able to talk with him and stuff :p)


I'm glad he won't be hogging up the Muse account any more. I have a message to send to Matt.:p

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