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Hola ppl!


No lah, I just wish there would be a meetup, y'know in celebration of Feb 25th Wait a minute, when was the Fort Canning gig again? 1st year anniversary already right?


Photos of u with said Silver sneaks please? *menyibuk*


Dom is awesome, both as a drummer and as a cool person overall.


Haryzat, my cadangan remains the same: pls check out Junk or Kit & Tab and reach out to fellow musicians.


the SG gig was on the 16th Jan! Wow it feels like it's only been last week.

*I bet that I look good on the dance floor*


I like the fact that the insides are green and the shoe's lining is green. :D


notice that dom used part of my user name to describe SEA. heh.. if only he said, South East Asia was crazy_mary... huhu..:happy:




where is that man? :$



HAHA the crazy thing is a good one, kak faz. YOU WISH.:p threepointsix is a clothing store that sells some pretty neat stuff.. I love their tees!



and speaking of muse being on holiday, i hope they're in Bangkok! cause i'll be going there for holiday with the family in 2 weeks :D on the same day Switchfoot is coming! so sad. i'm missing Switchfoot :(




yeah J.Co! or Big Apple, which is available in The Curve or 1 Utama. good stuff, good stuff. definitely worth the wait :) you could have tapau-ed a dozen or two and bring em to singapore! seriously its really good :D


yeah the cabs at KL are crap expensive. one dude charged me 30 bucks once, from Sg Wang to Hotel Istana, which is actually walking distance. so my friends and i ended up walking in the end. haha.




i went to the Pavilion too! *raises hand* how did you ask the Tower Record dude? if i ask the Tower Record or Rock Corner people in 1utama, i'm scared they wont know what the heck i'm talking about! ahah. aww dom. i love.. lovelovelovelove :D




DUDE i've always wanted dom's silver converse! but i'm scared they might look incredibly lala on me, so i decided not to look for them. lol. which threepointsix outlet did you get them from?




er... yellow langsat? haha.



OH wow you're going to Bangkok! i miss that place already! i wish i had bought more cheap and unbelievably cool tees!! die die must check out kao sahn road at night!

Try to get a pair of silver sneakers if you can. I doubt it'll look "lala" in fact you'll be the only person ever to wear them! I know no one here wears them, so far.... heh heh heh. I got mine from 3.6 at the Pavillion, just before i went home. How cool is that! hahaha. it was a nightmare finding them damned silver shoes.

Oh don make me regret not buying some famous donuts, Deb!! Maybe next time i'll be more patient.:chaplin:


I found out that from midvalley the cab drivers are not vultures as they used meters! lucky.

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think about it yeah.. the other possible adjectives he could've used instead of crazy.. mental, insane, out of this world... and yet he chose to use crazy. yup. 100% sure he was thinking about this board member named crazy_mary when talking about their SEA fans! :D:p *in super massive perasan mode*




:LOL: Hahahaahah. Betul la tu :p


HI miele!

I stayed in Penang before..yup,Tower in Gurney Plaza really great...gud service n lots of promotion oso:D Me too,cant wait for the new release Muse's DVD..;)


Hello back! Gurney's a favourite hangout now that I've joined a gym there :$. Tower dia best bcoz the staff is helpful even when they're confused by certain insane Musers :D


and speaking of muse being on holiday, i hope they're in Bangkok! cause i'll be going there for holiday with the family in 2 weeks :D



Wow Deb, have fun ya! Do take the boats to travel all over, they're awesome and so convenient. I loved the sight of well-dressed businessmen riding the boats to work. *Reminisces* I think Faz loved the boat rides as well. Oh and eat whenever u can, their street food's awesome!


Nut is right, u must go to Khao San Road. I miss Bangkok too, when will Muse ganti the cancelled gig lah....


Ok i'll stop now. :p




the SG gig was on the 16th Jan! Wow it feels like it's only been last week.

*I bet that I look good on the dance floor*


I like the fact that the insides are green and the shoe's lining is green. :D




Dude, I love your shoes. *Covets*


And dont get me started on Bangkok man. 2x dah pegi pun not enough, haha.



