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i don't know yet debbie. cause i'm still trying to get one of my friends to go with me, or else i'll be going alone! i'll sell them to you if none of my friends are going. are you going alone too? why don't we all just go together in a big happy group of :musesign: and music lover :D and, of course, have a picnic there! hahaha.




oooooooo my mum is an expert at smuggling food into venues :D hahah!


Good idea! U can bring ur mom also.....



On other news, anyone alse jealous of those going to Dubai to see Muse? On oue election day s'more, I'll be working 24 hours, dammn.

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What's a mat salleh.


edit: wow there are a lot of "celebs" in your amazing races. now i will stop talking otherwise i'm going to go on a spiel about how people in asia have to be eurasian if they wanna get anywhere T_T


:D Mat Salleh: malaysian version of a male Caucasian in some places, its ang moh / gwailo /. For female change the 'Mat' to 'Minah'.


that eurasian spiel is sometimes true. On a superficial level, they are almost always damn good looking, and research has shown good-looking ppl get ahead faster. :rolleyes:



Also, here's a snippet from a recent interview:





Originally Posted by Gigwise




"We've been having a break for the last few months and I think this year is gonna be very relaxed,” he told 6music.


“We're going to do a couple of gigs here and there, but we're not gonna tour


"But we are doing a couple of one-offs. For example, we're doing the Albert Hall Teenage Cancer Trust show in April, then we'll do the V Festival and a couple of other sort of 'holiday gigs'."


Those sort of 'holiday gigs' must include Bangkok! It must! Pleaaaaaaaaaaase...


*still going insane from Muse- related withdrawal symptoms aka cancelled-gig illness.*

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Hola, I recorded and uploaded the interview


note: it's a bit loud, but everything is recorded properly


gosh, can't believe how much i miss matt's voice. lol.. i haven't listen to muse for a while now. the interview had definitely made me wanna listen to TIRO again. heh..




Those sort of 'holiday gigs' must include Bangkok! It must! Pleaaaaaaaaaaase...


*still going insane from Muse- related withdrawal symptoms aka cancelled-gig illness.*




Pleeaaseeee... it must include Bangkok!!! lol.. but not nov to early dec please. i have to bertugas.:wtf:


OMG I WANT. i wanna meet brandon boyd i wanna meet brandon boyd i wanna meet brandon boyd! :eek:


the black hair one who always drives is vanessa, the brown haired one is pam. but yeah vanessa is really pretty. pam looks more like her brother vince. hehheh.




hahahaha if you kidnap him, i'll er.. er.... spike your drink! :p what videos are you talking about?


yeah the AF dude. i think pam looks a lot like him! you didn't notice? it was on the newspaper summore, when The Star was introducing all the teams. apparently Marc and Rovilson are models and Natasha and Paula are VJs for a music channel in Thailand. or something like that. lol.


i find the goth couple in the american version very weird la. but weird in a funny way. their names are damn unique, and i saw this one scene where the dude was scolding his girlfriend, he was like "vyxin! stop the car vyxin!" or something like that, dunno la the way he said it, i thought it was really funny. but then again i'm memang quite weird so it doesnt matter haha. :$


i didn't see no ad... how was the ad like? when's the fort canning gig ar?


i wanna meet jose i wanna meet jose i wanna jose and brandon too.


von posted a few vids from the KL gig. i downloaded all of 'em. i love her sunburn vid most but her invincible vid is damn special for me :$:D


i don't read newspaper much la... that's why i didn't noe. u noe, when they were in South Africa, i kept thinking about how muse are gonna love that country. it's so beautiful. i can definitely imagine matt grabbing dom's arm or hiding behind him when he sees a cheetah or an elephant at the safari. :p:LOL:


it was like a normal concert promotion ad. the fort canning gig is on the 7th of march. it's a friday. if it is a saturday, i will definitely go.:(:(

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gosh, can't believe how much i miss matt's voice. lol.. i haven't listen to muse for a while now. the interview had definitely made me wanna listen to TIRO again. heh..






Pleeaaseeee... it must include Bangkok!!! lol.. but not nov to early dec please. i have to bertugas.:wtf:




i wanna meet jose i wanna meet jose i wanna jose and brandon too.


von posted a few vids from the KL gig. i downloaded all of 'em. i love her sunburn vid most but her invincible vid is damn special for me :$:D


i don't read newspaper much la... that's why i didn't noe. u noe, when they were in South Africa, i kept thinking about how muse are gonna love that country. it's so beautiful. i can definitely imagine matt grabbing dom's arm or hiding behind him when he sees a cheetah or an elephant at the safari. :p:LOL:


it was like a normal concert promotion ad. the fort canning gig is on the 7th of march. it's a friday. if it is a saturday, i will definitely go.:(:(


Oh wow this thread was alive while i wasn't here. How nice, people! :p

Do you still have Von's videos? I only got to download KOC+Hysteria!!!! I can't believe i missed the rest! What other videos were there? And why is Invincible 'special' huh? heh heh heh heh.

