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dom would say yeah dude. *depending on how you look..*


dom is not that great with drums.. *dom screws up time is running out the other day*


*hides from evil eye from mynameisdebbie*


haih.. ok guys. stop talking about how jealous and menyampah you are with girls talking about muse.. kak faz has apologized.. adila wants to fight tetapi admit she is going crazy about chris ehee.. tetapi right now, we are figuring out how to upload invincible radio edit onto this thread..


so lelaki2 gagah yang tidak gay dan tidak sukekan girls yang fanatik, come on let's make peace.. coz together we're invincible..


**hm, invincible sounds kind of gay to me right now** :happy: *goes off to rewatch brokeback mountain*..


hahaa....takpe takpe....mari kita baca NST....(aku suka iklan ni haha) :LOL:

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u girls were way ahead about muse from 'us'?

haha lol!


if u were way ahead from 'me', .. than its true. i admit.

dulu aku nyampah giler ngan muse. mula2 dgr plug in baby, mcm "ape sampah ni tahape hape la " .. coz im still with nirvana n rhcp sampai mati ..


but then during the Absolution .. i saw dom played stockhom syndromme live from my fren's vid clips and i go wow!! barulaa mula dgr balik lagu2 muse .. and that was around 2004 .. lambat giler ..


so i start follow their music starting with domm stocko, .. matt bliss ..n chris hysteria .. lambat dah tu .. :p


how can u not get hooked when u first heard plug in baby? man.. that riff and that music video where matt pusing2.. i thot to myself the first time i saw it. that dude is mental..can he really play like that live? and i think it became his signature moves or something like that. EDIT: OoS eheh..is my fav album really..coz the piano in newborn, citizen erased and space dementia are just out of this world... and dom's solo in space..after watching hullabaloo it just intensfied my respect to the band playing live.. gah.. * better watch hullaballoo again*


hysteria is another thing eh? wonder if chris has any type of hand/ finger exercise to play like that...



hello fazlies79.. welcome!! and i apologised adila coz i wanna this thread to show malaysian love instead of us arguing over silly things..we're friendly and open minded *stares at ibrahimovic eheh..* peeps, rite?

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from Waner Music Tag!


hullo welcome :happy: OMG? WHAT IS THIS? :eek: dont toy with our feelings now! explain yourself! ::D


aku rase lepas ko cakap "fak yu" tu...tak sempat ko nak cakap lagi die dah ketuk dahi ngkau ngan drumstick huhu...


lol wouldnt that be funny :LOL:


how can u not get hooked when u first heard plug in baby? man.. that riff and that music video where matt pusing2.. i thot to myself the first time i saw it. that dude is mental..can he really play like that live? and i think it became his signature moves or something like that. SoS is my fav album really..coz the piano in newborn, citizen erased and space dementia are just out of this world... and dom's solo in space..after watching hullabaloo it just intensfied my respect to the band playing live.. gah.. * better watch hullaballoo again*


hysteria is another thing eh? wonder if chris has any type of hand/ finger exercise to play like that...



hello fazlies79.. welcome!! and i apologised adila coz i wanna this thread to show malaysian love instead of us arguing over silly things..we're friendly and open minded *stares at ibrahimovic eheh..* peeps, rite?


lol my favourite album is still Absolution. and its a crying shame (pun is SO intended) that they dont play Falling Away With You live. its such a beautiful song. *wipes tear* and the fact that its on acoustic makes it somehow more... 'intimate', and romantic. however, OOS is catching up. it beat BH&R already.. for me, anyway. :) prolly cause i listen to BH&R waaay too much :LOL:


mikeadyla you still want that Easily? i THINK i have the clear version. i think. it doesnt sound too blurred to me.. but then again i could be deaf :confused:

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how can u not get hooked when u first heard plug in baby? man.. that riff and that music video where matt pusing2.. i thot to myself the first time i saw it. that dude is mental..can he really play like that live? and i think it became his signature moves or something like that. SoS is my fav album really..coz the piano in newborn, citizen erased and space dementia are just out of this world... and after watching hullabaloo it just intensfied my respect to the band playing live.. gah.. * better watch hullaballoo again*


hysteria is another thing eh? wonder if chris has any type of hand/ finger exercise to play like that...



