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When you can't help but move somehow to their music, even when you're in a car/bus full of people that are watching what you're doing, but you don't care as you head-bob to 'Hysteria' or 'Dead Star' :p


If I hear any 'fast' Muse song anywhere I will stop what I am doing to full on air drums and headbang during the entire song. People will look at me funny, but they secretly wish they were that happy listening to music. :LOL:

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When your mom made this cake for your 18th birthday :happy:




Pure class :yesey:


Happy birthday :happy:


When you have a Health Ed test in which 'Dominic' is having touble sleeping, and all I can imagine is Dom not sleeping because he's too busy being drunk and partying with women that are too young for him and have huge tits. :$





1. When you look up every word in your HUGE dictionary that has to do with Muse and then mark those pages


I've done this with Tool. Upped my IQ ten points :yesey:

But I was scanning my bookshelf the other day, and I pulled out a book that I read about a year ago. There were little colored tabs sticking out of the top. Opening to one of those pages, I found "I mused in blissful enjoyment..." :p


When you're happy you finally had another Muse dream, even though you've had plenty over time, and it didn't actually involve the boys (it was about album/single art).

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When you have a Health Ed test in which 'Dominic' is having touble sleeping, and all I can imagine is Dom not sleeping because he's too busy being drunk and partying with women that are too young for him and have huge tits. :$



And for msn, most of my friends love :dance:, :afro:, and :pope:. :chuckle:


YKYATMW I don't even have a computer atm and I'm still here.

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YKYATMW you were talking to your parents, you were laying on the couch and they were both on a sofa and your mom was complaining about how much your dad snores..

and you (without realizing it) said "I wonder if Matt snores..." :p


YKYATMW your aunt is here and she doesn't speak english...at all. but the one thing she understands that you've said is "Matthew Bellamy" and she understands that he's your husband.

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YKYATMW you're in a bookstore with your friend and you see a woman in the CD section carrying The Resistance so you shout, "OH MY GOD MUSE!!! YOU HAVE THE RESISTANCE!!!!" And you raise the new Muse poster you just bought to show her. Unfortunately she just smiled at me and looked at me like I was insane :indiff:


Edit: I also played New Born in some random music shop right before we went to the bookstore :awesome:

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YKYATMW you're in a bookstore with your friend and you see a woman in the CD section carrying The Resistance so you shout, "OH MY GOD MUSE!!! YOU HAVE THE RESISTANCE!!!!" And you raise the new Muse poster you just bought to show her. Unfortunately she just smiled at me and looked at me like I was insane :indiff:


That is hilarious :LOL: :LOL:

That's exactly how I would react :D

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YKYATMW you're in a bookstore with your friend and you see a woman in the CD section carrying The Resistance so you shout, "OH MY GOD MUSE!!! YOU HAVE THE RESISTANCE!!!!" And you raise the new Muse poster you just bought to show her. Unfortunately she just smiled at me and looked at me like I was insane :indiff:


Edit: I also played New Born in some random music shop right before we went to the bookstore :awesome:


that is exactly what i would do :LOL:

OHMYMATT where did you find a Muse poster?

:facepalm: i bet they sell Muse posters in the UK



YKYATMW your friend was trying to show u a new program to use called Ubuntu.

but when you scrolled down you noticed they used The Resistance in the picture as an example of how to buy music. so you were like ZOMG THEY USED MUSE! AHHHH!

and that's all you could focus on :p

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that is exactly what i would do :LOL:

OHMYMATT where did you find a Muse poster?

:facepalm: i bet they sell Muse posters in the UK



I actually found it at FYE (they have a ton of Muse stuff there :awesome:). My friend and I were looking through the posters and there were mostly TV shows and emo bands then suddenly we saw a giant TR one so I had to get it :D


When you fall off of the treadmill while listening to Plug In Baby from excessive headbanging/air guitar.


:LOL: I've done that so many times...

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You're obsessed with Muse when everytime your Muse picture, that is on your wall, flips down (because the tape is stupid or my wall is too moist for everything with Muse) and you literally lecture Dom, Matt, and Chris as if they were actually them :D

Happens everyday D:

It's fun talking about concerts with them though and how their hair changed a lot over the past few years :happy:

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[please read this all i need help, i promise i have a point]

I was scrolling through ebay for Muse stuff, cuz i've already bought from most other sites...




I noticed it says "With MUSE" on the bottom. so i was like WHAT? WHEN? then i remembered my friend telling me Black Parade came out this year. so i went to their website.




NOW I HAVE TO KNOW. My city is on there (Denver) and maybe this is useful for you too! MCR is coming here a few days before my birthday...but are they coming with Muse? That picture on Ebay says WITH MUSE.

or is it like the U2 tour where Muse is only gonna be there for a few :(

I MUST KNOW. i must know. i wanna see Muse again! and i dont care with who! even if it is crappy MCR.. help me :p PLEASE please please, let me get what i want! XD



I researched~ :D

And I found out 'The Black Parade' came out in 2006 or 2007. And that 'Danger Days: something about life and killjoys ;) came out this year... or last year. So I think those posters were from when MCR and Muse toured together and got food poisoning (so say Wikipedia.)

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I researched~ :D

And I found out 'The Black Parade' came out in 2006 or 2007. And that 'Danger Days: something about life and killjoys ;) came out this year... or last year. So I think those posters were from when MCR and Muse toured together and got food poisoning (so say Wikipedia.)


thanks so much for researching :D ah, you're right. Called my friend and she said that came out a few years back... I remember reading about that food poisoning incident, too. i'm such an idiot. I got so excited, too! Funny part is, Muse is gonna be in Buenos Aires on April 9 :rolleyes: says the board XD

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thanks so much for researching :D ah, you're right. Called my friend and she said that came out a few years back... I remember reading about that food poisoning incident, too. i'm such an idiot. I got so excited, too! Funny part is, Muse is gonna be in Buenos Aires on April 9 :rolleyes: says the board XD


I would have been very excited too :LOL:

But I missed my chance seeing Muse :'(

I became obsessed with them when they already left America and now, will probably never come back before the tour ends D:

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I would have been very excited too :LOL:

But I missed my chance seeing Muse :'(

I became obsessed with them when they already left America and now, will probably never come back before the tour ends D:


i'm so sorry :(

I almost missed them here, too. They were coming here in April a few days before my birthday but my parents thought it was too expensive....But then the show got canceled because of snow, and they re-scheduled for October, and lowered the prices!

They're not coming back till they have another album, I'm guessing, :(

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