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:eek: You're not serious,are you? How can you miss school?

Today I found out that our school has taken part of some stupid program where the teachers text all the student's marks to his parents. ALL of them. You can even arrange that parents get an email every time you haven't done your homework or something. :indiff:

My life will be hell if my parents know all my marks and lessons I haven't been to.

So,no,I don't miss school,not at all. :p


Well, I have really good friends there... :$ When it comes to marks, my parents don't give a shit. I mean they do, but they don't freak out if I get bad marks or something. They know I'm "responsible" and that I care about going to university, so they leave it up to me, they don't take part in much of my education.


[spoiler=UNTAGGED] 008fgh.jpg



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i've not seen this before. :LOL: that's too much of a good thing...and in public :LOL:


God,pics like these always remind me the dorks Muse guys have always been. :LOL:

:eek: that sounds horrific. Luckily my parents phone plans don't include texting. :awesome:

not that my marks get sent to my parents anyway. :LOL: But I still don't miss school. :p


If I will have to study so hard that I simply don't get bad marks I doubt I'll have much time to spend here. :erm:



okay,offtopic, buuuuut




Matt looks so cute! :awesome: Like a teenager girl looking at her crush. :chuckle:

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God,pics like these always remind me the dorks Muse guys have always been. :LOL:



If I will have to study so hard that I simply don't get bad marks I doubt I'll have much time to spend here. :erm:



okay,offtopic, buuuuut




Matt looks so cute! :awesome: Like a teenager girl looking at her crush. :chuckle:

I love Muse BECAUSE they're dorks. :D


Idk, I actually got better marks my second semester when I spent nearly all my time here than my first semester when I only lurked here occasionally. :LOL:



Chris is too tall. :LOL:

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UUUUGH!!!! :supersad: Chwis

He must be going through a "Ugh, fuck with it" moment.


:LOL: I told myself "Better that than long hair.."


:LOL::LOL: Didn't they notice they were the only ones dressed like that?





i like the wolstenskinhead. i really do. :$


I'm not as :eek::mad::(:eek: :eek: about it as everyone else is. :D

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