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I wish Muse would just announce pre-order details already. :LOL: Hope there's a boxset or special edition. :)


I think i read on muselive that you can pre-order from play.com already! But if i remember correctly HMV was pretty right on time with the BHAR release, so i might just buy it over the counter. Man I'm already imagining that day, and reminiscing about the day I bought BHAR... :eyebrows:



i think you meant uptown+danau kota=uptown danau kota? sooooooo near to where i live!


Perhentian Island! :D


I've always wanted to go to that little paradise they call an island.


Oh yah lah uptown @ Danau Kota was exactly what i meant! Do you ever buy things from there then? They mark up the price by a few Ringgit compared to the rest of KL man! (I think, only...:D) Is there anywhere else like that? I like that they have some shops selling nice t-shirts.

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I think i read on muselive that you can pre-order from play.com already! But if i remember correctly HMV was pretty right on time with the BHAR release, so i might just buy it over the counter. Man I'm already imagining that day, and reminiscing about the day I bought BHAR... :eyebrows:


Yeah I saw that too, but it doesn't look legit AT ALL. So I'm not taking my chances. :p I got BHAR around the time it was released from Sembawang MC. :LOL: Omg have you been going there for the 50% sales? So cheap! :eek::happy::LOL: I've stopped going to HMV....because they've stopped the members card. I spent $400+, imagine how many chops that would be on the card. :supersad: Not worth it anymore lah, so expensiveeee. :( But yeah I remember I got HAARP there pretty soon after it was released. :D Because I have nothing to do this summer, I'm going to attempt to make some moolah and order a whole bunch of shit. :LOL: So yep, ordering The Resistance.


Liz, I heard that a place called Tip Top Curry Puff in Ang Mo Kio is very good. :LOL: Maybe you should go there next time you're in Singapore.

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Lol seems that quite a few people from the forum has ordered from it anyway :D


There's a 50% sale at Sembawang Music?! Does that include dvds and blu-rays? Wow you've spent so much at HMV! If I want to buy other CDs I'll either try HMV or Gramophone. Don't really like the layout at Semb so i don't frequent it much haha.

Good good work hard and pamper yourself. Harder.

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Duuude, I spend like at least $1000 there annually. :LOL: I dunno whether it's still going on, but in April they had a 50% sale for EVERYTHING in the store, and last month there were still selected items for 50% off. :happy: I don't like Sembawang either, in fact I've only just started going there again. :LOL: The only reason is because of the cheap prices...

Yeah Grammophone is great! :happy: I love it there, I've started going there a lot....and sometimes That CD Shop too, they're quite good!

Haha cheers! The problem is, I'm too young to get a job. :( So this is going to be difficult.

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hey there!! i was at terengganu with my whole family+my uncle and aunt and we had a very random and last minute visit to Perhentian Island! it was beautiful and i love the clear blue-green water and the little fishes swimming in it :D


INOERITE. The clear blue waters are luffly. I want to go to Sipadan!!! and dive!!! Heh.




Am off to Thailand tomorrow! Not a holiday, orite! Going with this group to do some relieve work at Khao Lak, a tsunami hit area :happy: See you! *loves* :D

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Yikes, it's been awhile since I drop by. I've been a part of the resistance, I've been hiding, honest!


Well ok, I need to stop making these lame resistance/terminator links. Even in class this week, my lecturer was talking about "terminating a contract" and I immediately went, "HEEE TERMINATOR!" :happy::$:facepalm:


I think I have too many multi-quotes to add, but because I'm feeling extremely lazy right now.. I'll just mention the things I remember...