hello fazlies79.. welcome!!


the first time i listen to muse was through muscle museum (found an anonymous cd in my brother's drawer...mixed with another song from ratm nirvana silverchair bla bla...i was in form 1 i think)....and the teneneneneeeeee thing got really stuck in my empty brain hahaa...and year after year comes plug in baby...new born....and that's the way i became a muser...and im so sure u all (especially the girls haha) happen to be the same as i do :D

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map has a kind of repetitive drums dont u think? but i just love watching dom playing that song.. there's just something about his body movement during that song which looked kinda awesome.. didnt mean that in a girlish way ya.. i was actually very interested to see matt's fingers movement during assassin..esp at the intro part.. but didnt get to c it clearly during the concert.. god, still cant believe i just watched muse live!!


EDIT: i kinda thot falling away is too romantic..eheh..

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map has a kind of repetitive drums dont u think? but i just love watching dom playing that song.. there's just something about his body movement during that song which looked kinda awesome.. didnt mean that in a girlish way ya..


EDIT: i kinda thot falling away is too romantic..eheh..


by map i'm assuming you're talking about motp cause i do notice the way dom plays in that song. i love it laa. with the nonstop-ness of it and stuff. haha. you know thanks to Muse, i'm kinda interested in playing an instrument. at first it was the bass, because its 'kinda' the easier among all 3, but now i'm getting interested in the drums too. not that i do anything about it. its all 'cakap kosong' saje. :p


and yeah i looove Falling Away with you. fawy. its a huuuuuuge shame they dont play it live. seriously. we should complain to tom kirk about this :D

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yeah i meant map of problematic.. geez..dont get too excited yon..:D they didnt play that map of ur head..


that's good deb, go and learn how play the drums then or any other instruments.. if i was still young i would definitely go for it.. then u can start a band wif u as the front er person. there arent a lot of women in rock bands that i noe of.. thot hole was a joke, and evanescence?? is too dark but loved garbage..

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hahaa... yeah SoS .. gosh, i hate kismis la. taste so weird. rite, checking all my cds infront of me now.. yes ORIGIN OF SYMMETRY.. jauh nyer salah.. *swears at t.s. eliot and that ambitious the wasteland of his..*.and MAP OF THE PROBLEMATIQUE eheh.. balik belajar mengeja.. never paid attention to all of these spellings..but they must serve a purpose...

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yeah....those spellings are somethings...im sure u dont like it when 'matt' becomes 'mat'....it's like "mat ooo mat...mane ngkau?...p beli tepung jagung kat kedai pak abu kjap...dah le main gitar karen tu"....hahaa....kampung kampung....miss my kampung....:D


there are some songs in musewiki that i don have...like....heartbreaker?....pointless loss?...is it really so many songs of muse that i don have?...gotta find it quickly....:eek:

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Placebo is a great band, great albums, particularly the 2nd album (Without You I'm Nothing). However, they're dangerously in the territory of repeating themselves with their last album (Meds). Yeah Brian Molko is bisexual, but otherwise, he's a charming guy, though the bassist, the gay one, is a bit extrovert, and some people may be put off by his antics.


Kasabian is a relatively new band, and their debut album is great, yet to get the 2nd album though (Empire)..it's not available in M'sia probably, becos of its album cover. However, I personally think this band has a bit of "attitude", something like Oasis (less down to earth)..probably won't get past M'sian bureacracy (for a gig).


Anyway, the point is, it's not cool to diss other bands. There's just so many bands and music out there to discover! As Chris said in the Thinking Man's Band article, music is a means of escape from the chores of your daily life, and a way of expressing yourself. I really respect Muse for their views on the current goings on and to spread the message out. And their music is highly creative, what more with the marriage of classical theme. Let's just hope Muse keep on challenging themselves and strike us with awe on their next album.


On a light note, Hoho pirate, speak for yourself! You have Siti Nurhaliza as your avatar,dude! How obsessed with a girl could you go? :LOL: Hey hey, don't be mad, just teasing there..Keep the music alive people!