It's a shame about Matt not being interested in getting muse to do the Quantum Solace theme eh... I wonder if this time i'll wana go to Bkk to watch Muse if they do come... hmmm.... Since they're taking a rest and not touring, I'm guessing they wana start doing a proper album.


And i can't go to Sunburst, Miele, no matter how attractive that "Meet & Greet with the artists at Sunburst KL '08" sounds.

Im not even going to catch Incubus 'ere. :eek:


If anyone wana watch the Incubus ad,

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It reaches stupid levels in Singapore and Malaysia don't you think? Sorry if i'm stepping on anyone's toes here but you can't deny that a lot of people there practically worship white/eurasian people there just because they have european blood/looks. and then there are the VJs who have the strangest accents! that's more funny than annoying but if i watch too much MTV i get a headache listening to them :LOL:

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Perhaps it's not really helpful to single out a specific group of people drummarista. Beauty / being perceived as being better than other ppl sometimes changes how ppl behave, e.g. being part caucasian sometimes gets you better treatment at a designer boutique compared to, say, a Bangladeshi. It's called being shallow. But then that's life with all its complications., However there are ppl out there that treat everyone the same regardless of race, and these are ppl we should seek out.


*gets off soapbox*


that said, Nutcracker how come u not going for Incubus? :stunned:

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yeah i guess not - i don't intend to only single out the s'pore & m'sia; i say those two countries because i've lived there and seen it with my own eyes. i'm sure there may be other countries that do that as well; i just haven't been there and so i can't say. maybe the fact that i don't like the s'pore and m'sia and the govt/education system runs things is affecting my viewpoint but really i reckon i'm just calling it the way i see it. and you are too, which is fair enough.


*gets off soapbox which is higher than yours nyah-nyah :p*


lol damn it i started myself on my spiel. somebody stop me!

(ten points if you get the reference.)


incubus are playing here tomorrow. but not at vector! at the logan campbell centre of all places.

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Hola again ppl!



300 pages, woot!


Here’s what Chris had to say in a recent Dubai-related interview:


It was probably one of the best tours we have done. We didn’t know what to expect, but we saw some of the best crowds we have ever had.”[/b]]


*Still perasan that he's talking about KL / other SEA venues*


*runs off to do work*

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i don't know yet debbie. cause i'm still trying to get one of my friends to go with me, or else i'll be going alone! i'll sell them to you if none of my friends are going. are you going alone too? why don't we all just go together in a big happy group of :musesign: and music lover and, of course, have a picnic there! hahaha.


haha if none of my friends are going then yeah i'll definitely be in for the muse fans group thing with the picnic and stuff :D so is the ticket going to your friend?


gosh, can't believe how much i miss matt's voice. lol.. i haven't listen to muse for a while now. the interview had definitely made me wanna listen to TIRO again. heh..


i wanna meet jose i wanna meet jose i wanna jose and brandon too.


von posted a few vids from the KL gig. i downloaded all of 'em. i love her sunburn vid most but her invincible vid is damn special for me


i don't read newspaper much la... that's why i didn't noe. u noe, when they were in South Africa, i kept thinking about how muse are gonna love that country. it's so beautiful. i can definitely imagine matt grabbing dom's arm or hiding behind him when he sees a cheetah or an elephant at the safari.


it was like a normal concert promotion ad. the fort canning gig is on the 7th of march. it's a friday. if it is a saturday, i will definitely go.


lol the other day i heard Starlight on hitz.fm and felt like changing the channel (that's how much i've grown to dislike the song after it got its heavy airplay) but my friend insisted on listening to it. then he suddenly said "i like Exo-politics" and i'm like "WHOA YOU LISTEN TO MUSE??" and then we started talking about Muse and now i feel like my passion is coming back :happy: aaand Starlight doesnt sound so bad anymore. hehe. :p


oh yeah! i cant believe i forgot about her muse gig vids. they were GREAT. clear and steady and whatnots. i downloaded all of em too! one day when i'm free i'm SO gonna watch the videos and 'relive the moment' again man haha.


hahahahah i can so imagine Matt going "look dom! *nudges at dom* It's an ostritch! by the bloody road!"

and Dom gives that LOVELY grin of his and says something cool like "only in Africa Matt, only in Africa" :happy:


Oh wow this thread was alive while i wasn't here. How nice, people! :p

Do you still have Von's videos? I only got to download KOC+Hysteria!!!! I can't believe i missed the rest! What other videos were there? And why is Invincible 'special' huh? heh heh heh heh.