Aida, I wish I found out about that classical show a little earlier, I love watching cellists in action (it's a hand thing :chuckle: ) but unfortunately, I've already made plans for the free rock festival at Capsquare tomorrow. Anyone else going? Deb, you should since you're done with you A-Levels!! Congrats =D


What new Athlete song?! No, I haven't heard! and Tip Top Curry Puffs! That sounds familiarr... perhaps I'll stop by in August...because Keane's playing Fort Canning on the 13th of Aug! Then again, I doubt I would be able to skip classes since that's on a Thursday. :(


Mel, you leave near Danau Kota?! Sweet. Wait, that's in Genting Klang, right? Nut, I think the only reason they raised the prices there because it's such an "active" place as in, there are a LOT of students living there as well as working families... but hmm that should lower the prices down eh because of the competition? *shrugs* Well, let us know lah ya next time if you drop by KL! I'll make sure you don't go back to singapore only eating a miserable roti canai at wangsa maju's BRJ!! :p;)


Yaaarrrghhh, CDs on sale are my weakness. It's the one thing I could never turn down. There was a 50% sale going around MPH's CD section back in May (when I was broke) and gosh, I did so much damage to my pockets. Hell, I saw cassettes going for RM1 earlier this month, and although I had no proper cassette player, I bought so many of them! Starsailor, REM, INXS etc... lol beli je.


Noor, that sounds like so much funnn. I always wanted to travel and do voluntary work. (coughicelandcough!) Have fun in Thailand, but do take precautions while travelling with the flu all over... Enjoy!











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I didn't get to wish him

WOW It's been a long time since I visited Muselive, it looks AWESOME now!


Hang in there, Debbwi!


In other news,



Tioman was awesome! We stayed in a nice little resort - Melina Beach Resort in Kampung Genting. I went snorkeling for the first time ever!! We weren't able to snorkel quite far as the sea was quite rough. Even so, I saw many corals and colourful fishes! Lol I sound like a small child.But we saw many dead corals too It was all very interesting. Did you know that if you see many sea urchins, it means that the water is polluted with sewage! I just love how the animals act as indicators.


The owner of the resort owns this company where they bring students to different parts of Asia to have 'eco-studies'. They were there with a school group, so we followed them around a bit. As sea turtles are an endangered species, they built a turtle hatchery on the beach a few years ago in efforts to sustain the life of these beautiful creatures. The bury the turtle eggs in a nest, hopefully preventing attacks from predators. And once the turtles hatch, they are freed into the sea..but unfortunately their chances of survival are 1 in 1000 However, we were lucky enough to see them hatch! Well we didn't really see them coming out from their shells (the eggs are buried quite deep), but you'd suddenly see them emerging on the surface of the sand!


All in all, it was a very interesting and wonderful experience! I'll post some pictures next time


INOERITE. The clear blue waters are luffly. I want to go to Sipadan!!! and dive!!! Heh.




Am off to Thailand tomorrow! Not a holiday, orite! Going with this group to do some relieve work at Khao Lak, a tsunami hit area :happy: See you! *loves* :D


I've hung on there alright, and my A-Levels are officially over!!!!!!!!!!!!! (unless i do so badly that i have to re-sit my modules again :( hopefully that wont happen!! srsly.)


Aww your trip to tioman sounds awesome! :D i guess going to school in singapore is doing you lotsa good eh? ^^


Wow you're doing volunteer work! good on you noor! :happy: but like what liz said, be careful alright? good luck and have fun!!


I think it was because of the recession and them not wanting to fork out a lot of money to bring in bands. Eh, almost no bands at all coming this summer...also, they're probably a bit scared of the bands bringing in H1N1 with them.


Oh yeaaah.. good point, lol. ah well. more money to save up on then :happy: I'm currently planning a trip to melbourne next year! to visit and live with my friends who are currently studying there haha. hope all goes well eh? :happy:


Yikes, it's been awhile since I drop by. I've been a part of the resistance, I've been hiding, honest!


Well ok, I need to stop making these lame resistance/terminator links. Even in class this week, my lecturer was talking about "terminating a contract" and I immediately went, "HEEE TERMINATOR!" :happy::$:facepalm:


I think I have too many multi-quotes to add, but because I'm feeling extremely lazy right now.. I'll just mention the things I remember...