On other news, any cool gigs coming up ppl? Jadi tak that Sunburt Festival? Kat Singapore ada anything of interest ke?

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Hi miele!

U joined dat Celebrity Fitness..gud 4 u loh;) Yaa...u'r rite..i went to Tower at Sunway Pyramid,asked if Muse DVD in store yet...and she kinda weird bout Muse name..hehe..maybe in her mind,"wat d hecked'..:LOL: Gig in Bangkok?i've never been to Bangkok...but wish 1 fine day..huhu...but Muse,pls come again to Malaysia this year!

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lol! no way! i refuse to believe that Matt or Dom got married :p maybe matt la, since there have been rumours flying around already, but not dom. nooo!


:yesey: dom can't get married! unless it's with meeee...:ninja:



*I bet that I look good on the dance floor*


I like the fact that the insides are green and the shoe's lining is green.


I found out that from midvalley the cab drivers are not vultures as they used meters! lucky.


nice shoes! how appropriate. lime green and silver. very dom-ish! :D


Wow Deb, have fun ya! Do take the boats to travel all over, they're awesome and so convenient. I loved the sight of well-dressed businessmen riding the boats to work. *Reminisces* I think Faz loved the boat rides as well. Oh and eat whenever u can, their street food's awesome!


Nut is right, u must go to Khao San Road. I miss Bangkok too, when will Muse ganti the cancelled gig lah....


Ok i'll stop now. :p


And dont get me started on Bangkok man. 2x dah pegi pun not enough, haha.


On other news, any cool gigs coming up ppl? Jadi tak that Sunburt Festival? Kat Singapore ada anything of interest ke?


yeah Deb, have fun! i seriously love the boat ride, better than taxi or tuk tuk coz there's no jam. even though i got sick a day after i got back from bangkok, i love it there. esp the fact that we were figuring things out on our own. rasa mcm globe trekker, way more fun than having a tour guide along! heh.. Khao San Road is awesome. wish i ahd bought more shirts there. i suck at shopping. lol..


do u think muse will reschedule bangkok? huhu.. don't want to get my hopes up again.


still no news about sunburst music festival.:supersad: (new emoticon!) but there's always something on in spore.:rolleyes:


Hi miele!

U joined dat Celebrity Fitness..gud 4 u loh;) Yaa...u'r rite..i went to Tower at Sunway Pyramid,asked if Muse DVD in store yet...and she kinda weird bout Muse name..hehe..maybe in her mind,"wat d hecked'..:LOL: Gig in Bangkok?i've never been to Bangkok...but wish 1 fine day..huhu...but Muse,pls come again to Malaysia this year!


i don't need to join any gym to loose weight! i need to gain weight. :LOL:


sorry. i made a tiny adjustment to ur post just to show that i agree with ya! ;)


did u guys know that Bjork is coming to jakarta? meh... why not KL? KL, people!!! don't forget that we love music too!


i wanna watch dantura raja bersiong, but i don't have the time. naper la tak wat time weekend. haih..

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anybody have any idea when is the latest muse tour dvd gonna come over to malaysia???


those who live in KL are so lucky, they at least get something international like muse over here. orang tinggal kat kedah ni, susah nak dapatkan apa-apa muse cd pun! pedihnya...

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:yesey: dom can't get married! unless it's with meeee...:ninja:




nice shoes! how appropriate. lime green and silver. very dom-ish! :D




yeah Deb, have fun! i seriously love the boat ride, better than taxi or tuk tuk coz there's no jam. even though i got sick a day after i got back from bangkok, i love it there. esp the fact that we were figuring things out on our own. rasa mcm globe trekker, way more fun than having a tour guide along! heh.. Khao San Road is awesome. wish i ahd bought more shirts there. i suck at shopping. lol..


do u think muse will reschedule bangkok? huhu.. don't want to get my hopes up again.


still no news about sunburst music festival.:supersad: (new emoticon!) but there's always something on in spore.:rolleyes:




i don't need to join any gym to loose weight! i need to gain weight. :LOL:


sorry. i made a tiny adjustment to ur post just to show that i agree with ya! ;)


did u guys know that Bjork is coming to jakarta? meh... why not KL? KL, people!!! don't forget that we love music too!


i wanna watch dantura raja bersiong, but i don't have the time. naper la tak wat time weekend. haih..


