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The clothing description is mostly for those meeting up outside the seating section of 107/108 so we can recognize each other. However, for those of you who are in queue, if we get there early enough before they open the doors, I'm sure us "seaters" can stop by and try to locate the "pitters". Most of you will be up at front of the line, right??? ;)


I'm willing to hang out after with my co-worker. However, I do know my husband may feel two women out late at night is not the safest option, so might not feel comfortable having me stay behind...:unsure: We will be parking there, so we won't have far to go. If this works out to stay after, if there are women/girls who are walkers and need a ride back, we can arrange something to get you back to your hotel safely. :D


Hehe that's what I get for being too lazy to go back and read why people were posting clothing description :LOL:

And unless a group of 50 people arrive before 8, I should be near the front (with my brother) :)


We're in the same boat. That's actually the main reason we weren't going to try for it. But if we (as in, me and my mom) could go with a few other people, well that would just be awesome. :awesome:

If we could just walk with a few people to and from our car, that would work for us. Maybe park near you guys or someone else so we could walk together as a small group. I just want to be in a group so I'll feel safer :LOL:

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My family and my friend are in 113 too! PLEEEEZE tell me I'll be surrounded by other Musers who will be dancing around in the stands going nuts? They won't tap my shoulder and tell me to sit down so they can "watch" the show :eek::shifty:


We should be in row G. I'm picking up the tickets on Weds. I will be jumping/bouncing/dancing, as will my former roomie. If anyone wants us to sit down, they'll need to get used to disappointment, because it's not happening.

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Turns out I have a friend who knows C'ville really well, and can give me names of places to eat. She suggests we go downtown, to the walking area. I'll get her to give me names in a couple of different price ranges.


I'll probably just wear my Muse Resistance shirt - either that or a purple tee, with jeans. I will have red hair, and glasses. Unless my hair has had a wonderful day, I'll be wearing it in a ponytail :LOL:


Let me know! The only preference I would have would be something that's unique to Charlottesville as opposed to a Chili's, if possible. But we're totally flexible!

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We should be in row G. I'm picking up the tickets on Weds. I will be jumping/bouncing/dancing, as will my former roomie. If anyone wants us to sit down, they'll need to get used to disappointment, because it's not happening.


DUDE! ME TOO! Yay! I'll be in the same row with another .MU Muser!!! :dance: We can be the most obnoxious row in 113!!! :\mm/::yesey:


Now if I can just get my friend from Row S to G....

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DUDE! ME TOO! Yay! I'll be in the same row with another .MU Muser!!! :dance: We can be the most obnoxious row in 113!!! :\mm/::yesey:


Now if I can just get my friend from Row S to G....


Woo Hoo! What seat? We're in 9 & 10. If there are fuddy-duddies in Row H, you may want to trade seats further up . . . :dance: At least one of you can go to row S.

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new addition to the outfit:

red blazer with a black collar, red jeans, purple vans, and a deep white V tee.


When I told them I might go meet y'all, they were like "They're gonna rape you."

chances of me meeting you guys: slim. :[


First of all, who is "they"? Your parents? Tell them that some of us ARE parents, and there will be no raping of anyone ;)

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I cant' wait for this show now! I hope my section isn't lame. I'm in 301, row A, so I guess I'll be blocking everyone behind me when I stand up and dance. :chuckle:

I'm not sure what I'll be wearing for the meetup, but I think I remember what Iburnslikethesun looks like. But, just in case, I'll be the woman accompanied by two ridiculously good looking kids. :D


When and where are the seaters meeting again?

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I cant' wait for this show now! I hope my section isn't lame. I'm in 301, row A, so I guess I'll be blocking everyone behind me when I stand up and dance. :chuckle:

I'm not sure what I'll be wearing for the meetup, but I think I remember what Iburnslikethesun looks like. But, just in case, I'll be the woman accompanied by two ridiculously good looking kids. :D


When and where are the seaters meeting again?


behind sections 107/108 at like 6:30?

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I will post this on both theads, but I'm trying to figure out who is going to both shows. I am seated for Ral, but Q for C'ville and would just like to get an idea of who is going to both. Also, the ones that are going from Ral to C'ville - what is your travel plan? I have looked at the interstate route and non-interstate route to decide which is best. I do not know anything about the area between the two and I'm afraid that the non-interstate route will take me through a bunch of small towns and slow me down. Hubby and I are shooting to leave Ral at 8:00 am to get to the C'ville queue by 12:00 (*hopes that is early enough for barrier*)


Anyways, post here or Ral thread, or PM me and let me know what you think.

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