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so...radio edit or not?

ughh..kinda hard to tell..let juz download it ;)


where did u get it btw??

i got it from some silly websites..i was juz browsing for oldies n i saw muse..n then i saw they juz loaded invincible..ihihihihi :D



if you werent so oblivious, you'd actually notice that we talked about their music way before the gig started. way before we saw them in real life. way before we started talking about their looks.


so before you start trashing us, and before you start judging us, get your research done first.


and to be honest i never thought matt, dom nor chris were really good looking when i first heard about Muse a few years ago. but its their charisma and personality that makes them even more attractive. its like that to me anyway. after watching more and more interviews of them, they got more and more attractive. hence, the crazy fangirlyness. but that doesnt mean we're unappreciating their music either. we love their music as much as we love them! some of us may love their music more than we love them. but we just tend to speak of them more than their music.


its merely a bad habit. its not because we're groupies and we think that they're a bunch of justin timberlakes. for god's sake justin timberlake is a freakin POPstar. its a bloody insult to compare Muse to him.

yeahhh....sooooo true..u should do some research first then only u can thrash us all..huhu


btw,its not wrong to express ur opinion..it juz the matter of time...wrong timing babe...BIGGG time...:D

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On a light note, Hoho pirate, speak for yourself! You have Siti Nurhaliza as your avatar,dude! How obsessed with a girl could you go? :LOL: Hey hey, don't be mad, just teasing there..Keep the music alive people!

yeah..whats with Siti as ur avatar??..:LOL: relax dude..everyone has their own opinion... :D

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god, shannaz. u hugged the sexiest male of NME... i so hugged the wrong male.




dom plays bass and chris is on the drums....they just hate lipsync....hilarious matt...watch it hehe...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXhEUPcLSCI

lol love that vid


Yeah there was a really great article in the Star the other day concerning our current concert-music scene. I thought it was cleverly written.


Also read this interview cum article in Malay Mail today. It's really long though! But definitely worth the read :)




I love the italicized quotes towards the end of the article.

good article..thx!


oh yeah....back in 4,5 years ago,i thought i was the only one who loved muse more than anything(even i thought i am the no 1 muse fanatic in this country)when i say i love muse,my friends will go"muse who?"...and now,muse has become more mainstream and we dont need to introduce them anymore,yeah it makes my job easier as i dont need to explain them but it's not as sweet as the good old days(when theres onle me and muse and nobody seems to be cared about them)...hahaha...my bad for being so selfish....


oh i have to stop now.......or else i got carried away again......gogogo...studies more important...


eheh...i was like that too..:ninja:

i am a guy and i wanna bersanding with matthew bellamy in the future



if you werent so oblivious, you'd actually notice that we talked about their music way before the gig started. way before we saw them in real life. way before we started talking about their looks.


so before you start trashing us, and before you start judging us, get your research done first.


and to be honest i never thought matt, dom nor chris were really good looking when i first heard about Muse a few years ago. but its their charisma and personality that makes them even more attractive. its like that to me anyway. after watching more and more interviews of them, they got more and more attractive. hence, the crazy fangirlyness. but that doesnt mean we're unappreciating their music either. we love their music as much as we love them! some of us may love their music more than we love them. but we just tend to speak of them more than their music.


its merely a bad habit. its not because we're groupies and we think that they're a bunch of justin timberlakes. for god's sake justin timberlake is a freakin POPstar. its a bloody insult to compare Muse to him.

um...what she said.

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er, bittorrent have a weird version of easily as well.. i wonder.. did they release it on starlight or did it get leaked? coz it doesn't sound very nice to me.. or am i just super mengada-ngada.. but i love the weird vibe i get from 4 minutes of easily.. oohh...


by the way, since after 5 pages not one of us have managed to crack the method on how to post a song on this muse board, why don't everyone just go here and download the promo copy of invincible cd.. it contains the album and the radio edit.. not that i can find the difference...



oh, on another note.. kalau malas nak subscribe, it's just here on


SITI~~ ooohh i want SITI~~~ lolz..

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