Sure you want to fight with a bazillion other girls to get Dom, Faz? :D Deb for one.



Bangkok: thanks for the memory flash, it was quite fun wasnt it, lawak sial. But if Muse+ bangkok = die from overwhelming happiness. But I'm not placing any bets on the rescheduling, if dapat tu kira like an unexpected gift la.


What is dantura faz? *loser at BM* Teringat 'dentures' sebab tajuk dia raja bersiong. :LOL:




anybody have any idea when is the latest muse tour dvd gonna come over to malaysia???


those who live in KL are so lucky, they at least get something international like muse over here. orang tinggal kat kedah ni, susah nak dapatkan apa-apa muse cd pun! pedihnya...


DVD probably out February. Try call and tanya Warner tengok.


Aah dont worry if kat Kedah xda, Penang kan ada, not that far what. the trick is to be kamceng with the record stores, and minta the item /order awal2.


But I understand what u mean, we have to usaha lebih la, macam bila Muse datang pun kena travel ke KL, so extra cost. But the effort is fun though, baru rasa macam hardcore fan!




Dok Kedah kat mana? I used to go to school @ Kulim.

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anybody have any idea when is the latest muse tour dvd gonna come over to malaysia???


those who live in KL are so lucky, they at least get something international like muse over here. orang tinggal kat kedah ni, susah nak dapatkan apa-apa muse cd pun! pedihnya...


x pa.. if not available here, we can always kirim to miele who's going to europe in June. dapat yg UK nyer edition lg best! ;)


Sure you want to fight with a bazillion other girls to get Dom, Faz? :D Deb for one.



Bangkok: thanks for the memory flash, it was quite fun wasnt it, lawak sial. But if Muse+ bangkok = die from overwhelming happiness. But I'm not placing any bets on the rescheduling, if dapat tu kira like an unexpected gift la.


What is dantura faz? *loser at BM* Teringat 'dentures' sebab tajuk dia raja bersiong. :LOL:


lol.. dom is mine!! dah ditakdirkan sejak azali lg but dlm mimpi je la..:(:supersad: damn i love this new emoticon. lol


:party::party: if bangkok really happens...


come to think of it i dunno what dantura means.:unsure: it could mean dentures! haha..i'll ask my sis! i was trying to say dramatari. heh.. really need my sleep.

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Too lazy to multi-quote heh heh...

Absolution dvd wasn't released in Msia is it? I'm sure this time Warner might wana release this dvd. Esp after a good turn out for their gig last year.


Miele ur going to europe eh? i envy you!!:mad: Maybe Muse will be in an European country and you're also bound for that country eh! Good luck! If you're going to Amsterdam get some shrooms will ya, HAHAHAHAHA!




Awww shucks you guys....! Thanks for the compliments on my dom-like sneakers!

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hello people! i'm too lazy to multi quote. i havent been on lately now have i? :eek: something came up with my internet :( i'm using the computer at my college library now.


where is this Khao San Road you all speak of? do they sell like super cheap stuff like in this popular place called er... Chatuchack or something? i'm so blur when it comes to Bangkok la. lol


and er, Kak Faz, i have an idea! you marry Dom, convert him into a Muslim so that he can marry me too! :LOL: then we dont have to fight for him when we can just share :p


miele i didnt know you were going to Europe! which part? :happy:

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Too lazy to multi-quote heh heh...

Absolution dvd wasn't released in Msia is it? I'm sure this time Warner might wana release this dvd. Esp after a good turn out for their gig last year.


Miele ur going to europe eh? i envy you!!:mad: Maybe Muse will be in an European country and you're also bound for that country eh! Good luck! If you're going to Amsterdam get some shrooms will ya, HAHAHAHAHA!




Awww shucks you guys....! Thanks for the compliments on my dom-like sneakers!


Absolution is quite easy to find here, (I bought it @ a fav old skool record store). Glastonbury on the other hand....