It's a shame about Matt not being interested in getting muse to do the Quantum Solace theme eh... I wonder if this time i'll wana go to Bkk to watch Muse if they do come... hmmm.... Since they're taking a rest and not touring, I'm guessing they wana start doing a proper album.


And i can't go to Sunburst, Miele, no matter how attractive that "Meet & Greet with the artists at Sunburst KL '08" sounds.

Im not even going to catch Incubus 'ere.


If anyone wana watch the Incubus ad,


lol i'll let crazy_mary tell you why Invincible was special... heeh heeh heeh.

What Quantum Solace thing? :confused:


i wish they'd go to Bangkok though. cause i wanna go there again!! man the shopping that can be done there is MASSIVE man. and the tom yam is so good.

yeah i guess they'll start writing soon. it's about time anyway! i'm dying for new material. i wonder how long it'll take until their next album comes along :erm:


why aren't you going to see Incubus? :eek: DUDE you get 2 whole hours of them man! don't miss this opportunity! Especially since Light Grenades sounds soooo goooood :happy:


That was too easy. But yes 10 points for you whoot!


Nah i'm not going, my mate is. i'm thinking if i should though; i feel like gigging esp now i'm on hols again. it'd be pretty cool but i don't know their stuff well enough i don't think. it'd be $72 for me.


I feel like gigging too! I actually feel kinda bummed that i missed Explosions In The Sky's gig last night. tickets were only RM130.


I can't believe I'm saying this but................ i wanna go see the Backstreet Boys :$ they're coming next week and i feel very very gig-deprived!


Hola again ppl!



300 pages, woot!


Here’s what Chris had to say in a recent Dubai-related interview:


It was probably one of the best tours we have done. We didn’t know what to expect, but we saw some of the best crowds we have ever had.”[/b]]/QUOTE]


*Still perasan that he's talking about KL / other SEA venues*


*runs off to do work*


yay 300 pages! :happy: I cant wait til we have a second thread!


lol so cute la you. yay go SEA! *waves Malaysia flag*

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Do you still have Von's videos? I only got to download KOC+Hysteria!!!! I can't believe i missed the rest! What other videos were there? And why is Invincible 'special' huh? heh heh heh heh.

It's a shame about Matt not being interested in getting muse to do the Quantum Solace theme eh... I wonder if this time i'll wana go to Bkk to watch Muse if they do come... hmmm.... Since they're taking a rest and not touring, I'm guessing they wana start doing a proper album.


Im not even going to catch Incubus 'ere.


i certainly do. the vids are so precioussss to me. she posted 4 vids, KOC+hysteria, Sunburn, CE, assassin and invincible. u'll know why invincible is special to me once u've watched it! :p:$


am kinda happy that they're not doing bond's theme. i always find james bond's themes as very cheesy! except the one by chris cornell, but i don't think his was james bond's theme eh? hmm..i might be wrong..





Nah i'm not going, my mate is. i'm thinking if i should though; i feel like gigging esp now i'm on hols again. it'd be pretty cool but i don't know their stuff well enough i don't think. it'd be $72 for me.


wow, $72. how much was muse's concert tix?


lol the other day i heard Starlight on hitz.fm and felt like changing the channel (that's how much i've grown to dislike the song after it got its heavy airplay) but my friend insisted on listening to it. then he suddenly said "i like Exo-politics" and i'm like "WHOA YOU LISTEN TO MUSE??" and then we started talking about Muse and now i feel like my passion is coming back aaand Starlight doesnt sound so bad anymore. hehe.


oh yeah! i cant believe i forgot about her muse gig vids. they were GREAT. clear and steady and whatnots. i downloaded all of em too! one day when i'm free i'm SO gonna watch the videos and 'relive the moment' again man haha.


hahahahah i can so imagine Matt going "look dom! *nudges at dom* It's an ostritch! by the bloody road!"

and Dom gives that LOVELY grin of his and says something cool like "only in Africa Matt, only in Africa"


why aren't you going to see Incubus? DUDE you get 2 whole hours of them man! don't miss this opportunity! Especially since Light Grenades sounds soooo goooood




I feel like gigging too! I actually feel kinda bummed that i missed Explosions In The Sky's gig last night. tickets were only RM130.


