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I think that two PCT-ers in the last thread, can't remember their names now, started to talk about how would they like to call Chris over for a bit of "cake". Of course that eventually got linked to the sex face above, and now it is called a cake face.




Thanks aida! I know that one of the pct-ers talking about making cake was AliY, but I couldn't really remember the specifics :facepalm:



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Thanks aida! I know that one of the pct-ers talking about making cake was AliY, but I couldn't really remember the specifics :facepalm:




I was looking for that photo but couldn't find it!


Yeah, the conversation was quite long and very specific, but in the end everybody remembers that he has a wifey and she ain't sharin' her cake.



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I can't be more happy that Friday has arrived...


I know,right??


This week was just awful, the amount of homework :noey:


On the bright side - today I saw a guy in my Swedish courses wearing a Muse t-shirt! :awesome: I was smiling for the rest of the lesson. :happy:

It doesn't feel like a Friday to me :(

It does feel like it to me. I think I've earned a little rest after this week's madness :phu:

I like your ava, btw. That's a great show!


I loved Cumberbatch. Even though he was dorky and weird looking he was the perfect Sherlock Holmes.:happy:

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I know,right??


This week was just awful, the amount of homework :noey:


On the bright side - today I saw a guy in my Swedish courses wearing a Muse t-shirt! :awesome: I was smiling for the rest of the lesson. :happy:


It does feel like it to me. I think I've earned a little rest after this week's madness :phu:


Well, at least someone gets a Friday :). I'm at work now, and working all weekend, so it's all just a little...meh.



I loved Cumberbatch. Even though he was dorky and weird looking he was the perfect Sherlock Holmes.:happy:


He was such a creeper in Atonement that I was having a hard time seeing him in any other kind of role, but he's a good actor. You're right, he was the perfect Sherlock :yesey: Plus, his name is just plain :awesome:.




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Well, at least someone gets a Friday :). I'm at work now, and working all weekend, so it's all just a little...meh.

That t-shirt made up for the terrible day at school. :yesey:

He was such a creeper in Atonement that I was having a hard time seeing him in any other kind of role, but he's a good actor. You're right, he was the perfect Sherlock. :yesey:

I don't even remember what he was like in Atonement, only that he was the one who raped that poor girl.

But now I'm thinking of seeing some other films with him but BC is so dorky and ugly in all of them! :'( And there aren't even any good kissing scenes!


Yeah,I know, I sound like a 13 year old teenage girl but after this week I don't want to watch something like Atonement. :supersad: I want something smart and sexy.





which is why I'll probably watch Sherlock again. :shifty:

Plus, his name is just plain :awesome:

I can't imagine what it was like for him at school. :LOL:

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By the way,what are the reviews? Was it better than their gig in 2007?

I read somewhere they had played NSC and just thought to myself what fury it would cause in here :chuckle:


Well... Friday was purcheese, saturday was :awesome:

the stage, even though it looks great from far away... If u are in barrier from where the corner starts until half of the moving platform you can't see to the other side... To that add that

Matt us 2 1/2 inches tall :chuckle: i had Chris side for friday and i could only see

Matt's Hair from time to time :(

i don't know if this wembley was better ir what... But taking the cheese and those minor stage issues at least for

me Wembley was amazing :musesign:

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ok i have a few comments to make on posts since i have last been in -


i growled at the screen when i saw this!! -




the phrase baby chris brings many a thought to my brain lol!


lol - thanks! i def figured it was faces like that - the face alone brings dirty thoughts lol!


I don't think anyone's answered you yet...:unsure:


Anyway, I'm having some trouble remembering how exactly the phrase was started (if anyone remembers, you can help me out :)), but pretty much any face like this:




or this





....is a cake face.


So, yeah, unclean thoughts are pretty much on the right track :LOL:


erm basically my thoughts on cake, those sort of faces and dirty mindedness makes me think (apologise lol) of lyrics in a Christina Aguilera song! i dont know if i should put them up in here lol! as for his wife not sharing her cake - would i if i was her?! HELL NO!! i dont blame her for having her cake and eating it - good on her i say! just a shame we couldnt have a little nibble!


yummm -



if there is 1 thing about a man i find very sexy is short hair and neck - it has to have a specific look and yea he does ....



i take it that im not the only 1 whos eyes wander to the bottom of the right hand of the screen as he keeps walking on the HAARP dvd on this mo ....



i love the way those jeans fit him!


i saw this pic and as it scrolled up the page i literally went oh yes!!



can he get any hotter?!

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WAIT A SEC!!!! :eek::eek:


OMG! This pic I've never seen it before,and how disturbing it is! I mean....it's been a long time since I got fussed over Chris!! :eek::eek: ( I was a former PCT queen as a few might remember :$)

OK, a glass of wine is not helping me to control my deeply hidden dirty imaginations. :shifty: Someone please lock me up. :$ Luuurrrve Matt's black hair and Chris.... :$ His shirt casually unbuttoned at the top and his tongue peeking out between the lips...:$ Did I mention Matt's hair?


I was looking for that photo but couldn't find it!


Yeah, the conversation was quite long and very specific, but in the end everybody remembers that he has a wifey and she ain't sharin' her cake.



Bleached blond Chris is sooo cute!



You know what.... I think my work took over my life too much lately, and I stopped looked at men, any men including Chris.... well. majority of men at work are not that exciting to look at anyway. I think they are like me, all worn out by work, and joy sucked out of their lives. So sad... I need to go out and nourish my poor vision weakened by staring at numbers on the computer screen.




I should bring my drinking habit under control.

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