Aida, I wish I found out about that classical show a little earlier, I love watching cellists in action (it's a hand thing :chuckle: ) but unfortunately, I've already made plans for the free rock festival at Capsquare tomorrow. Anyone else going? Deb, you should since you're done with you A-Levels!! Congrats =D


What new Athlete song?! No, I haven't heard! and Tip Top Curry Puffs! That sounds familiarr... perhaps I'll stop by in August...because Keane's playing Fort Canning on the 13th of Aug! Then again, I doubt I would be able to skip classes since that's on a Thursday.


Yaaarrrghhh, CDs on sale are my weakness. It's the one thing I could never turn down. There was a 50% sale going around MPH's CD section back in May (when I was broke) and gosh, I did so much damage to my pockets. Hell, I saw cassettes going for RM1 earlier this month, and although I had no proper cassette player, I bought so many of them! Starsailor, REM, INXS etc... lol beli je.


LOL speaking of Terminator, I watched it for the second time last night! hahaha. Now I understand what everyone means when they said Sam Worthington's aussie accent pops up a few times. I couldn't help but scrutinize his accent a bit haha :p


Thank youuu! aha but nah i wont be going for that. I'm suuuper busy tomorrow. Prom preparations and stuff. I'm getting my dress tomorrow.. I have to film something for my prom tomorrow.. yeah, lotsa stuff. lol. but eh have fun at the gig!! :D


Hey are you going for Keane?? I dont know many songs.. I only know the popular few. and I know none from their new album lol. But i feel so gig-deprived :(




OMG liz :'( speaking of, some random passerby commented on my blog. He says he's malaysian but he's studying in the uk now and he got the pre-sale tickets for the resistance tour too. JELEZNYEEEERRRR.

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Noor: Have fun! I loooove Thailand. :happy: Panas sekali, though. :( Is that the same in Malaysian as in Indonesian? :LOL:


Liz: Summer Sun, it's available through their mailing list on the website. I'm disappointed though, honestly. :( It's pretty but a really weak track, I'd say...And ahhh Keane. :'( I want to see them so bad...as well as NIN....but pfff, living in Bali = noooo gigs. :rolleyes: There's not gonna be any gigs in Singapore in the week that I'll be there either, and I'm not going to see Mew or Phoenix...:( Geeeez, I'm Debbie Downer. :LOL:

RM1! :eek: That's so cheeeeeap....there's so many cassettes being sold in Indonesia, I dunno why but maybe it's because import CDs are too expensive. :LOL: So I buy some, being the obsessive fan that I am so I can own certain albums on every format possible. :LOL::facepalm:

And ahhh lucky friend!


Debbie: Hope you did well on exams, and have fun at your prom!

Meh, I don't really think Singapore's a good place to have a festival like Singfest really....I did want to see a few bands (The Academy Is..., Cobra Starship, Travis) the past two years though... And have fun in Melbourne! I'm going there in October to look at a school or a few, because I don't like the school in Sydney. :LOL:

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Thank youuu! aha but nah i wont be going for that. I'm suuuper busy tomorrow. Prom preparations and stuff. I'm getting my dress tomorrow.. I have to film something for my prom tomorrow.. yeah, lotsa stuff. lol. but eh have fun at the gig!!


Hey are you going for Keane?? I dont know many songs.. I only know the popular few. and I know none from their new album lol. But i feel so gig-deprived




OMG liz speaking of, some random passerby commented on my blog. He says he's malaysian but he's studying in the uk now and he got the pre-sale tickets for the resistance tour too. JELEZNYEEEERRRR.

Awww prom. Lol. Those were the days! Who's playing at your prom? Well have fun getting all dolled up and everything! Make sure you use good background music for the film that you're filming for prom hehe ;]


Speaking of background music....


Trailer to The Time Traveller's Wife.


Mmm, almost perfect use of the song, no? ;] Also, Eric Bana, yumm!


I don't know if I'm going for Keane... My finals are around the corner at that time, and since this is my final year, my conscience's telling me not to screw things up lol.


Liz: Summer Sun, it's available through their mailing list on the website. I'm disappointed though, honestly. :( It's pretty but a really weak track, I'd say...And ahhh Keane. :'( I want to see them so bad...as well as NIN....but pfff, living in Bali = noooo gigs.