I can't believe I'm saying this but................ i wanna go see the Backstreet Boys they're coming next week and i feel very very gig-deprived!




yay 300 pages! :happy: I cant wait til we have a second thread!


lol so cute la you. yay go SEA! *waves Malaysia flag*


well, i blame myself not the heavy airplay of starlight for getting tired of listening to muse! i was listening to them religiously, every freaking day since dec 06 till dec 07! lol.. talk about muse overload! :LOL: i still haven't listen to any muse songs recently. not tired of in rainbows yet. lol.. and it's brilliant that ur friend likes exo-politics. though song to like imo.


i'll definitely be watching von's and tired unhappy's vids on the 25th! :D


o my gosh. dom's LOVELY grin. i can totally lyk imagine him lyk showing his pearly whites and lyk gigling with matt. *fan girly mode* and omg, BSB is coming? lol..seriously. they're coming next week? :stunned:


Light grenades is growing on me rite now. i esp love papershoes and love hurts. i hope they play those two songs at sunburst!


i'm kicking myself for not going to see EITS too! :(:( i don't know where ruums club is. pathetic. should've googled the place rather than not going. bloody hell, there goes my once in a lifetime chance to see 'em in KL. :(


i thought matt was keen to write it? apparently muse wouldn't be performing it either way even if he did end up writing it or something like that.


yeah.. he said he would write it but not perform it, which is a very wise decision imo.

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Sorry i can't multi-quote, it'll make you climb up the walls. :D


Why am i not watching Incubus? Cuz im going to for the Desert Rock!! HAHAH I wish.

no lah, cuz when i was considering buying the tix, i found out that it was already so expensive (it's $125 now, event though i spent more for linkin park :LOL:). I also have no one to go with! What made me ultimatelly decide not to go was the setlist. Deb, you're right about Light Grenades sounding good, but it's not good enough. I seriously love the old Incubus better. But maybe i didn't give Light Grenades much listen to begin with.:(

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Sorry i can't multi-quote, it'll make you climb up the walls. :D


Why am i not watching Incubus? Cuz im going to for the Desert Rock!! HAHAH I wish.

no lah, cuz when i was considering buying the tix, i found out that it was already so expensive (it's $125 now, event though i spent more for linkin park :LOL:). I also have no one to go with! What made me ultimatelly decide not to go was the setlist. Deb, you're right about Light Grenades sounding good, but it's not good enough. I seriously love the old Incubus better. But maybe i didn't give Light Grenades much listen to begin with.:(


That nearly gave me a heart attck damn u ! :LOL:



Btw, the tremors yesterday was scary, I can feel the office building moving for hours afterwards.

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helo girls n boys! :D i havent posted anything here for ages i think, i've just been reading wht ya'll typing, lol! seems like everyone is goin to that sunburst festival, i wanna go too but i dont have that much money at the moment BUT im goin to BSB concert! :LOL: i was a huge fan of them so what the hell, they r not coming here again im sure! this will be my first and last of the BSB! n the tix r not that pricey :p who here wants to join me raise ur hand!!! ;)

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Hey Audrey! gah... i'm so jealous of u. :( 2008 must have been a great year for u so far, with mcr and incubus! who else are u gonna see this year? wish i could come too! but my sis didn't get me the tix when she went to manila last month! are they sold out?


Don't be jealous, I'm not even in front row. :D Little broke atm so I just bought the upper box b ticket. It's better than not watching at all eh? Yes, this year there are tons of live bands/artists coming here. Just for March we have 3 bands to perform here, Maroon 5, Incubus and Toto. 2008 is very promising in terms of gigs, I just hope Muse, SP, Radiohead and FF will drop by here soon. Awww why didn't she get you a tix? I think they're not yet sold out.

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That nearly gave me a heart attck damn u ! :LOL:



Btw, the tremors yesterday was scary, I can feel the office building moving for hours afterwards.


Haha i knew i would get that kinda reaction abt Desert Rock.;)


What tremors? Forgive my ignorance, please...



Don't be jealous, I'm not even in front row. :D Little broke atm so I just bought the upper box b ticket. It's better than not watching at all eh? Yes, this year there are tons of live bands/artists coming here. Just for March we have 3 bands to perform here, Maroon 5, Incubus and Toto. 2008 is very promising in terms of gigs, I just hope Muse, SP, Radiohead and FF will drop by here soon. Awww why didn't she get you a tix? I think they're not yet sold out.


