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I logged on to Wachovia's website yesterday and somehow managed to get a GA ticket.

Ridiculous, right? Must've released a couple randomly.


So it's a bus from NY for me straight after class.

I've seen Coldplay at Wachovia before, so I love the place. I just hope the line isn't too long by 6ish when I get there.


And I caught Muse with U2 last time around, but that will be a joke compared to this.


STOKED, you hear, STOKED! :)

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Me too, it's my first Muse concert! I don't think I've ever been this excited to see anyone...



Guess we'll see some of you at the Pavillion then? My husband and I were planning on being there b/w 6-6:30. :D


its ridiculous; I have been to concerts before; not that many mind you; but I have never been so excited about a show before; it will be my first muse show; I am counting the days; I swear I wake up smiling


So excited for you first-timers! As great as you think it will be... it's going to be even better! ;) There is nothing better than being at a Muse show, surrounded by other Musers!

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If you're on Facebook (and who isn't?) - go to the fan page for Radio 104.5 - I mailed them cookies to thank them for fixing the broken link on my video quickly the day the contest started - they just posted a picture of the cookies on their FB page! :p


Remember to vote for my video if you have a chance – you can vote once a day each day, all week – spread the word – vote for #7. Sue K: http://www.radio1045.com/pages/promo/MuseVote1.php

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god bless you sir and/or madam


"And"? Hahaha, as if it would be possible to be both at the same time.


Actually, I guess it sorta is :$


ANYWAY, yeah, we need to ask the Atlanta gang how the show was after it's over. I don't want to know TOO much, though. Leave some element of surprise for our show.

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Hey - glad to hear from you - I already gave you some votes. I hope we will both be there - I truely hope people who deserve to win will win - including you and me instead of spaz cases and people who put no effort into it at all or aren't really true fans. Your stop motion work is awesome. Do you like the Brothers Quay by chance? Have you seen their films? Their film from 2003, The Piano Tuner of Earthquakes is one of my all time favorite films. If you haven't seen it you should.


hah, I heard of the Brothers Quay, we watched part of one of their stop-motions movies back in college in my Digital Media class... but I never actually watched one fully. I definately will check it out :).


I worked on enhancing my video this week, where I used pics from the craziness thats going on in Iran and 2.5minutes of the song + it flows much better. Will replace current version with that when the contest ends.

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so what time are you guys going to the pavillion...i may drag my boyfriend away from my mom and sister to come say hi.


also- any news on snow? i am extremely paranoid. i dont want there to be ANY reason for me not to get there.


I'll be there at 6 PM. :)


No snow news, it's still too early for that. The 10 days forecast for Philadelphia only goes until the end of next week, but it's usually unreliable

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I only have a few minutes because I am at work - desperate call for a rally! Help! I'm in 6th place!!! I need extra help everyone!!! I really really need you all to tell everyone you know to vote for me! #7 Sue K. http://www.radio1045.com/pages/promo/MuseVote1.php


If I am not at least in 5th place I will not get to go to the Museum with Muse! Please please please email this to everyone you know and ask them to vote for me today, tomorrow and Sunday!

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I only have a few minutes because I am at work - desperate call for a rally! Help! I'm in 6th place!!! I need extra help everyone!!! I really really need you all to tell everyone you know to vote for me! #7 Sue K. http://www.radio1045.com/pages/promo/MuseVote1.php


If I am not at least in 5th place I will not get to go to the Museum with Muse! Please please please email this to everyone you know and ask them to vote for me today, tomorrow and Sunday!


hah, the people with the most friends are gonna win :( Siouxz. Tis' the way it was in high school and the way it is now. Oh well, at least get to see a Muse concert hehe.

#6. Arian H.

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