RM1! :eek: That's so cheeeeeap....there's so many cassettes being sold in Indonesia, I dunno why but maybe it's because import CDs are too expensive. :LOL: So I buy some, being the obsessive fan that I am so I can own certain albums on every format possible.

And ahhh lucky friend!

2 minutes in, and I'm actually really loving Summer Sun. Perhaps you need the right mood to listen to the song? I think it's the string arrangements that's tugging at my heart.:happy: It doesn't sound Athlete-ish though, I have to say, almost different from anything beyond the neighbourhood album, but different is good right? It may have a little more summer spark and radio friendliness to it... then again, sometimes that's never good... Speaking of disappointment (well not exactly disappointment...), did you hear Ash's Return of White Rabbit? Or of their ridiculous but at the same time extremely amiable plan of releasing 28 songs from Sept 2009 - Sept 2010, one new single each every fortnight for a year?! I can't help but love the idea of having new Ash material every fortnight!! but if these singles are gonna sound anything like White Rabbit...I might have a little trouble with it :X



Well I went over to Rockaway 2009 earlier today, gotta say the layout was pretty impressive, but the acts were rather disappointing. Maybe it was still early. I had to leave a little earlier... There were lots of jack n jill junk food going at cheap prices. Free roller coasters everywhere too! Here's hoping they would be able to stage this annually :)

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2 minutes in, and I'm actually really loving Summer Sun. Perhaps you need the right mood to listen to the song? I think it's the string arrangements that's tugging at my heart.:happy: It doesn't sound Athlete-ish though, I have to say, almost different from anything beyond the neighbourhood album, but different is good right? It may have a little more summer spark and radio friendliness to it... then again, sometimes that's never good... Speaking of disappointment (well not exactly disappointment...), did you hear Ash's Return of White Rabbit? Or of their ridiculous but at the same time extremely amiable plan of releasing 28 songs from Sept 2009 - Sept 2010, one new single each every fortnight for a year?! I can't help but love the idea of having new Ash material every fortnight!! but if these singles are gonna sound anything like White Rabbit...I might have a little trouble with it :X


Well that's good that you like it. :happy: I listened to it today again, it's improved from the last time I listened to it (about two days ago)...but yeah I think it'll grow on me, I just found it a bit weak is all. Buttt I'm looking forward to the new album, no doubt. :) Yepp, very different from Neighbourhood but I think it still has the distinct Athlete sound to it...I dunno. And yes ROWR I FUCKING LOVE ROWR! :LOL: Sorry. :p Ordered it on vinyl, along with a signed Jack Names The Planet/Don't Know Why/Season CD...but I couldn't get it sent here or Singapore for some reason sooo it's sitting in my sister's closet in Australia. :( I only get it next month, meh...and yeah I'm soo looking forward to A-Z. :LOL: Been on YouTube? There's new songs from the recent gigs on there...I find it a bit funny that your reaction with ROWR appears to be mine with Summer Sun, and vice versa. :p Yeahh disco Ash isn't my favourite Ash, but I still think ROWR's a catchy song and it's great! But tbh even though I liked TOTI I wasn't overly fond of some of the songs on it too...

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Well that's good that you like it. :happy: I listened to it today again, it's improved from the last time I listened to it (about two days ago)...but yeah I think it'll grow on me, I just found it a bit weak is all. Buttt I'm looking forward to the new album, no doubt. :) Yepp, very different from Neighbourhood but I think it still has the distinct Athlete sound to it...I dunno. And yes ROWR I FUCKING LOVE ROWR! :LOL: Sorry. :p Ordered it on vinyl, along with a signed Jack Names The Planet/Don't Know Why/Season CD...but I couldn't get it sent here or Singapore for some reason sooo it's sitting in my sister's closet in Australia. :( I only get it next month, meh...and yeah I'm soo looking forward to A-Z. :LOL: Been on YouTube? There's new songs from the recent gigs on there...I find it a bit funny that your reaction with ROWR appears to be mine with Summer Sun, and vice versa. :p Yeahh disco Ash isn't my favourite Ash, but I still think ROWR's a catchy song and it's great! But tbh even though I liked TOTI I wasn't overly fond of some of the songs on it too...


