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So yeah guys as you all know, there's going to be another Uprising on twitter next saturday, some of you want a different hashtag this time.

so to make it fair, I'm going to make a poll, with the different hashtags we usually use on twitter, then everyone votes for their favorite.


here's what I have :














Any other suggestions, let me know asap, because I'm going to make the poll tonight.







I voted for #musers. :D

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Hi everyone,


In the last vew weeks I met allot of #musers on twitter,and I am just curious if you are also here on the Muse forum.

Realing hoping to meet you here too :D


My name on twitter is ConnectWithMuse by the way ;) XD

Nice to meet you! My name for twitter is sandyjeu.


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So yeah guys as you all know, there's going to be another Uprising on twitter next saturday, some of you want a different hashtag this time.

so to make it fair, I'm going to make a poll, with the different hashtags we usually use on twitter, then everyone votes for their favorite.


here's what I have :














Any other suggestions, let me know asap, because I'm going to make the poll tonight.








Sara couldnt we use them all? Some of us could use different tags

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Sara couldnt we use them all? Some of us could use different tags


I know D: I wish we could use them all ! I dunno if we can use more than one hashtag per tweet Oo because if it's possible, we can make both #musers and something else trend. I'm not sure, we should ask someone ^^

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[Piano Intro] ~ HelloMrBellamy (maybe)


You and me are the same ~ Alliana0x

We don't know or care who's to blame ~ Alliana0x


But we know that whoever holds the reigns ~ Bellamy’sSocket

Nothing will change, our cause has gone insane ~ Bellamy’sSocket


And these wars they can't be won ~ petraenmylou

And these wars they can't be won ~ petraenmylou


Do you want them to go on and on and on? ~ Mizutsu

Why split these states When there can be only one ~ Mizutsu


And must we do as we're told? ~ Nutmegs

Must still do as we're told? ~ Nutmegs


[Arabian Thing] ~ JoJo_2805


You and me fall in line ~ Kriistaque

To be punished for unproven crimes ~ Kriistaque


And we know that there's no one we can trust ~ About 27 Shockwaves

Our ancient heroes They are turning to dust ~ About 27 Shockwaves


And these wars they can't be won ~ maffoo

Does anyone know or care how they begun? ~ maffoo


They just promise to go on and on and on ~ *Isadora*

But soon we will see There can be only one ~ *Isadora*


United States ~ lukester911

United States of ~ lukester911


[Arabian Thing] ~ A Pretty Visitor


EuraSIA! ~sthursfield


SIA! ~ About 27 Shockwaves


SIA! ~ Alliana0x’s MuserHamster


SIA! ~ @_hypermusic (on Twitter)


EuraSIA! ~ Tureann








EuraSIA! SIA! SIA! SIAAAAAAAA! ~ Falling.Down


Collateral Damage ~ Everyone


We need 3 more 'SIA!'s :p

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I'm unable to participate in this awesome muser project.Basically,sis cat jumped on me while I was sitting and my tea got on PC.Now it's so serious that it must be repaired with PC expert.So I'm on board via phone and also it means that I won't be on twitter cause it's not going.Sister returns from holiday on 3rd of May which means.. All I left,is phone. I'm so sorreh. :'( If anyone wants to take "You and me fall in line,to be punished for unproven crimes",feel free to do it.Damn,I'm such a "lucky person". :supersad:

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