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i love this one :happy:





mmm i have to admit i like this 1 showing his manly moves! actually i think the word im really looking for is strength! he's showing a lot of it in this pic! i wouldnt say no to seeing him in a footy kit more whatever team he plays for! i hope he plays another match soon (rotherham chris - it wont take me long to get there!) id happily go and cheer him on! the thoughts of get your kit off would heavily go round my mind!


those gig pics are hot - i thing i like about him is how he wears clothes that are nice and tight and show off his assetts! yum! i think thats why i liked this pic yesterday ....




you know if i was his wife 1 i dont know if i'd let him out of the house in fear of him getting spoilt and 2 id be 1 hell of a proud woman! can you imagine looking at that backend and thinking 'mwahahaha thats mine!!' - if only!


god he has an ass you just want to grab very firmly with both hands!

Edited by katmc
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Thank you so much!!


On that Wembley bootleg (that I'm listening to right now) you can hear Chris' vicals so clearly and the bass as well.. but only in some songs.. it's awesome either way, the bass, I never realized how excatly shmexy it sounded.

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So many yummy bass shots :stongue::awesome: My faves are always pics of him playing :yesey: I don't care what a guy looks like, if he's playing a guitar or any sort, his sex level increases about 100000x. And considering Chris is one fine piece of man to begin with... ;):eyebrows:




:LOL: I absolutely adore how normally Chris and Dom are dressed in this picture compared to Matt. :awesome::matt:


/off-topic Matt love

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