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MK Ultras Meaning?


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"all of history deleted with one stroke"

In project MK Ultra, government destroyed any documents pertaining to the experiments.


"creates unnatural laws"

They were testing experiments on people.


"how much deception can you take" people being duped and tricked. Same old government is repressing and fooling us blah blah blah.

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"all of history deleted with one stroke"

In project MK Ultra, government destroyed any documents pertaining to the experiments.

I think you're wrong about that one. What I see, is that by controlling peoples minds everybody would be "lifeless" and that would make it so there is no reason for history, something like what happens in 1984.
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I think you're wrong about that one. What I see, is that by controlling peoples minds everybody would be "lifeless" and that would make it so there is no reason for history, something like what happens in 1984.


Who knows, I think mine makes more sense but you could be right.

"all of history deleted with one stroke" is literally translated to someone erasing our past, doesn't say anything about people's spirit.

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"all of history deleted with one stroke"

In project MK Ultra, government destroyed any documents pertaining to the experiments.


It was mind control... hence, they erased their memories, "deleted their histories" - i.e. what influences a normal person to make a decision is their memories, etc, but mind control takes that away :D


Basically, every line in the song is about mind control and a 1984-esque situation.

For fun, I'll go through the entire song in my next post. :)

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The wavelength gently grows,

Coercive notions re-evolve,

A universe is trapped inside a tear,

It resonates the core,

Creates unnatural laws,

Replaces love and happiness with fear


They're using some sort of wavelength technology to control thoughts unnaturally. It controls their emotions, hence the last line. I think the third line is a metaphor for the person's memories all coming out as they cry due to the tech.


How much deception can you take?

How many lies will you create?

How much longer until you break?

You mind's about to fall


How much tech will it take to break through. Think of Clockwork Orange!


And they are breaking through,

They are breaking through,

Now we're falling,

We are losing control


Again, Clockwork Orange. Eventually, the mind control works and he loses control of himself.


Invisible to all,

The mind becomes a wall.

All of history deleted with one stroke


Other people don't notice that the government is doing this sort of thing? The last line, as I said before, I think means the person has lost all their sense of being, their memories, etc.

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"all of history deleted with one stroke"

In project MK Ultra, government destroyed any documents pertaining to the experiments.


"creates unnatural laws"

They were testing experiments on people.


"how much deception can you take" people being duped and tricked. Same old government is repressing and fooling us blah blah blah.


I think you're wrong about that one. What I see, is that by controlling peoples minds everybody would be "lifeless" and that would make it so there is no reason for history, something like what happens in 1984.


It was mind control... hence, they erased their memories, "deleted their histories" - i.e. what influences a normal person to make a decision is their memories, etc, but mind control takes that away :D


Basically, every line in the song is about mind control and a 1984-esque situation.

For fun, I'll go through the entire song in my next post. :)


I agree with agenthal, it's most likely the program taking people's memories away, and might also have something to do with how history was deleted in 1984, to create a permanent present.

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It was mind control... hence, they erased their memories, "deleted their histories" - i.e. what influences a normal person to make a decision is their memories, etc, but mind control takes that away :D


Basically, every line in the song is about mind control and a 1984-esque situation.

For fun, I'll go through the entire song in my next post. :)



^^^ This. I feel like the past and history are contained within our emotions and memories, and when you brain wash you take away both memories and emotions surrounding memories.

For me the song is about becoming a brain washed puppet, and the eventual overcoming and rise uprising of the resistance as we regain our cognitive personalities and remember who we are.

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I have little question about lyrics.


How much deception can you take?

How many lies will you create?

How much longer until you break?

You mind's about to fall


Who is 'you' and who is talking to him ?

How much deception can you take? How many lies will you create? - good to bad people ?


How much longer until you break? Your mind's about to fall - bad to good people (mind about to fool - something about mk ultra victims?).


Does anybody knows how to interpretate this ? I don't speak english very well and my question maybe look stupid, but I want know it :LOL:

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I've always thought that if you take IBTY out of the equation, Unnatural Selection - MK Ultra - Exogenesis actually sort of works as an ongoing narrative.


Basically, US describes how the powers that be ('They') decide that the human race has destroyed their planet, be it Earth or elsewhere - see here, and need to travel elsewhere in te universe to start over again. These 'lucky ones' are unnaturally selected to continue the human race.


MK Ultra could be seen as the 'lucky ones' brainwashing the rest of the population that are to be left behind on a dying planet, hence deleting all of their history with one stroke and feeding them lies to supress them.


Then, Exogenesis obviously describes the 'lucky one's journey to the next planet they will ultimately destroy.


Yes, it's 6 months late, but just a thought :p

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  • 2 years later...

I've read quite a bit about MKUltra and especially the experiments with ECT, since I ECT is something I have personal reasons to investigate.

The ECT experiments funded by CIA were performed by Ewen Cameron at the Allan Memorial Institute in Canada. I am convinced the song is about the experiments Cameron carried out. They were based on "annihilation ECT", which regressed the patient to an infantile state and Cameron used this to try to recreate a new personality. (For an interesting case of annihilation ECT, read "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance". I don't think he was part of MKUltra though, just subject to bad psychiatry, but this song fits pretty well on him too).

I also think it's directed towards a subject of ECT.


The wavelength gently grows

The ECT machine is turned on

Coercive notions re-evolve

The patient has not agreed to the treatment?

A universe is trapped inside a tear


It resonates the core

Electric chocks are going through the brain

Creates unnatural laws

Changes the person into something not based on experience

Replaces love and happiness with fear

Changes a healthy person into a wreck


How much deception can you take

How many lies will you create

How much longer until you break

You mind's about to fall

How long can you hold on to your self before the therapy annihilates you? What methods will you have to use to stay?


And they are breaking through

They are breaking through

They are breaking through

They are breaking through

They're closing in on you, about to annihilate you

Now we're falling

We are losing control.


Invisible to all

The mind becomes a wall

All of history deleted with one stroke

Your mind becomes a blank paper and you have amnesia

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