Europe? Tengah planning and saving money (god willing). I'm waiting for March to pruchase flight tix, as there's a massive travel fair. Planning to go Italy, Amsterdam (yup, partly for the shrooms heheh), Paris and Austria during the end of June = Euro 08.


But my friend kat Leeds is trying to 'racun' me to go to UK, saying Muse will play in the summer festivals. So all not concrete plans yet. thanks for asking!


So yeah on, if I go and the Wembley DVD still not out, sure no problem.



where is this Khao San Road you all speak of? do they sell like super cheap stuff like in this popular place called er... Chatuchack or something? i'm so blur when it comes to Bangkok la. lol



miele i didnt know you were going to Europe! which part? :happy:


Khao San Road is in an area called Banglamphu. It has the cheapest backpacker accomodation and excellent cafe / nightlife/ hippie scene. Watch the movie the Beach at the beginning. Quite easy to get grass there as well. Oops I shouldnt be telling u that :LOL: The official website: khaosanroad.com


The shopping there is great for the cool and cheap factor, but for a way wider selection go to Chatuchak (or JJ for Thais). The place is massive, I nearly killed my feet shopping for 6 hours straight. :D


just a short reminder: its been 11 months! next month will be 1 year! any celebration? :D


:party::musesign: Woot it's the 25th! I'm all for a celebration next month, online pun boleh ja.

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Happy anniversary people! what should we do on the next 25th ek? must think of something special to celebrate our 1 year anniversary! :happy:


Deb, sure u wanna bermadu with me eh? :LOL: think i've taken this Dom thing a bit too far. heh..:ninja::stunned:


absolution tour dvd is not available here la Nut. so.. there's a huge possibility that HAARP tour dvd will not be available here too la i think. if it is, then it's gonna freaking expensive am sure :rolleyes: Absolution Tour IS Glastonbury rite? :unsure:


i'll be in Dubai in March people.. only in my dreams tho.:( jeles giler with miele who's going to europe time euro 08!

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anybody have any idea when is the latest muse tour dvd gonna come over to malaysia???


those who live in KL are so lucky, they at least get something international like muse over here. orang tinggal kat kedah ni, susah nak dapatkan apa-apa muse cd pun! pedihnya...


Kedah where la dude...im act born in Perlis...but now live in PJ.miele rite,u can get Muse stuff in Penang.ya..all musers said their tour dvd will b out in feb..

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Absolution is quite easy to find here, (I bought it @ a fav old skool record store). Glastonbury on the other hand....


Europe? Tengah planning and saving money (god willing). I'm waiting for March to pruchase flight tix, as there's a massive travel fair. Planning to go Italy, Amsterdam (yup, partly for the shrooms heheh), Paris and Austria during the end of June = Euro 08.


But my friend kat Leeds is trying to 'racun' me to go to UK, saying Muse will play in the summer festivals. So all not concrete plans yet. thanks for asking!


So yeah on, if I go and the Wembley DVD still not out, sure no problem.


Khao San Road is in an area called Banglamphu. It has the cheapest backpacker accomodation and excellent cafe / nightlife/ hippie scene. Watch the movie the Beach at the beginning. Quite easy to get grass there as well. Oops I shouldnt be telling u that :LOL: The official website: khaosanroad.com


The shopping there is great for the cool and cheap factor, but for a way wider selection go to Chatuchak (or JJ for Thais). The place is massive, I nearly killed my feet shopping for 6 hours straight.




Woot it's the 25th! I'm all for a celebration next month, online pun boleh ja.



WOw i didn't know you could find grass at KSR. Was the start of the Beach really scenes from KSR? After going to Bangkok i appreciate the movie even more hahaha...

I will be very happy for you if ou get to catch Muse at the UK! jus bring back some photos!



Happy anniversary people! what should we do on the next 25th ek? must think of something special to celebrate our 1 year anniversary!


Deb, sure u wanna bermadu with me eh? think i've taken this Dom thing a bit too far. heh..:ninja::stunned:


absolution tour dvd is not available here la Nut. so.. there's a huge possibility that HAARP tour dvd will not be available here too la i think. if it is, then it's gonna freaking expensive am sure :rolleyes: Absolution Tour IS Glastonbury rite? :unsure:


i'll be in Dubai in March people.. only in my dreams tho. jeles giler with miele who's going to europe time euro 08!