Ahhhh vinyl!! do you have 1977 in vinyl as well or something?! eeek. I only managed to get my 1977 collector's edition from UK after forcing my sister to buy it for me (which I haven't paid her back in pounds sigh). That's great that you love ROWR, I admit, it takes time to get used to it. It reminded me of Alice in Wonderland for some reason lol but I do love how Tim's vocals are like x2 like it has dual melodies if you listen carefully :happy: Not a song I would use to introduce Ash to my friends though, they wouldn't appreciate it that way! Unlike Athlete's Summer Sun lol.


While FAA would certainly remain as my favourite Ash album (apart from Intergalactic Sonic 7s but that doesn't really count as an album..), I have a really soft spot for Meltdown! I got TOTI as my early Christmas present two years back, I loved all the songs, but I didn't find it extremely memorable... Anyway, that all changed after the Ash gig though ... guhh.. now everytime I listen to TOTI I can't help but get shivers everywhere and pleasant memories of how Tim forgot the lyrics to TOTI (song) during soundcheck XD I think I have to upload that video for you!! I have a carved paper Ash phoenix inside of the file I usually carry around college...I parade around with it lol hoping that at least someone would know what the phoenix meant. Of course, til now I've yet to get any "Good heavens, is that an Ash phoenix I see?!?!" reaction only curious friends asking what it is...

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No not yet...but yep, I do plan on getting every Ash album in every format available...-sigh- I found 1977 3CD edition in HMV in Singapore...for more than $30. And I bought it, and felt so proud because it was the last one there. :facepalm:

Yep, reminding a lot of people of that...the rabbit maybe. ;) Seen the rabbit pics on their website? Yeah, Tim's vocals are very different but still great! Ha, I have friends with different music tastes...the other day I was telling my friend to download both, while I was downloading Summer Sun...but when I listened to it, I told him not to download Summer Sun because he wouldn't like it, but told him to still donwload ROWR...but some other friends would be the opposite.

I actually am not a massive fan of Intergalactic Sonic 7s...I think Envy is ermm....well, my least favourite single. :p I can't choose which is my favourite album, too difficult...I love them all equally for different reasons. And yeahh Nu-Clear Sounds is a studio album but not a big one sooo that's probably my favourite out of all the "kind of albums" and such...And yep, I have a soft spot for Meltdown too! My first Ash album, five years ago this year wow! :eek: Hmm I remember running to get TOTI and Interpol's "A Love To Admire" (which I found a special edition of, woo!) at HMV when they were first brought in, just before I left for Beijing. :D I think I liked TOTI a lot more when I lived in Beijing, just suited my mood more there I guess.

And I am still so jealous of you seeing them! And awww Tim....the title track is one of the tracks that stands out for me, though. :yesey: As you can tell from my sig? Haha.

And heh, what a perfect time to film him! The phoenix sounds really cool, I love Tim's tattoo of it, and there's a picture of him with a fan who had a matching one! Hope you come across someone who knows what it is soon...

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Wow, all the best in getting that Ash collection! I don't think I would be able to afford it :( I love IS7s because they have A Life Less Ordinary in there :p that was the song that started it all! Yes, I remember buying Nu-Clear Sounds after listening to ALLO. I always loved that handwritten version of Ash's name. I think the TOTI era version of Ash is my least fav..! My fav definitely goes to the Meltdown era :D and since my first Ash song was also ironically the first song Charlotte played in, she became my role model lol. Would be great to meet her personally someday... Maybe, just maybe a tiny little Ash foursome reunion? ... I have a lot of things to say to her!