Wow 3 awesome bands within a month! Imagine someone with a diverse taste in music who'll want to catch all 3 of em. Who knows, maybe Muse will consider Manila city as one of their "holiday spots".



Crazy_mary, if you have the time, could you upload the vids of Assassin and Invincible @ KL? :\mm/:

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well, i blame myself not the heavy airplay of starlight for getting tired of listening to muse! i was listening to them religiously, every freaking day since dec 06 till dec 07! lol.. talk about muse overload! i still haven't listen to any muse songs recently. not tired of in rainbows yet. lol.. and it's brilliant that ur friend likes exo-politics. though song to like imo.


i'll definitely be watching von's and tired unhappy's vids on the 25th!


o my gosh. dom's LOVELY grin. i can totally lyk imagine him lyk showing his pearly whites and lyk gigling with matt. *fan girly mode* and omg, BSB is coming? lol..seriously. they're coming next week?


Light grenades is growing on me rite now. i esp love papershoes and love hurts. i hope they play those two songs at sunburst!


i'm kicking myself for not going to see EITS too!i don't know where ruums club is. pathetic. should've googled the place rather than not going. bloody hell, there goes my once in a lifetime chance to see 'em in KL.




yeah.. he said he would write it but not perform it, which is a very wise decision imo.


lol i'll prolly watch von and tired unhappy's vids on the 24th or 23rd, since i have college on the 25th. boohoo. and yeah BSB is coming!! haha on the 27th. your grand meet up with muse anniversary like omg! i still regret not calling you when dom was right in front of you :(:(:(


yeah i looove light grenades. especially rogues (favouritest song ever) and pendulous threads. and annaaa mollaaaay. if they play ALL the songs from light grenades, i'm SO prepared to sing along man haha. but of course they wont do that. i love their older singles too! keyword: singles. i didnt listen to their old albums, only singles. they have so many albums lah. so hard to keep up with. hehe.


oh i know where RUUMS is! roughly la. i walked passed by it on my prom night when i was walking from our hotel to the 'after party' at Asian Heritage Row (i walked in heels btw, and i got blisters. seriously the walk was so far. i'm so thankful i wasn't walking in my prom dress!). my classmate went though, and he said it was awesome. and it's their only SEA stop so really la.. it was a shame to miss it :(


Muse was asked to write and sing the new James Bond theme? really?


Sorry i can't multi-quote, it'll make you climb up the walls.


Why am i not watching Incubus? Cuz im going to for the Desert Rock!! HAHAH I wish.

no lah, cuz when i was considering buying the tix, i found out that it was already so expensive (it's $125 now, event though i spent more for linkin park ). I also have no one to go with! What made me ultimatelly decide not to go was the setlist. Deb, you're right about Light Grenades sounding good, but it's not good enough. I seriously love the old Incubus better. But maybe i didn't give Light Grenades much listen to begin with.:(


aiya but this is Incubus' first time in Singapore!


you know Incubus' setlist? can i please see it? lol i wanna know what songs they're gonna play! and you should give Light Grenades another listen la :) i really like it.


helo girls n boys! i havent posted anything here for ages i think, i've just been reading wht ya'll typing, lol! seems like everyone is goin to that sunburst festival, i wanna go too but i dont have that much money at the moment BUT im goin to BSB concert! i was a huge fan of them so what the hell, they r not coming here again im sure! this will be my first and last of the BSB! n the tix r not that pricey :p who here wants to join me raise ur hand!!! ;)


hello back to you shannaz!

how much was the BSB concert tickets? where did you get the tickets from? lol if it's cheap then i guess i'll go, to relive my childhood haha! i can imagine myself shrinking into little 7-year-old debbie singing to "As Long As You Love Me" while jumping around in my little shoes and poofy jeans :LOL: and maybe shedding a little tear that i'm seeing Nick Carter for the first time ever :eek::LOL:

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hello back to you shannaz!

how much was the BSB concert tickets? where did you get the tickets from? lol if it's cheap then i guess i'll go, to relive my childhood haha! i can imagine myself shrinking into little 7-year-old debbie singing to "As Long As You Love Me" while jumping around in my little shoes and poofy jeans :LOL: and maybe shedding a little tear that i'm seeing Nick Carterfor the first time ever :eek::LOL:


lol! i am so gonna be reliving my memories of being 15! :LOL: but i was never a fan of Nick, i go for the AJ kinda look! :LOL: but Matt...im still yours forever ;):D

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