Glasto IS Absolution Tour, you're right! Guess you have to order then eh, for the HAARP dvd... How cool is it for muse to perform in a middle eastern country? Dubai is mid eastern rite?


hello people! i'm too lazy to multi quote. i havent been on lately now have i? :eek: something came up with my internet :( i'm using the computer at my college library now.


where is this Khao San Road you all speak of? do they sell like super cheap stuff like in this popular place called er... Chatuchack or something? i'm so blur when it comes to Bangkok la. lol


and er, Kak Faz, i have an idea! you marry Dom, convert him into a Muslim so that he can marry me too! :LOL: then we dont have to fight for him when we can just share :p


miele i didnt know you were going to Europe! which part? :happy:


Khao San Road is really cool, but it's a short street compared to Chatuchak. KSR sells MANY tees, i love it so much. :D

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Happy anniversary people! what should we do on the next 25th ek? must think of something special to celebrate our 1 year anniversary! :happy:



i'll be in Dubai in March people.. only in my dreams tho.:( jeles giler with miele who's going to europe time euro 08!


Damn Faz, near massive wave of excitement there :LOL: I thought for real you'll be i@ Desert Rock!


Hopefully I;ll get to go, barring any last minute hurdles, espec work. *Nervous*. Sadly I just found out Muse wont be doing Glastonbury in June...so may skip UK and hoping they'll do France instead.


I;m voting yeah for a 1-yr anniversary celebration! Photo op @ Stadium Negara anyone? :LOL:



WOw i didn't know you could find grass at KSR. Was the start of the Beach really scenes from KSR? After going to Bangkok i appreciate the movie even more hahaha...

I will be very happy for you if ou get to catch Muse at the UK! jus bring back some photos!



Glasto IS Absolution Tour, you're right! Guess you have to order then eh, for the HAARP dvd... How cool is it for muse to perform in a middle eastern country? Dubai is mid eastern rite?



Khao San Road is really cool, but it's a short street compared to Chatuchak. KSR sells MANY tees, i love it so much. :D


Yeah @ KSR 2 years back, I stumpled onto some places @ the back alleys near where the cheap massage / spas are....but no misuse la heheh. Didnt tell u @ the time since ur family was there and tak nak corrupt a youngling ;)


haha i got confused bout the Abso Tour, sorry folks :$


Damn I have friends working in Dubai, none of them have heard of Muse :rolleyes:


P.S- sorry faz bout Federrer losing in Oz Open, surprising but that Serb kid on form giler.

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Grass is the other word for marijuana. widely used in The Beach heh heh...


Is that photo real? :eek: seems like you can fall off anytime. Fight till death, they say.


i've never watched The Beach :$


yes. that's a real photo! i actually wanted to find a photo of federer wearing that male arab traditional clothes.. u know the white jubah with the head gear.. i saw it once upon a time ago but can't remember where. Dom would look fab in one of those clothes. heh..


Damn Faz, near massive wave of excitement there :LOL: I thought for real you'll be i@ Desert Rock!


Hopefully I;ll get to go, barring any last minute hurdles, espec work. *Nervous*. Sadly I just found out Muse wont be doing Glastonbury in June...so may skip UK and hoping they'll do France instead.


I;m voting yeah for a 1-yr anniversary celebration! Photo op @ Stadium Negara anyone? :LOL:



Yeah @ KSR 2 years back, I stumpled onto some places @ the back alleys near where the cheap massage / spas are....but no misuse la heheh. Didnt tell u @ the time since ur family was there and tak nak corrupt a youngling ;)


haha i got confused bout the Abso Tour, sorry folks :$


Damn I have friends working in Dubai, none of them have heard of Muse :rolleyes:


P.S- sorry faz bout Federrer losing in Oz Open, surprising but that Serb kid on form giler.


lol.. if only that is true! hope u'll get to go to Europe. yeah.. they're not playing Glaston but they're almost confirmed for V. so maybe u can make ur way there? or.... just go to Dubai la in March.. rocking in the desert. how cool is that? :happy:


thanks for the sympathy but i think he lost to a better player. u're right Djokovic is damn fit and was playing better tennis than federer to beat him in straight set. i was on the verge on my seat during the tie braker. melbourne crowd was not happy to see federer out too esp after everybody was hoping for a nadal - federer final. oh well, better luck in French Open i hope, tho he has never won that before!