Mmm, how can anyone not love that tattoo on Tim's arms? I half wished he wore sleeveless that night in Singapore because then we could all see the phoenix flap it's wings along with Tim's biceps? rofl. jk. I thought he was really sly to only give us a teaser of his tatts! I saw a pic of Tim and a fan that had the tattoo on his legs or something. Ouch! Hmm I wonder how much a tattoo like that would cost... Perhaps I could get a tiny one hidden somewhere.. haha ;)


All this talk of Ash = :happy:

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I actually don't have that much...1977 3CD, FAA, Nu-Clear Sounds, Meltdown, TOTI, ROWR and the Jack Names The Planet CD which isn't really officially "mine" yet I guess. It's so hard to find there stuff around here, and when I go overseas it's usually just as expensive so yeah...I got FAA and Nu-Clear Sounds for like AUS$15 combined. :cool: Oh I forgot about A Life Less Ordinary! Yeah love it too. Yeah I don't like the TOTI "Ash" logo either...the new one is also just plain but I like the way the vinyls will look, a simple look for them all. :) Because I never used to look into CD booklets and I only just because reobsessed with Ash last year, I didn't know Charlotte was in the band. :LOL: I always thought they were a three-piece.

Tim's biceps sure are :eyebrows: but yeahh his tattoo is just mm...and hahaha I find it a bit silly that he wears shirts with sleeves that only cover part of the phoenix often...it's like, the tail peaking out, half of it peeking out; etc...Haha I'm not brave enough to get a tattoo. My pain threshold is okay, strong sometimes, normal sometimes, weak sometimes. :erm: (oh soooometimes :LOL:) But what really bothers me is that injections tickle me, so imagine a tattoo gun, vibrating for ages against your skin. :stunned: I'd go crazy, I'm so ticklish. :$

And yeah it's nice to have an Ash rant! :D

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Tim's biceps sure are :eyebrows: but yeahh his tattoo is just mm...and hahaha I find it a bit silly that he wears shirts with sleeves that only cover part of the phoenix often...it's like, the tail peaking out, half of it peeking out; etc...

I find it frustrating. Mmmm just show us already, stop teasing us! :LOL:


The Meltdown CD that you have is the dual edition one right? The one that comes with a live version as well? When Tim introduced ALLO in that live CD, ahhh, I love how he punctuates each syllable with his Irish tongue :D I wonder if Mark's excited


Original logo is still the best!:D


And 1977 is still their best album..together with Free All Angels.:happy:

Here's a game of ... post random Ash videos!





but yes... gahh is it September yet??! I cannot wait for Arcadia, or whatever the first A-Z single's gonna be called ;) And of course, THE RESISTANCE as well!

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There are pictures of him shirtless (rawrrrr) or just in a shirt without sleeves though. Mmm yummy.

No I don't. :'( When the first vinyl is released in the A-Z in September, I'm going to order that at the same time...they didn't have it a few weeks ago though, pff.

But their Irrrrrish accents. :eyebrows:And Graaaace I just had this picture in my mind of Tim and Mark as leprechauns. :$ How kinky. :LOL:


Random Ash videos? You're on. ;)


Tim interview. /



And this one might bring back some memories for you. ;)

Crap quality though. :LOL:

New songs live! ROWR at Brighton Concorde. /

/ True Love 1980, which will be the first single. The music at the start reminds me of a No Doubt song, I forget which one...





Woops, guess I went a bit overboard. :D

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Tee: I think that new Ash song sounds like No Doubt's Running?

And i can't believe you spend so much on Cds and stuff! :stunned:


Liz: Oh wow i didn't know Keane are coming in AUG!!!! I might wana go! I dono their newer stuff though lol.

My friend and I are planning a short weekend trip to KL in July to eat and do some cheap shopping and EAT! Maybe we all can have a meet-up, no?:D

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Wow.... It's been 3 weeks since I last post anything here. Haha.... I feel so outdated now. But I been snooping and peeking around here whenever I have the time :ninja::p


Hi everyone? How are you all doing? :D

I've been quite busy these past few weeks with the family day organise by Westin Hotel, family, friends and with someone new in my life :rolleyes: He's really taking up all my time :p Hehe



Lol.... Liz, now you mentioned it, only did I realise that The Resistence (Muse Album) is the same with the Terminator theme. =.= Haha.... I wonder is the name The Resistence(album) related to Terminator or not :rolleyes:


And Keane is coming?! When? Where?! :eek: I want to go too.....

And YAY to Muse album for finally being ready. Can't wait for them to come and to hear it. Sigh.... If Muse is visiting a few countries in SEA, I'm seriously considering to go to a few countries for it T....T *I sound so desperate* Hehe.... Anyway, can't wait to see Muse/ Dom as well in action >.< :D:p



Ps. Oh ya, I'm moving out of my hostel to another unit so no more Stadium Negara gazing :(:(:(


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Hello guys!


[spoiler=Long post]Thailand was nice! We (mom and I) actually followed a rotary group. Tho I'm not a Rotarian/Interactor. Got to see a few Tsunami memorial sites..and I even stood on the actual beach where the Tsunami hit in Khao Lak :eek: But business has continued, all the resorts are up and running...


We stayed in a school in Ban Lam Pi (Lam Pi village) called Chao Thai Mai school. The village population consist of the Moken (sea gypsies/orang laut), Burmese, and Thai. Most of them are displaced Mokens. (They say 'ikan' 'ketam' and 'udang' :happy:) Before the Tsunami hit, the Mokens could sense something was wrong, so they fled to the mountains. As their homes were wiped out, they had nowhere to live, so Rotary, and other organizations helped to built homes all over Khao Lak. So I was actually surprised that everything looked so...well. Their villages look just like the kampungs in Malaysia. In fact, some of the villages here in Malaysia are in a much worse state.


The school has more than 100 students, ranging from nursery to Sec 3. Our group was divided into 2, 1 group had to teach the kids, the other had to go around the village to interview the villagers. So I was in the teaching group. We were divided into pairs, I was with my momma (my momma is a kindi principal, so she was the real teacher and I was assistant only lol) and we taught the Primary 6, Sec 1, 2, and 3 students over 3 days. WAH they are so playful! They are very disruptive and not focused. Only some of them really sit and listen. Others are in their own world lol. It was a bit difficult to teach because of the language barrier, so we had to use a lot of body language. But they can understand English a little lah. Quite ok. And all the students have handphones!


The villagers actually have a lot. Like I said, they are better off than some villages here in M'sia. They have a proper school, safe drinking water, clothes, houses...the real problem is them. See, they have received so much help, and are still receiving help, that they become so dependent on others to help them. Sad to say this lah, but they become so lazy, and are not self-sufficient. The village is dirty, they just throw their rubbish anywhere. Even the really beautiful school (you can see the school here

), they don't keep it clean. There is rubbish everywhere. And unlike some villages in Malaysia, where they make handicrafts to sell, these people don't. They just rely on the help they are getting. You know what happened, this boy from our group who could speak Thai followed the 2nd group around the village to help translate the questions. So they went to this house, and as soon the boy greeted the man, his neighbour came out of her house and said "Ask them for a house lah, tell them you don't have a house and you want them to give you a house". So yeah, my mum actually predicted that was what was happening even before the incident. We both concluded that we must help them to help themselves. They should learn how to maintain what has been given to them.


As for the students, I really really hope that they get inspiration to want to better themselves and make a difference in their lives. When we asked them what they wanted to be, some want to be teachers, policemen/women, cooks and chefs, and the head boy wants to be a doctor you know. I really hope he studies hard. I hope he does become a doctor, so the other students will be inspired. But in class they are sooo playful!


Some of them cried when we left, and they love getting their pictures taken/taking pictures of us lol. The last day was really 'awww'. Some don't know how to express themselves so they just look at us and make a sad face :( even the ones who kena screamed at by my mom! :LOL:


So that's a brief description of the whole trip. Yeah. :D I'll post pictures including the Tioman pictures next time yeh. :happy:



Oh yeah Tee, the heat there is different from the heat here. The sun is really 'on top of your head' lol.


R.I.P Michael Jackson :( I remember when I was like, what, 5? my bro and I used to watch his CDs, we loved him! :(


Yeah Mel, that was what I was thinking too...

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