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Damn Faz, near massive wave of excitement there :LOL: I thought for real you'll be i@ Desert Rock!


Hopefully I;ll get to go, barring any last minute hurdles, espec work. *Nervous*. Sadly I just found out Muse wont be doing Glastonbury in June...so may skip UK and hoping they'll do France instead.


I;m voting yeah for a 1-yr anniversary celebration! Photo op @ Stadium Negara anyone? :LOL:





Yeah @ KSR 2 years back, I stumpled onto some places @ the back alleys near where the cheap massage / spas are....but no misuse la heheh. Didnt tell u @ the time since ur family was there and tak nak corrupt a youngling ;)


haha i got confused bout the Abso Tour, sorry folks :$


Damn I have friends working in Dubai, none of them have heard of Muse :rolleyes:


P.S- sorry faz bout Federrer losing in Oz Open, surprising but that Serb kid on form giler.


Oh ok thanks for being mum about it, though i think my mom will not be so worried if i knew where weed was being sold..

i've never watched The Beach :$


yes. that's a real photo! i actually wanted to find a photo of federer wearing that male arab traditional clothes.. u know the white jubah with the head gear.. i saw it once upon a time ago but can't remember where. Dom would look fab in one of those clothes. heh..




lol.. if only that is true! hope u'll get to go to Europe. yeah.. they're not playing Glaston but they're almost confirmed for V. so maybe u can make ur way there? or.... just go to Dubai la in March.. rocking in the desert. how cool is that? :happy:


thanks for the sympathy but i think he lost to a better player. u're right Djokovic is damn fit and was playing better tennis than federer to beat him in straight set. i was on the verge on my seat during the tie braker. melbourne crowd was not happy to see federer out too esp after everybody was hoping for a nadal - federer final. oh well, better luck in French Open i hope, tho he has never won that before!


Haha it'll be neat if they wear the Arab clothes. Im sure they'll buy it when they're in Dubai..


I like tennis in Xbox. Such a cool game. Do you play any tennis kak faz?

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unfortunately i don't. i tried once and i sucked at it and last weekend i gave it another go and twisted my ankle. :( am a good spectator not a good player. :p i tried playing FIFA 07 in PS during the holidays and i was bad at that one as well.


hey is smashing pumpkins coming to Singapore soon?

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From here: http://www.junkonline.net/node/607





The Smashing Pumpkins in Jakarta!

Word has it that Billy Corgan and co will be performing at the Tennis Indoor Stadium, Senayan, Jakarta, on the 18th of March. Indonesia's getting really lucky this year. The first major concert of the year for them was MXPX, followed by Switchfoot, My Chemical Romance, and of course, Bjork. And now, the Smashing Pumpkins!! What's next? Foo Fighters?


Folks outside Indonesia, don't worry. Word has it some organizers in Singapore and Malaysia are trying to bring the band down to the respective countries before they head on to Australia for tour.


Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best!

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^^ that's exactly where i read the news. i swear .. ever since Muse said that their fav city is jakarta, everybody wants to go there now!



don't wanna spread rumour but there are talks that people are trying to get smashing pumpkins to headline sunburst music festival. it's almost impossible i reckon.. coz, there's no official word about the festival pushing through or not!



god, i lost my voice today.. can't imagine how am i gonna teach a 40++ class of students without my voice tomorrow! :stunned:

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^^ that's exactly where i read the news. i swear .. ever since Muse said that their fav city is jakarta, everybody wants to go there now!



don't wanna spread rumour but there are talks that people are trying to get smashing pumpkins to headline sunburst music festival. it's almost impossible i reckon.. coz, there's no official word about the festival pushing through or not!



god, i lost my voice today.. can't imagine how am i gonna teach a 40++ class of students without my voice tomorrow! :stunned:






Are you a teacher?:eek:

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